Blind Commission: A commission that is paid by a hotel to a third party that reimburses for services and comes out of the hotel sleeping room rate, but is not disclosed to the guests or the event organizer. Such commissions may fall within commercial bribery laws and if involve use of interstate commerce may also be federal law violation. See KICKBACK.
Blind Fastening: Method of using nails or screws to secure tongue and groove flooring into the edge of the board just above the tongue thus concealing the fastener.
Blintze: Thin pancake rolled around a filling of cream cheese and chopped meat or fruit.
Blister Pack: Vacuum formed transparent plastic wrap.
Block: 1) Total number of sleeping rooms reserved for an event. 2) A number of rooms, seats, or space reserved in advance for a group. 3) To assign space. See ROOM BLOCK.
Blocked Space: Sleeping rooms, exhibit, event, or other function space reserved for future use by an individual or organization.
Blocked: Hotel rooms held without deposit
Blocking: 1) First stand-up rehearsal during which the director sets up all the action for the scene. 2) The act of reserving or assigning sleeping rooms, exhibit, event, or other function space.
Block-Out: Usually refers to painting out portions of photo or negative on screen.
Blower: General term for device to circulate or remove warm air from restricted areas (i.e., projector housings).
Blow-Up: Enlargement of photo, art, or typography.
Blue Laws: State or local laws that regulate the types of businesses that must be closed, or the types of products that may not be sold on Sundays.
Blue Sky: Term for extreme design, thinking or abstract value.
Blueline: Final proof copy for client's approval before printing. Also referred to as a proof.
Blueprint: A mechanical drawing of booth/stand layout, construction and specifications. See FLOOR PLAN.
Bluetooth: The process for the wireless convergence of cell phones, computers, personal digital assistants (PDA), etc.
BMI: Broadcast Music Incorporated. A music licensing organization that represents individuals who hold the copyrights to music written in the United States. It grants licensing agreements for the performance of music.
BO: 1) Bad Order. 2) Buyers Option.
Board Meeting: A meeting of the governing body of an organization.
Board of Trustees: An official body which manages the affairs and administers the funds of an institution or organization.
Board: Body appointed by the governing board or general assembly to manage the affairs of a society, association, etc., on a day-to-day basis.
Boarding Pass: Permit to board a ship, train, plane, or other form of transportation.
Boardroom Set-Up: Seating arrangement in which rectangle or oval shaped tables are set up with chairs on both sides and ends. Often confused with HOLLOW SQUARE SET-UP.
Boardroom: A room set permanently with a fixed table and suitable seating.
Body Type: Type size used for main text.
Boeuf à la Bourguignonne: (boff a la borg in yone) Traditional beef stew with vegetables in burgundy wine sauce.
Boldface: Darker type distinguished from lighter type faces.
Bomb Threat: A claim of knowledge or belief that an explosive or incendiary bomb has been or will be placed.
Bombé: Molded dessert of ice cream, whipped cream and fruit.
Bonbon: Any sweet candy.
Bonded Warehouse: A warehouse authorized by customs authorities for storage of goods on which payment of duties is deferred until the goods are removed.
Bonding: The purchase, for a premium, of a guarantee of protection for a supplier or a customer. In the hospitality industry, certain bonding programs are mandatory.
Bone Yard: Storage area where equipment is stored during an exhibition. This area may be located within the exhibition hall in an unused portion of the floor. Alternate spelling is Boneyard. See DUMP.
Boneyard: Storage area where equipment is stored during an exhibition. This area may be located within the exhibition hall in an unused portion of the floor. Alternate spelling is Bone Yard. See DUMP.
Bonus: A sum given to an individual in addition to the individual’s base compensation, generally as a reward for accomplishing a goal.
Book of Abstracts: Collection of abstracts being presented during an event which are made available to event participants for use in selecting which sessions to attend.
Book: To reserve flights or accommodations for a passenger or guest.
Booking Policy: Guidelines by which a convention center (or other venue) prioritizes reservations; may correspond to hotel rooms the event will use in the area.
Booking: Term used to refer to a completed sale by a destination, convention center, facility, hotel or supplier (i.e. convention, meeting, trade show or group business booking).
