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M.A.T. Candidate Handbook Cohort 2025: Student Teaching

Student Teaching


Student teaching is a collaborative experience among candidates, Clinical Educators, and University Supervisors and is the culmination of the Teacher Education Program at Johnson & Wales University.  Upon successful completion of student teaching, candidates are prepared to work with students who have a wide variety of needs.

Practicum II

Having completed all previous course requirements for fieldwork experiences (Practicum I), and to ensure that students can maximize time in student teaching, candidates move on to Practicum II. For this Practicum, students will be placed in the schools where they will be student teaching full time. Candidates will work with their Clinical Educator(s)/Supervisor(s) approximately four to six hours per week during this Practicum.

Student Teaching

Following Practicum II, directed student teaching provides the following practical experiences:

  • the opportunity to plan, present, and evaluate lessons and curriculum units that are responsive to individual needs in a wide variety of educational settings;
  • the application of teaching theories in a supervised classroom environment;
  • a better understanding of the total school environment, including the collaborative responsibilities of general and special education teachers from administrative, related-services, parental, and student perspectives;
  • a better understanding of the special education process in the application and administration of federal mandates and policies;
  • the opportunity to enhance student learning and personal growth through social-emotional curriculum and technology.


Criteria for Choosing Student Teaching Sites

Factors which are considered in determining school placement include the following:

  • School profile (classification, performance level, student demographics, curriculum, diversity)
  • Clinical Educator’s qualifications
  • Grade level
  • Recommendations by University Supervisors and faculty members
  • District availability

Practicum Transition Requirements for Student Teaching

In order to guide your work at the school sites this fall and ensure that you will be ready to transition to full time student teaching in late November (Elementary/Business) or early January (Culinary), the following requirements must be met: Readiness for Student Teaching Transition Point, Course-based Field Experience, and Becoming a Member of the School Community. Additionally, a suggested schedule for practicum work with the clinical educators will be provided at the Practicum Orientation.


You should develop a calendar that will guide your work including the below:

  • Attend Differentiation Plan, Pre-student Teaching Video, and Cultural Competency Plan Orientation (week of September 9, 2024).
  • Identify students for your Differentiation Plan (Appendix G) according to the dates assigned: 
    • Business by October 21, 2024
    • Elementary by November 27, 2024
    • Culinary Higher Ed during January 2025
    • Culinary Cert. by February 7, 2025
  • Plan and record a video of a brief lesson that will be submitted as evidence for student teaching. (Pre-Student Teaching Video - Appendix N)
  • Complete parts I and II of the Cultural Competency Plan (Appendix F) according to the dates assigned: Part I is due October 15, 2024, and part II is due November 25, 2024.
    • Note: Culinary Higher Ed does not complete a Cultural Competency Plan
  •  Collect ongoing evidence required for the Technology Assessment presentation which will take place on November 7, 2024. (Technology Assessment – Appendix Q)


  • Over the course of the fall semester and prior to student teaching, you have a total of 18 hours per class of content related field experience that will take place at your student teaching sites.
  • The purpose of this work is for you to observe, participate, or teach in areas connected to your class-based learning.
  •  These hours also are used to meet Rhode Island Department of Education certification requirements. For each class, you will complete a log that details the hours and activities. (Practicum II Field Experience Log - Appendix J.1)
    • For Business, you will be assigned field experience work in coding, financial literacy, and special education.
    • For Elementary, you will be assigned field experience work in science, social studies (disciplinary literacy), and special education
    • For Culinary, you will be assigned field experience work in both culinary classes.


  • Gain an understanding of school procedures.
  • Become familiar with colleagues and staff members, as well as families and the broader community of the school.
  • Initiate discussions with your Clinical Educator early in the practicum about what/how you can contribute.
  • Observe and discuss with your Clinical Educator various procedures, norms, and expectations.
  • Plan with your Clinical Educator so you are able to teach individual students, small groups, and the whole class throughout the practicum.
  • Develop a thorough knowledge of the curricula used in the classroom:
    • Elementary: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies
    • Secondary: Business Curriculum; Culinary Arts Curriculum
    • Core subjects for Special Education
  • Read and note goals and objectives of IEPs and 504s for students in the classroom.
  • Become familiar with differentiation used within the classroom.
  • Use information about the diverse backgrounds and social/emotional needs of your students when relevant.
  • Gain an understanding of how special education services are delivered.

