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Information Literacy: Assessment: 2021-2024

ONEJWU LCAT Information Literacy Assessment

The University Libraries at all Johnson & Wales campuses have piloted the ONEJWU Library Created Assessment Tool  (LCAT) test as a benchmark assessment to test student information seeking skills.

Reports are available for the 2021/22 academic year as well as the proposal for the pilot for the 2022/23 academic year.

Beginning in spring 2024, all campuses will use ONEJWU Library Created Assessment Tool  (LCAT) test to collect baseline student information seeking skills against IL benchmarks to measure the impact of library instruction on information literacy skills, at the programmatic level.

These information literacy outcomes are meant to be accomplished over an undergraduate student’s career across all disciplines, through collaboration between librarians and faculty in assignments, courses, and curricula. 

JWU library outcomes are mapped both to the ACRL's frames as well as to university outcomes.

JWU Outcomes:

By the time undergraduate students graduate, the information literate JWU student will be able to:

  • evaluate the credibility of an information source while recognizing the relevance of authority, and the value of multiple perspectives and diverse voices.
  • ethically use and attribute information sources, recognizing systemic issues of access, including the ways in which marginalized voices are often suppressed within the systems that produce and disseminate information.

  • apply multiple strategies and tools to critically evaluate information sources, while understanding the research process involves asking new and increasingly complex questions.

  • recognize scholarly conversation as sustained discourse within a community, with new insights and discoveries occurring over time, as a result of new perspectives and interpretations. 

  • demonstrate research resilience by analyzing, evaluating, and using diverse information sources, seeking guidance from experts when needed.

For more information contact Sarah Naomi Campbell, Instruction Librarian.

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