Booking: 1) An arrangement with a company for use of facilities, goods or services. 2) For a Hotel Event, a future event contracted in writing by an event organizer with a hotel. According to guidelines from the International Association of Convention & Visitor Bureaus, the local CVB should receive a copy of the contract, or a written communication from an authorized agent of the hotel that a contract has been signed. The communication should detail dates, space requirements and estimated room block. The CVB should track estimated attendance and attendee spending for the event. 3) For a Citywide or Convention Center event, according to guidelines from the International Association of Convention & Visitor Bureaus, given the long-time frame often involved in such an event, the booking process generally takes two steps. The first is a “Confirmed Booking” where a future event is confirmed in writing (letter, booking notice), signed by an authorized agent of the event organizer and the convention center (if applicable). The written communication should detail dates, space requirements and estimated room block. The local CVB should track estimated attendance and attendee spending. The second step is a “Contracted Booking” where a future event is contracted in writing by the event organizer with the event facility (e.g., convention center). The local CVB should receive communication of this stage in writing from an authorized agent of the convention center.
Book-on-Payment: BOP. Payment guaranteed by travel agency for a package reserved within cancellation period.
Boom Arm: Attachment placed on a standard straight microphone stand which extends the reach of the stand to the side. Often used to place a microphone in front of a singer seated at a piano.
Boom Lift: A motorized platform used to lift people to a given height. See SCISSOR LIFT.
Boom: Adjustable support for positioning microphones or lighting fixtures.
Booth/Stand Area: Amount of floor space occupied by exhibitor. Also Called EXHIBITION AREA.
Booth/Stand Contractor: Company which constructs or assembles exhibit booths/stands under contract with the organizing committee. See GENERAL SERVICE CONTRACTOR.
Booth/Stand Number: Number assigned by the event's management to designate each exhibitor's space.
Booth/Stand Package: When an exhibitor receives a variety of services for one single price (e.g. each booth/stand receives carpet 1-6’ draped table, a 500-watt outlet and 500 lbs of drayage).
Booth/Stand Personnel: An individual assigned to represent the exhibitor in an assigned space.
Booth/Stand Sign: 1) Identification sign indicating name, city, state and booth/stand number for each exhibitor. 2) Sign behind desk indicating service provided at that point. See FASCIA.
Booth/Stand Size: Dimensions of assigned exhibit space.
Booth: One or more standard units of exhibit space. In the US, a standard unit is generally known to be a 10' x 10' space (one standard booth/stand unit, equaling 100 nsf). However, if an exhibitor purchases multiple units side-by-side or back-to-back, the combined space is also still referred to as a BOOTH or a STAND. Specific area assigned by management to exhibitor under contractual agreement. See STAND.
Boothmanship: See EXHIBITORSHIP.
Bootleg Wages: The wages above those at the prevailing rate or the union scale which an employer may pay in a tight labor market to hold or attract employees. May also refer to wages at rate below the prevailing or union rate which an employee may accept in order to obtain employment.
Bordeaux Wines: Wines from the Bordeaux region in southwest France known for richness and fragrance. Red wines (also known as Clarets) include Médoc, Margaux Saint-Emilion, Pauillac and Pomerol; fine white Bordeaux include Sauternes, Barsac and Graves. A Château is a wine estate in Bordeaux; some of the best are Château Latour, Château Mouton-Rothschild, Château Lafite-Rothschild, and Château Margaux.
Border Chaser: Border of lights placed around a sign or other object whose lights can be turned on and off in a sequence that make them appear to chase around the border.
Border Light: Rows of lights mounted above the acting area.
Borscht: Chilled soup made of chopped beets, onions, lemon juice or vinegar, salt and pepper, water or soup stock, topped with sour cream. Sometimes cabbage is added.
Bouillabaisse: Wine-flavored mixed seafood stew.
Bouquetière: Mix of fresh vegetables, in season.
Box Lunch: Light lunch to go, in a box.
Brad Gun: A nail gun. A pneumatic device which installs fasteners of various types and sizes.
