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Embedded Resources: SNC

ENG 1030 (Fall 2021)

Hi, everyone! We are so happy to serve as your library liaisons! 
Think of us as your research partners...We can assist you with finding articles, developing a research topic, citing sources... you name it!   
If you ever want to meet with us for specialized research assistance, you can schedule a research appointment.
The JWU librarians are available for research appointments in-person, over the phone, and online. We would be more than happy to help you! 
Looking for immediate research assistance? Chat or Text us! 

Scenario: You've developed a fantastic topic for your speech. Now you need to find outside sources to support your arguments. To increase your credibility with the audience as the speaker, you need to verbally cite your sources in your speech.

Task: Let's practice finding an article together and creating a verbal citation, then we will break up into groups. Each group will then practice finding an article, identifying the type of source, the authority of the author(s), and how you would verbally cite it in your presentation or speech.  Each group will choose a presenter or presenters to share the verbal citation of the source they find together.

First, let's review some common techniques to verbally cite in Student to Student: Verbal Citation.  You might remember this video from the library module in your course.

Ok. So we learned a few techniques that credible speakers use to increase their authority with their audience.

Let's watch a short TedTalk and ask ourselves how credible the speaker appears to us.

The video we will watch next presents a TEDTalk: Who is the speaker? Are they credible? How do they prove their authority? Are they providing verbal citations? Do we trust them? Do they use any of the strategies from the student video?

Video (pasta)

Video (money)

Article (money)

Consider: What makes you a credible speaker? How do verbal citations increase your authority or the credibility of the speaker? Why does your professor require verbal citations? How do you find a credible source in the JWU databases and verbally cite it?


Find Your Group Number on the Google Slides  below. Make sure you write your names next to your group number, and choose who will present out with the verbal citation you've created as a group.

Google Slides

Was your search successful? What source types are available? What do they look like? Were you able to find the complete citation using the cite tool? Were you able to create a verbal citation, using a signal phrase to signal the authority and title of the source to increase your credibility as the presenter?


  1. Break into your groups 
  2. Go to the slide with your group number
  3. Choose a topic to use in searching the database assigned to your group OR use someone's actual topic from the group as a sample.
  4. Determine at least two sets of synonyms
  5. Conduct a search in your assigned database 
  6. Copy/Paste the titles of ONE scholarly article and ONE popular article (Hint: You may need to filter the results, i.e Academic Journals, Scholarly/Peer Reviewed, Magazines, Newspapers...)
  7. Click the "cite" button on the right to determine the complete citation.
  8. Using the full citation as a guide, create the verbal citation, using a signal phrase, such as "A 2021 research article led by Dr. Smith titled "How College Students Increase Productivity" argues...."
  9. Come back as a group, share out to compare...


Which library databases should you use? 

My recommendations:

The JWU library has two style guides: 

MLA Style Guide

APA Style Guide

However, if you need more in depth guidance on formatting visit the Purdue OWL

Need to talk to someone and seek guidance in real time?

  • If you are an online student, you can go to the online writing center for information about how to contact a writing coach. 
  • If you are a PVD campus student you can schedule an appointment with a writing coach through uSucceed. 

The JWU Writing Lab is open for both in-person and remote appointments (by zoom).

Whether you're just getting started or need final editing advice, writing coaches are super kind and trained to help you at any stage of the writing process. 

Top Tips for Working with the Writing Lab:

  1.    Book an appointment by phone: 401-598-1485  
  2.    Book an appointment online via USucceed: In jwulink, click Academics tab,  Academic Support Services.

For 24/7 free online revision feedback, submit your paper to Smarthinking. Look for the link in jwuLink, under the Academics tab, under Academic Support Services.