For each class your six community hours will be recorded on one log that details the hours and activities.

(Practicum II Participation Sign-Off – Appendix J.2)

All of the following requirements must have been fulfilled prior to Student Teaching

  • Candidates have achieved a passing score on appropriate Content Knowledge Test(s) for their chosen concentrations as well as the Special Education Praxis.       
  • Candidates have achieved a GPA of 3.0 or higher with no grade of “GP” on their record in order to be recommended for student teaching positions.
  • Candidates have uploaded all required course-based key assessments (with the exception of Fall II semester courses) to Taskstream/Watermark.
  • Candidates have successfully completed the Technology Assessment, Cultural Competency Plan (Parts I & II), appropriate sections of the Differentiation Plan, and the Readiness for Student Teaching Video as outlined above.
  • Candidates have a Rhode Island BCI check (must be current prior to Practicum II).
  • Candidates have completed a student teaching permit application to RIDE.  Candidates for R.I. certification have a Student Teaching Permit from the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE), based on their Johnson & Wales Teacher Education Program concentration, selected from among the following:
    • Business Education/Secondary Special Education (60 school days student teaching in each concentration)
    • Elementary Education/Elementary Special Education (60 school days student teaching in each concentration)
    • Culinary Arts Education (60 school days student teaching)
  • Candidates have fulfilled Practicum II obligations to include field logs and participation sign-offs uploaded in Taskstream.
  • Shortly before Practicum II begins, and again at the start of the student teaching term, all candidates are required to attend Orientation Workshops.


Student Teaching

Upon the completion of Practicum II, candidates move into their first student teaching placement, having already established a familiar presence in the classroom with their students, Clinical Educators, and school community. As with Practicum II, the suggested timeline below will allow for some flexibility depending on the candidate’s readiness to become the lead teacher.

Time frame


Weeks 1 & 2

Add responsibilities
as indicated

  • Continue to review and discuss student IEP, 504, PLP, and RTI plans (as appropriate)
  • Develop schedule for teaching at least one lesson per day
  • Use record keeping system for student evaluation
  • Confer about students and debrief daily with Clinical Educator
  • Plan to continue to attend/participate in events/duties/meetings with Clinical Educator(s) and record on Practicum II Participation Sign Off
  • Plan with Clinical Educator the implementation of unit plan and Cultural Competency Plan
  • Observe other classrooms if possible throughout placement
  • Begin routine of adding evidence to portfolio each week throughout placement

Weeks 3 & 4

Add responsibilities
as indicated

  • Develop schedule for increasing planning and teaching load as appropriate
  • Meet with Clinical Educator(s) and University Supervisor to review performance and establish future goals
  • Continue to progress with students chosen for the Differentiation Plan

Week 5

Add responsibilities
as indicated

  • Increase classroom responsibility to approximately 80% of all teaching and planning
  • Continue to use student assessment to inform instruction
  • Schedule and implement unit plan when appropriate

Weeks 6 - 11 

  • Assume 100% of teacher responsibilities (Clinical Educator should be present in the room at all times.)
  • Teach and record a video lesson
  • Plan for transition of classes back to Clinical Educator

Week 12

  • Facilitate transition from classroom
  • Summarize progress on Cultural Competency Plan
  • Refer to due dates for Differentiation Plan final reflection (Please note Business reflections are due earlier.)