Brains Trust: A group of expert advisors assembled especially to answer questions of immediate or current interest.
Brainstorming: Group sessions in which all participants contribute creative ideas which are not initially judged for merit.
Break Terminal: Location at which common carriers separate consolidated freight.
Break: Short interval between sessions at which time coffee, tea and/or other refreshments are served. See COFFEE BREAK. See Also ENERGY BREAK, REFRESHMENT BREAK.
Breakage: Expenses budgeted for a tour but not used or extended, thus resulting in additional profit to the operator.
Break-Bulk Center: Regional distribution center that consolidates and distributes multiple less than truckload (LTL) shipments headed in the same direction.
Breakdown: 1) Time required to dismantle a function area. 2) To itemize estimates, invoices, and the like.
Break-Even Point: The point at which revenues are equal to expenses.
Break-Out Rooms: Small function rooms set up for a group within an event as opposed to a plenary or general session.
Break-Out Sessions: Small group sessions, panels, workshops or presentations, offered concurrently within the event, formed to focus on specific subjects. The event is apart from the general session, but within the event format, formed to focus on specific subjects. These sessions can be arranged by basic, intermediate or advanced; or divided by interest areas or industry segment.
Breakpoint: Level at which quantity discounts are allowed for volumes of freight, number of items printed, etc.
Break-Up: Image or audio distortion, such as losing signal on cell phone.
Bridge: Device allowing multiple outputs from the same input. Most often used to allow electronic media to take a feed of the program for use in broadcast programming.
Bridgeway: 1) Area between booths/stands for audience traffic movement. 2) Space between sets of tables, chairs or booths/stands to allow passage of attendees. See GANGWAY.
Brilliance: Degree of intensity of colors.
Broadband: Ability to transmit huge volumes of voice and video over a network or the internet, without jumpy images.
Broadcast Fax: A service that transmits a fax to a large number or people, such as an entire association membership or company.
Broadcast Music, Inc.: BMI. A music licensing organization that represents individuals who hold the copyrights to music written in the United States. It grants licensing agreements for the performance of music.
Brochure: Printed marketing folder describing and promoting the advantages of a particular hotel, event, destination, etc.
Broker: A non-asset based transportation provider that sells transportation services for commercial shippers. Brokers commonly use freight forwarders.
Brokering: Bureau with customer who wants a speaker goes to an agent representing an exclusive speaker, to buy said speaker. Commission is determined by the exclusive agent.
Brushed Finish: Finish primarily on aluminum or steel achieved by rubbing with wire brush or steel wool to achieve a matte quality.
Brussels Tariff Nomenclature: An international system of classification for goods that was once widely used for specifying tariffs. It was changed, in name only, to the Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature (CCCN) in 1976 and was later superceded by the Harmonized System of Tariff Nomenclature. See HARMONIZED SYSTEM OF TARIFF NOMENCLATURE.
Brut: Dry, as in wine. Not sweet.
Buck-Boost Transformer: A transformer used to convert electrical voltage either up or down (such as 208v to 220v, or 240v to 220v).
Budget Chart: Estimated total of revenue and expenditure; divided into subject categories projecting cash needed to meet expenses over a specific time frame. See BUDGET. See Also CASH FLOW CHART, PHASED BUDGET.
Budget Philosophy: Financial goal of the event (break even, profit or lose money).
Budget: A statement of estimated revenues and expenditures for a specified period of time; divided into subject categories and arranged by principal areas of revenue and expense. See BUDGET CHART. See Also CASH FLOW CHART, PHASED BUDGET.
Buffer Zone: 1) Block of seats on plane located between smoking and nonsmoking sections allowing for variance in the smoking and nonsmoking boundary on international flights. 2) Zone in Canada, 225 miles from the U. S. border, dividing the two tax structures applied to Y class fare. (First class, business class excluded.)
Buffet: Assortment of foods, offered on a table, self-served.
Building Rules: Regulations set by building management outlining procedures for their property.
Build-Up: System of programming flasher to light lamps in cumulative sequence with time intervals between.
