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AI in Higher Education: Faculty & Staff Guide

AI Tools

AI Tools for Education

  • GPT Icon GPT by OpenAI: Automates content creation. Use for crafting course materials and research.
  • Chatbot Arena: A way to teach AI and compare how chatbot models work. Helps in teaching AI and enhancing student interaction.
  • Claude Icon Claude by Anthropic: An alternative to ChatGPT. Facilitates engaging, conversational teaching aids. Ideal for interactive learning environments.
  • Gemini Icon Gemini (formerly Bard): Enhances AI learning and application in academia.

Image Creation Tools

  • Adobe Firefly Icon Adobe Firefly: Produces educational graphics. Supports visual learning in courses. Part of the Adobe Creative suite.
  • DALLE-3 Icon DALLE-3 by OpenAI: Generates images from text. Useful for creating custom visual content for lectures.
  • Microsoft Designer Icon Microsoft Designer: Integrates with Microsoft tools for creating professional graphics.
  • Canva Icon Canva: Magic design tools and image creation.

Presentation and Video Tools

  • Heygen Icon Heygen: Streamlines video and presentation creation. Enhances content delivery in classrooms.

Audio Tools

  • Udio Icon Udio: Use AI to make music.

Writing and Tutoring Tools

  • Grammarly Icon Grammarly: Enhances writing accuracy and quality.
  • Khanmigo Icon Khanmigo: Offers tutoring and educational support.

Coding Tools

  • GitHub Copilot Icon GitHub Copilot: Free for verified students, teachers, and open source maintainers. Provides real-time AI-based coding suggestions.

Logos and tools list courtesy of WG: FAU AI Tools Page