At completion of placement

  • Write and submit a final placement reflection after each placement

Ongoing Responsibilities of Student Teacher

  • Arrive at and depart from school each day as directed by Clinical Educator, well before and after the students. Arrival and departure times are based on the need for daily preparation and conference time with the Clinical Educator, and by offering extra help to students when needed, NOT by outside commitments or personal convenience.
  • Understand that absences and tardiness, except in cases of personal illness/emergencies, are not permitted.  Any absences, including unanticipated school cancellations during student teaching, must be made up.  In the event of any absence or lateness, the student teacher should inform the Clinical Educator, University Supervisor, and Advisor as early as possible and must provide lesson plans for that day to the Clinical Educator in order to minimize any disruption to the classroom. 
  • Understand that student teaching is the top priority and outside employment should not be an excuse for missing student teaching and its attendant responsibilities, including before/after-school meetings and duties.   
  • Take the initiative to become involved in extra-curricular activities. The best way for student teachers to become part of the fabric of the school is to participate enthusiastically in school-wide activities in addition to their classroom responsibilities.
  • Strictly adhere to the regulation that transportation of students by a student teacher in a personal car is not permitted at any time. 
  • Become familiar with strike or other type of work stoppages at the assigned school or district. Student teachers should NOT go to school if there is a teachers’ strike at their school, nor should they cross picket lines or participate in strike activities. They should also keep their University Supervisor and Advisor informed as to the status of these situations.
  • Adhere to JWU and district policies in regard to teachers’ use of social media.
  • Continue to check JWU email daily in order to effectively communicate with University Supervisors and Advisors. 

General Requirements for Student Teacher

Each student teaching placement provides a unique set of opportunities and challenges for learning, as determined by students’ individual differences in each classroom.

  • Candidates must meet all policies and requirements stated in this Student Teaching Handbook.
  • Candidates should demonstrate positive dispositions* for teaching, such as:

Personal qualities:

  • A positive attitude about teaching
  • Sensitivity to the needs of others
  • Good judgment and common sense
  • Regular attendance and punctuality
  • Dress that is appropriate to the setting
  • Grammatically correct and appropriate speech
  • Flexibility and a sense of humor

Professional expectations:

  • Ability to manage a classroom and maintain a safe environment
  • Ability to plan and organize lessons
  • Proficiency in writing clearly, legibly, and with accuracy in spelling and punctuation
  • Rapport with the students, faculty, and staff
  • Socio-cultural awareness
  • Ability to willingly accept and utilize constructive criticism

 *(See Disposition Rubric Guide link at bottom of page)

  • Candidates should create and maintain an organizational system of the following. This system will allow all candidates to be informed of all policies and procedures as well as maintain accurate records.
    • Daily schedule for arrival time, classes, lunch, special activities, dismissal
    • If appropriate, individual students’ schedules for occupational therapy, speech therapy, resource, etc.
    • Weekly schedule involving colleagues, including all activities occurring before or after class, daily and weekly planning sessions, bus/lunch/hall duties, conferences, etc., noting time, place, participants involved, and any other pertinent information
    • Seating chart and classroom arrangement (noting any special equipment)
    • School Handbook
    • Emergency procedures:
      • Be aware of school policies to follow in case of medical and physical emergencies and how they should be handled (e.g., seizure, cardiac problems, choking, fainting, allergic reaction, etc.)
      • Fire drill and other emergency exits
      • Lock-down procedures
      • District health regulations
      • Restraint Policy
      • Mandatory Reporting Policy
  • Candidates must develop their portfolios while student teaching. (Appendix E.- Portfolio Outline)
  • Candidates must develop and maintain lesson plans and a unit plan. Lesson plans should be written for all lessons taught by the student teacher. Lesson and unit formats should be compatible with the individual learning and behavioral needs of the class and should be acceptable to both the Clinical Educator and University Supervisor. (Appendices H - Lesson Plan Template, I Unit Plan Worksheet)
  • All Candidates will complete a Differentiation Plan. (Appendix G)
  • Candidates must implement their Cultural Competency Plan that was created during Practicum II and submit a summary reflection on the due date noted in the plan. (Appendix F)
  • Candidates must meet the standard for developing and teaching a video lesson as well as obtain media release for the video. (Appendix K - Student Teaching Video Lesson)  
  • Candidates must complete the Professional Development Self-Study Worksheet (Appendix L) during the first 2 weeks of student teaching. This worksheet then becomes the starting point for the Reflection on Student Teaching and Future Professional Goals (Appendix M), to be written upon completion of each student teaching placement. One copy is emailed to the candidate’s Advisor and one copy added to the portfolio for discussion at the Program Final Assessment.
  • At a minimum, two mandatory seminars may be scheduled during student teaching. Dates/times TBA.