Bulk Carrier: A bulk carrier is a vessel engaged in the carriage of such bulk commodities as petroleum, grain, or ores which are not yet packaged, bundled, bottled, or otherwise packed.
Bulk Fare: Rate/fare available only to tour organizers or operators who purchase a specified block of seats, passes or tickets at a low, non-commissionable price and then have the responsibility of selling the block, including a commission in their marked up price for the block.
Bulkhead: Seats at the front of an airline cabin facing a wall.
Bullet Catch: Device for holding hinged door closed.
Bullets: Large, heavy dots or symbols used in written text for emphasis or to separate points used for emphasis.
Bullnose: Technique for finishing raw edge with half round molding, or shaping to half round.
Bumping: 1) Removing a confirmed passenger from a full flight to make room for a passenger with higher priority.
Bunching: Linen gathered together in loose folds on top of a table to provide a decorative ‘bed’.
Bungee Cord: An elastic type cord used for hanging drape around columns.
Bunting: Flags used collectively, or swagged strips of cloth hung as festive decorations from walls or tables.
Bureau Listing: A speaker grants the right to a speakers bureau to list the speaker as available. See LISTING.
Bureau: A booking or sales company that sells the services of multiple speakers. See SPEAKERS BUREAU.
Burgundy Wine: Wine from the Burgundy region in eastern France which produces both red and white wines. The white wines, made from Chardonnay grapes, and the red wines, made from Pinot Noir or Gamay grapes, are considered the world’s best examples of these wines. Some of the better known Burgundy wines include those from Beaujolis, Pommard, Beaune, Meursault, Chablis, Pouilly-Fuissé, Chambertin, Corton, Romanée Conti and Echézeaux.
Burned In Copy: Written copy appearing on photographs.
Bus Duct: Metal raceway enclosing high-voltage power feeds, suspended from overhead or in the floor, from which high-voltage power over 100 amps must be fed.
Bus Schedule: Designated time locations where motor coaches will pick up and discharge passengers.
Bus Staff: Personnel who remove dirty dishes and reset tables in a restaurant or hotel.
Bus: 1) Vehicle for transporting people. See SHUTTLE. See Also MOTOR COACH. 2) Connector panel which allows passage of signals. 3) To clear trash from an area where food and beverage are being served.
Business Agent: Political, elected position within a union. Salary is not paid by service contractor, but by the union itself. See FOREMAN. See Also SHOP STEWARD, UNION STEWARD.
Business Attire: Business suits or jackets with shirts and ties for men and day dresses or suits for women; usually taken to mean office and not recreational wear. Can include informal forms of national dress.
Business Casual: A style of dress that is less formal than the standard office attire of suit and tie or dress.
Business Center Services: Services that will allow attendees to keep in touch with their office (phone, fax, message, etc.)
Business Center: Area in hotel or event venue offering various office facilities and services.
Business Class: Class of airline service between first class and economy class with special amenities for business travelers.
Business Exchange: A Web site that serves as a year-round online marketplace for buyers and sellers within a given marketplace. Such sites are also referred to as business-to-business (B2B) marketplaces, business-to-consumer (B2C) marketplaces or consumer-to-consumer (C2C), depending upon the target audience.
Business Occurring: Referring to the number of groups and attendees meeting in a city during a specific time frame.
Business Travel: Travel for commercial, governmental or educational purposes with leisure as a secondary motivation.
Buss: Like a bus that may carry many passengers, an audio buss is a wire or circuit that may carry more than one audio signal at a time.
Busy: Cluttered image on the screen.
Butler Service: 1) Servers offer a variety of both hot and cold hors d’oeuvres on platters to guests at receptions. 2) A style of table service where guests serve themselves from platters presented by the server. 3) Specialized in-room service offered by a hotel.
Butt Joint: Joint in carpentry achieved by nailing and gluing square ends of lumber together.
Buyer: A member of the travel trade who reserves room blocks from accommodations or coordinates the development of a travel product.
Buyer: The person or group representative who signs the contract and pays for the speaker.
Buying Team: Two or more people from the same company who jointly evaluate a product or service and either make, or influence, the buying decision.
Buzz Session: Method to increase audience participation by dividing all participants in discussion groups each of which reports the group’s findings and opinions during a following plenary session.
BX Cable: BX is no longer manufactured, but the term is still common in the field. See MC CABLE.
By the Bottle: Liquor served and charged for by the full bottle.
By the Drink: Liquor served and charged for by the number of drinks served.
By the Person: A fixed price per attendee; covers all consumption of food and beverage at a function, within a given time frame; usually includes beverages, snacks or hors d’oeuvres. In some cases, beverages are purchased by the person, while food is ordered by the piece.
By the Piece: Food purchased by the individual piece, usually for a reception.
Byte: The amount of memory needed to store one character such as a letter or a number.
C of C: Chamber of Commerce
C&F: Cost and Freight. A pricing term indicating that these costs are included in the quoted price.
C&I: Cost and Insurance. A pricing term indicating that these costs are included in the quoted price.
Cabana: Room adjacent to pool area, with or without sleeping facilities.
Cabaret Set-up: Room arrangement with cocktail tables with chairs and a stage.
Cabaret Table: Small round table, 15- 30 inches in diameter (38-76 centimeters) used for cocktail type parties. Also Called COCKTAIL TABLE. See Also TUXEDO TABLE.
Cable Modem: Allows you to connect your computer to a local cable television line and receive data at high speed. Cable modems attach to a coaxial cable line to communicate with a cable modem termination system at the cable television company.
Cable Pick: Rigging point or working line used to lift overhead equipment above an exhibit space or exhibit.
Cable: Used for suspending objects and is much stronger than wire. Its thickness ranges from 1/8” to ½”.
CAEM: Canadian Association of Exposition Managers.
Cafeteria Service: A food service operation in which customers carry their own trays and select food from a display counter or counters. It is similar to a buffet, but food is served by attendants.
Calamari: Italian fried squid.
Call Board: Theater bulletin board with announcements of rehearsals, work calls and other general theater announcements.
Call Brand: Brand of liquor, distinguished from HOUSE BRAND, selected by a customer according to personal preference. Usually a higher quality than house brands.
Call for Papers: An invitation to submit topic ideas for the conference program. Document containing detailed instructions for submission of papers for assessment and selection by a review committee; often referred to as “Abstract Forms.” See ABSTRACT. See Also CONFERENCE PAPERS.
Call: 1) Method of securing union employees. 2) Time specified for labor to report (e.g. an 8:00 a.m. call). 3) Minimum amount for which union labor must be paid. See LABOR CALL.
Call-Out: Notations on drawings or exhibits of special significance, i.e. finish, edge, color, detail or features.
Cam: Metal disc, either eccentric or notched, commonly used to open and close flash switches and other mechanical devices.
Camera Card: Cue card which displays script to performers on stage in order to prompt lines. See CUE CARD. See Also IDIOT CARD.
Camera Chain: The combination of television cameras, cables, video controls and power supply.
Camera Left and Right: Directions from camera’s perspective, as opposed to STAGE LEFT AND RIGHT. See AUDIENCE LEFT AND RIGHT. See Also SCREEN LEFT AND RIGHT.
Camera-Ready Art: Materials ready for photographic reproduction.
Cam-Lock Connectors: Means of connecting electrical cabling to electrical equipment.
Campus Housing: Dormitory or other university/college sleeping accommodations.
Can Service: Foods are prepared tableside and an assembled plate is served by the attendant.
Canadian Customs Invoice: Document required by Canadian Customs identifying shipper, seller, consignee, terms, date of shipment, material being sold/shipped, classification code, quantity, unit and total prices. Additional information required on the invoice depends on shipper and consignee arrangements.
Canapé: (can a pay) Hot or cold appetizer with a bread or cracker base.
Cancellation Clause: Provision in a contract which outlines damages to be paid to the non-canceling party if cancellation occurs, due the canceling party's breach of the contract.
Cancellation or Interruption Insurance: Insurance that protects an event organizer against financial loss or expenses incurred when contractually specified perils necessitate canceling or relocating an event, or causes a reduction in attendance.