Student teachers will be confidentially evaluated by Clinical Educators and University Supervisors three times during each placement with one final evaluation at the end of each placement. Student Teaching evaluations are based on the Danielson Group Framework for Teaching (Appendix C). These evaluations will be released to the students by the evaluator on Taskstream. (Appendix O.1- Clinical Educator's Assessment of Student Teaching- Week 3; Appendix O.2- University Supervisor Evaluation of Student Teacher- Visit 1)

Student teachers will also be evaluated on their dispositions twice during each placement by their Clinical Educators.  

Student teachers evaluate the Clinical Educators and the University Supervisor at the end of each placement. (Appendix P.1 - Student Teacher's Assessment of Clinical Educator Form; Appendix P.2 - Student Teacher's Assessment of University Supervisor Form)

NOTE: These confidential evaluations are submitted to Taskstream/Watermark, accessible only to program administration.

Summary of Requirements for Successful Completion of Student Teaching

1. Attendance at Seminars

2. Successful completion of Differentiation Plan (Appendix G)

3. Successful completion of Professional Development Self-Study Worksheet and Reflection on Student Teaching and Future Professional Goals  (Appendix L and Appendix M)

4. Standard attained on student teaching video (Appendix K and Appendix K (a))

5. Successful completion of Cultural Competency Plan with submitted reflection (Appendix F)

6. Attained passing grade of “On Target” on Clinical Educator’s and University Supervisor’s Final Assessments of Student Teaching

7. Attained passing grade of "S" in both student teaching placements 

Summary of Requirements for Successful Completion of MAT Program

1. Complete ALL program requirements including, but not limited to:

  • Successful completion of all courses with minimum final GPA of 3.0
  • Successful completion of Student Teaching
  • Successful completion and presentation of Student Teaching Portfolio at Program Final Assessment (Appendices E - Portfolio Outline and E (a) - Portfolio Rubric with Standards)

Procedure for Obtaining Rhode Island Teacher Certification

1. Complete all MAT Program requirements

2. Receive passing Praxis test scores and submit documentation of scores          

3. After receiving an email from RIDE, immediately go online to to create an account, and then complete and submit the Rhode Island Educator Certification General Application Form


The Clinical Educator guides the student teacher during the day-to-day classroom experience. Initially, the Clinical Educator will intensively guide and instruct the student teacher. The goal is for the student teacher to ultimately assume the role of the Clinical Educator.  It is imperative that the Clinical Educator establish a supportive, collaborative relationship with the student teacher in order for the student teacher to be effective. The student teacher is also assigned a University Supervisor who will work in partnership with the Clinical Educator and student teacher to provide support and feedback.

Practicum II precedes student teaching, beginning at the start of the school year in their placement classroom(s) and continues weekly. Upon successful completion of the Practicum II, the candidate begins student teaching.

Selection Criteria

The selection criteria for Clinical Educators who work with Johnson & Wales University student teachers include:

  • Personal teaching behaviors and strategies that are exemplary of the RIPTS, CECs, and RI Social Emotional Learning Standards and Indicators (Appendices A - RI Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS), B - Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Initial Preparation Standards K-12+, and W - RI Social Emotional Learning Standards and Indicators)
  • A minimum of three years teaching experience in the area of responsibility
  • Appropriate certification in the area of responsibility
  • Administrative approval from the School District
  • ​A Clinical Educator Data Sheet or résumé to provide evidence of continuous growth in areas such as courses or degrees completed, recent professional development, affiliation with/participation in professional organizations, previous experience with student teachers, and other related experience