Cancellation/No-Show Percentage: A factor included in WASH. The number of rooms that did not materialize (either canceled or no-showed on the planner date of arrival). See also WASH.
Cancelled Business: A booking that subsequently did not take place, either because the event itself was cancelled or left the destination or facility before taking place. According to the International Association of Convention & Visitor Bureaus, the local CVB should track the estimated number of room nights, attendance and attendee spending and the reason associated with the cancellation.
Candelabra: Ornamental branched holder for more than one candle.
Canned: A slang term for a standard "off the shelf" speech or presentation. Often, the term “ canned” is used in a negative context to refer to material that a speaker uses too often, without changes, in presentations.
Canopy: 1) Drapery, awning or other roof-like covering. 2) An overhead projecting cover.
Cantilever: A horizontal beam or piece supported on one end and extending beyond its vertical support.
Canvas: Material used for outdoor banners.
Cap Nut: A piece of hardware with an internal screw thread that is used on the end of a bolt when a finished appearance is desired.
Cap Strip: Piece of finished material used to cover end framing.
Capacitor: Electronic circuit component part designed to store electricity.
Capacity Control: Restriction on the number of seats available at a particular fare.
Capacity: Maximum number of people allowed in any given area.
Cappuccino: A hot beverage of 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, 1/3 foamed milk.
Captain: Person in charge of banquet service at food functions; supervisor of the servers.
Carbon Neutral Travel: Carbon Neutral is the point at which enough trees are planted to offset completely emissions from a manufacturing process, distribution, product usage, building or individual.
Cargo Insurance: Additional coverage protecting the owner of goods for loss or damage while goods are in a carrier's possession. Recommended for all international shipments.
Carnet: (carnay) A customs document permitting the holder to carry or send merchandise temporarily into certain foreign countries (for display, demonstration or similar purposes) without paying duties or posting bonds.
Carnival: Mobile enterprise principally devoted to offering amusement or entertainment to the public in, upon or by means of portable amusement rides or devices or temporary structures in any number or combination, whether with other structures or forms of public attraction.
Carousel Tray: Circular holder used for projecting 35mm slides.
Carpaccio: An appetizer of thin shavings of raw beef fillet, often drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice or served with a mayonnaise or mustard sauce and often topped with capers and/or onions. Sometimes tuna, or other meat, is used in place of the beef.
Carpenter: Skilled person used for fabrication and installation of displays; labor to perform display uncrating, installation, dismantling, recrating. (Note: this type of labor is performed by individuals with a variety of job titles throughout the world).
Carpet Knife: Knife used for cutting carpet.
Carpet Tape: Double-faced tape used to adhere edge of carpet to floor or to repair carpet tears. See DUCT TAPE.
Carriage Bolt: A bolt with a square shank next to the head to allow tightening in wood without tools.
Carrier: Any provider of mass transportation, usually used in reference to an airline.
Carrier: 1) Exclusive use of all or some space on an airplane, bus, ship, or other vehicle for a special period of time and for a specific itinerary. 2) Transportation contractor moving passengers or freight (van line, common carrier, rail car, airplane).
Cartage Agent: Ground service operator who provides pickup and delivery in areas not served directly by air carrier.
Cartage: 1) Fee charged for transporting freight between destinations. 2) Short distance hauling of exhibit properties.
Cartons: Small shipping containers made of cardboard.
Case Study: An intensive analysis of an individual unit or situation.
Cases: Shipping containers usually made of plastic or fiberglass.
Cash Accounting: A system in which revenue and expenses are counted as they are actually received.
Cash Against Documents: CAD. Payment for goods in which a commission house or other intermediary transfers title documents to the buyer upon payment in cash.
Cash Bar: Private room bar set up where guests pay for drinks individually.
Cash Based Accounting: An accounting method that enters income and expenses into the books at the time when payment is received or expenses incurred.
Cash Flow Chart: Estimate total of revenue and expenditure; divided into subject categories projecting cash needed to meet expenses over a specific time frame. See BUDGET CHART. See Also PHASED BUDGET.
Cash Flow: The transfer of monies into and out of an enterprise.