Responsibilities of Clinical Educator

  • Attend a mandatory Clinical Educator Workshop presented by the Johnson & Wales Teacher Education Program.
  • Become proficient in the use of Taskstream/Watermark, the program’s online assessment system. Taskstream/Watermark training is included as part of the Clinical Educators’ Workshop. 
  • Begin the mentoring process during the candidate’s Practicum II prior to the start of student teaching. Practicum II should include:
    • Assisting the student teacher in obtaining a school or district email address.
    • Introducing the student teacher to the students they will be teaching, noting that the student teacher will have all the authority and respect due a teacher.
    • Introducing the student teacher to other school personnel and community members with whom they will be involved.
    • Orienting the student teacher to the school, faculty procedures and regulations, and familiarizing them with pertinent local policies and rules of the District (safety, media, mandatory reporting, etc.).
    • Gradually introducing the student teacher to classroom routines.
    • Acquainting the student teacher with management procedures, including attendance, location of special equipment, supplies, and other materials.
    • Providing the candidate with opportunities to work one-on-one with individual students, and with small groups of students, and to teach at least one videotaped lesson to the full class.
  • Afford the student teacher the opportunity to review students’ records, background information, IEP’s, PLP’s, and other pertinent data when appropriate.
  • Guide the student teacher in daily and long-range planning. Lesson plans are required. The Clinical Educator should review lesson plans and offer specific suggestions and recommendations both before and after the lesson has been presented. The Clinical Educator may request a duplicate copy of the plans for use in preparing assessments or evaluations of the student teacher or in maintaining the continuity of classes should the student teacher become unavailable for any reason. (Appendix H - Lesson Plan Template)
    • The Clinical Educator’s primary concern regarding lesson plans is to note whether the material to be taught fulfills the outcomes intended. The Clinical Educator should comment on pedagogy and provide guidance to assist and encourage the student teacher. Please plan enough time to preview all lesson plans for content and adherence to the curriculum. 
  • Meet with the student teacher prior to their teaching any lesson to ensure preparedness.
  • Inform the University Supervisor of any concerns or difficulties that may arise during the student teaching period as soon as possible, especially in situations involving communication problems between the Clinical Educator and the student teacher.
  • Notify the University Supervisor and M.A.T. staff immediately if a student teacher is not performing adequately, to the extent that there is a possibility that they may fail student teaching. If the Clinical Educator feels the student is not meeting the minimum requirements and is likely to fail, it is imperative to notify the University Supervisor and M.A.T. staff while there is still time to rectify the problem.
  • INFORMALLY assess the student teacher’s work through observation and critique as often as time permits. On a weekly basis at minimum, the Clinical Educator should meet with the student teacher and discuss the week’s progress, using daily observations of their performance as well as their Dispositions as the starting points for discussion.                
  • Complete the Clinical Educator Assessment of Student Teaching at Weeks 3, 6, and 9, and the Final Assessment at the conclusion of the placement, following the final conference with the University Supervisor. Each of these evaluations is submitted to Taskstream/Watermark where they may be accessed by the student teacher, the University Supervisor and program administrators. [Each evaluation reflects progress over time rather than a specific lesson.] (Appendix O.1- Clinical Educator's Assessment of Student Teaching- Week 3)
  • Complete the Mid-Term Disposition (Week 6) and the Final Disposition (End) and offer advice on the most appropriate choices of lesson plans, unit plans, student work samples, etc., selected by the student teacher to document their performance throughout the placement, and encourage the student teacher to compile portfolio evidence for presentation at the Final Program Assessment. (Appendix E - Portfolio Outline) 
    • An evaluation schedule will be provided prior to student teaching.  
  • Support the student teacher in their work in the Cultural Competency Plan and the Differentiation Plan. (Appendices F - Cultural Competency Plan and G - Differentiation Plan)
  • Provide opportunities beyond the classroom for the student teacher to experience some or all of the following, assigned gradually:
    • Assume the Clinical Educator’s non-teaching duties (bus, cafeteria, homeroom, recess, etc.).
    • ​Attend Multi-Disciplinary Team, IEP, and other meetings attended by the Clinical Educator (when appropriate).
    • Meet with specialists (psychologist, speech therapist, reading specialist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, etc.) involved with the students.
    • Visit classrooms of other teachers in the building.
    • Attend at faculty meetings, in-service workshops, professional development activities, and conferences.
    • Participate in the writing of such plans as IEP’s, PLP’s, 504’s, and ILP’s.