Cash in Advance: CIA. Payment for goods in which the price is paid in full before shipment is made. This method is usually used only for small purchases, for poor credit risks or when the goods are built to order.
Cash Registration: Full payment for anticipated room and tax charges at registration; credit for incidentals not extended.
Cash Reservation: Payment with reservation for full or part of stay.
Cash with Order: CWO. Payment for goods in which the buyer pays when ordering and in which the transaction is binding on both parties.
Cassette: Self-enclosed two-reel tape module — video or audio.
Casual Attire: Sports shirt (possibly with jacket) for men; resort wear for women.
Casualty Insurance: A type of insurance that is primarily concerned with the legal liability for losses caused by injury to persons or damage to the property of others.
Casualty: Rooms that were reserved by attendees but not used; often refers to “no shows” or last minute cancellations.
Category Cable: (Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable or UTP) Usually referred to as Cat 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 cable. Cat 5 transmits data the fastest. Fast Ethernet requires enhanced Cat 5 cable or Cat 5 to operate at its full potential. See BACKBONE.
Caterer: 1) A food service vendor, often used to describe a vendor who specializes in banquets and theme parties. 2) An exclusive food & beverage contractor within a facility.
Catering Sales Manager: Staff person responsible for selling and servicing group and local food and beverage functions.
Catering: The provision of food and beverages.
Catwalk: Walkway above auditorium used for hanging lights and sound equipment.
Caviar: Sturgeon roe (eggs); lightly salted. The lighter the color, the better quality and the more expensive.
CBT: Computer-Based Training.
CC: Current Cost.
CDME: Certified Destination Marketing Executive. A certification of the International Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus.
CD-ROM: Compact Disk-Read Only Memory. A disk that can hold many times the data of a traditional floppy disk.
CDX: Blemish-free wood surface.
CEC: Continuing Education Credit. Requirement of many professional groups by which members must certify participation in formal educational programs designed to maintain their level of ability beyond their original certification date. See CONTINUING EDUCATION UNIT (CEU).
Ceiling Décor: Suspended decorations to enhance appearance of hall, or create a more intimate environment by 'lowering' the ceiling.
Ceiling Height: Maximum height of ceiling of an exhibition hall or event room. Dimensions quoted by halls and hotels often do not take into account any light fixtures hanging from the ceiling.
CEIR: Center for Exhibition Industry Research. A member of the Convention Industry Council.
Celastic: Material formed to shape by using treated fabrics, resins, and adhesives.
Celebrity Speaker: A speaker who is booked for his/her name value.
Celotex: Material composed of compressed paper and adhesives.
Celsius: A temperature scale (Also Called CENTIGRADE) where 0° is freezing and 100° is the boiling point. To convert Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit, multiply the Celsius figure by 9, divide by 5, and add 32.
Centerpiece: Decoration for the center of a banquet table.
Centigrade: See CELSIUS.
Central Console: The desk from which technicians operate microphones and audiovisual equipment.
Century Weight: CWT. A measurement for exhibit freight, usually 100 pounds.
Certificate in Meeting Management: CMM. Certification program offered by Meeting Professionals International; global certification in meeting management that focuses on strategic thinking and actions for senior level meeting professionals.
Certificate of Inspection: A document certifying that merchandise (such as perishable goods) was in good condition immediately prior to its shipment.
Certificate of Insurance: A document provided by an insurance company as proof that a policy has been issued and coverage is in effect.
Certificate of Manufacture: A statement (often notarized) in which a producer of goods certifies that the manufacturing has been completed and the goods are now at the disposal of the buyer.
Certificate of Origin: A document, required by certain countries for tariff purposes, certifying as to the country of origin of specified goods.
Certification: Program and process by which a participant completes proscribed training and passes an assessment.
Certified Association Executive: CAE. Certification program offered by the American Society of Association Executives. Certification designed to elevate professional standards, enhance individual performance and designate those who demonstrate knowledge essential to the practice of association management.
Certified Destination Marketing Executive: CDME. A certification of the International Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus.
Certified Exhibition Manager: CEM. An exhibition management professional, as officially designated by the International Association of Exhibition Management.
Certified Hospitality Marketing Executive: CHME. A certification program offered by the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International.