  • Write a letter of recommendation when requested. After weeks of daily interaction, the Clinical Educator is normally the best qualified person to provide a detailed and accurate recommendation to a student teacher’s potential employer.
  • Be aware that transportation of students by the student teacher in a personal car is not  permitted at any time during the student teaching period.
  • ​Ensure that the student teacher is not used as a school-wide substitute teacher. Follow district policy regarding using the student teacher to substitute in the event of the Clinical Educator's absence. 


Clinical Educators are confidentially evaluated by the University Supervisor and by the student teacher.

Clinical Educators also confidentially evaluate the University Supervisor. 

NOTE: These confidential evaluations are submitted to Taskstream/Watermark, accessible only to program administration.


The University Supervisor serves as a liaison between the M.A.T. Program and the host school. They provide support directly to the Clinical Educator and assess each student teacher’s progress toward meeting all standards and the other expectations of the Johnson & Wales University Teacher Education Program.

Selection Criteria

The selection criteria for University Supervisors who work with Johnson & Wales University student teachers include:   

  • Personal teaching philosophies that are exemplary of the RIPTS, CEC’s, and RI Social Emotional Learning Standards and Indicators
  • Extensive experience as a teacher or administrator
  • A résumé to provide evidence of substantial experience in areas such as the following:
    • Courses or degrees completed
    • Affiliation with/participation in professional organizations
    • Previous experience with student teachers
    • Other related experience

Responsibilities of University Supervisor

  • Attend a University Supervisor’s Workshop with program staff to receive assignments, including student teachers’ and Clinical Educators’ contact information, participate in Taskstream/Watermark training, and discuss overall duties and responsibilities.
  • Initiate communication with the student teacher and Clinical Educator and schedule an informal “get-acquainted” school visit during Practicum II to meet the student teacher, Clinical Educator, school principal, and office staff.  
  • Attend the Student Teacher Orientation and meet with their student teacher(s).
  • Make the following minimum number of classroom observation visits for each student teacher placement, according to the candidate’s concentration.  NOTE: It may be necessary to schedule additional visits. The University Supervisor should make their first observation visit during the early weeks of student teaching and the last visit shortly before its conclusion. An evaluation schedule will be provided prior to student teaching. 

  •  Elementary Education / Elementary Special Education 
    • Two 60-day placements   
    • 6 visits (3 visits in each classroom setting; 1 final summary evaluation via Zoom for each placement)
  • Business Education / Secondary Special Education
    • Two 60-day placements   
    • 6 visits (3 visits in each classroom setting; 1 final summary evaluation via Zoom for each placement)
  • Culinary Arts Education
    • 60-day placement
    • 3 visits (1 final summary evaluation via Zoom)

  • Meet with the Clinical Educator to discuss student progress at each visit.
  • Observe the student teacher in a variety of  settings/classes, and meet with the student following each observation to discuss the day’s lesson, make suggestions, and offer support.
  • Review the student teacher's written reflection of each observed lesson and complete the University Supervisor Assessment of Student Teaching following the first three observation visits in each placement, and the Final Assessment at the conclusion of the placement, following the final conference with the Clinical Educator. Each of these evaluations is submitted to Taskstream/Watermark where they may be accessed by the student teacher, the Clinical Educator, and program administrators. (Appendix O.2- University Supervisor's Evaluation of Student Teacher-Visit 1)
  • Write a letter of recommendation when requested by the student teacher.
  • Encourage the Clinical Educator to share with the University Supervisor any problems that may arise with a student teacher so that assistance/guidance may be offered.
  • Reinforce with the Clinical Educator the importance of notifying the University Supervisor immediately if a student teacher is in danger of failing student teaching. Given timely notice, the University Supervisor can try to help resolve the problem. If the problem cannot be resolved at that level, the University Supervisor must notify program administration, which would consider possible resolutions, including removal of the student teacher from the placement if warranted.
  • ​​Attend the University Supervisor's Workshops each year, as well as any additional meetings that may be necessary to address problems or issues that may arise.


University Supervisors are confidentially evaluated by the Clinical Educators and by the student teacher.      

University Supervisors also confidentially evaluate the Clinical Educators. 

NOTE: These confidential evaluations are submitted to Taskstream/Watermark, accessible only to JWU program administration.