Certified Hospitality Sales Professional: CHSP. A certification program offered by the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.
Certified Hotel Administrator: CHA. A certification program offered by the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.
Certified Incentive Travel Executive: CITE. A designation offered by the Society of Incentive & Travel Executives (SITE).
Certified Manager of Exhibits: CME. An exhibit industry professional, as officially designated by the Trade Show Exhibitors Association.
Certified Meeting Professional: CMP. Certification program offered by the Convention Industry Council. This designation certifies competency in 27 areas of meeting management through application and examination.
Certified Speaking Professional: CSP. Accredited designation offered by the National Speakers Association. This designation is earned for extensive, documented speaking experience and client satisfaction.
Certified Special Events Professional: CSEP. Accredited designation offered by the International Special Event Society. This designation is earned for professional achievement in event management.
Certified Weight: An official weight issued from a Certified Weight Master. This individual certifies a shipment's weight as the only acceptable weight for transportation and drayage at a tradeshow. Weights can be determined by weighing the vehicle heavy (full) and light (empty), or by weighing each piece.
CESSE: Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives. A member of the Convention Industry Council.
CHA: Certified Hotel Administrator. A certification program offered by the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.
Chafing Dish: Used to warm or cook food, it consists of a container (usually metal) with a heat source directly beneath it, which can come from a candle, electricity or solid fuel (e.g. Sterno). There's often a larger dish that is used as a water basin (like the bottom of a double boiler) into which the dish containing the food is placed to prevent food from burning.
Chai: Spiced tea with cream and sweetener.
Chain Drive: Power transmission via chain for the movement of an object.
Chain Hoist Motor: Motor that pulls a chain through itself in order to lift a load.
Chain Lock: Protective or security device which connects by a chain a closed and ajar door to doorjamb. Also Called SECURITY LOCK.
Chair: A person selected to preside over a committee, a conference session or an entire conference.
Chambers of Commerce: Typically, a Chamber of Commerce will specialize in local economic development that can include tourism promotion.
Chamfer: Technique of reducing sharp corner of lumber by sanding or machining edge.
Change Order: Facility form to advise departments of changes in reservations or functions.
Channel: 1) Individual signal path through a system which has more than one such path. A special line reserved to a specific usage (e.g. speech on walkie talkies, etc.). 2) Generally, any material milled or extruded in a continuous U-shape.
Character Generator: Electronic device that allows words or characters to be displayed on a television image.
Charger: Another name for a larger plate, used as a base plate or platter.
Charrette: The binding together of designers, planners, and business professionals to discuss development concepts and plans. Freely sharing ideas in a relaxed, yet intense atmosphere — a brainstorming session is at the heart of a successful Charrette. It is a planning process, ideal for entertainment and recreational projects.
Chart of Accounts: A detailed list of the individual line items that make up the revenue and expense categories in a budget. A numbering system used to identify every line item in a budget, so income and expenses are posted to the correct accounts.
Charter Group: Group travel in which a previously organized group travels together, usually on a custom itinerary.
Charter Operations: 1) In terms of motor carrier certificates, the transportation of groups organized by someone other than the carrier, and which are sold the exclusive use of the vehicle. 2) An operator authorized to arrange transportation in charter operations.
Charter Party: A written contract, usually on a special form, between the owner of a vessel and a charterer who rents use of the vessel or a part of its freight space. The contract generally includes the freight rates and the ports involved in the transportation.
Charter: 1) Exclusive use of all or some space on an airplane, bus, ship, or other vehicle for a special period of time and for a specific itinerary. 2) To create a new association, organization or chapter of an association or organization.
Charts: Diagrams, music books, sheets, or scores.
Chaser Flasher/Lights: Electronic device to accomplish rapid sequential lighting.
Chaser: Mild drink taken after hard liquor.
Chat: A real time synchronous electronic discussion forum where participants can communicate with instructors, mentors and peers to simulate the classroom environment.
Chateaubriand: Thick tenderloin steak, cut from the center or 'barrel' of the loin.
Chaud Froid: (show fwah) Hot/cold jellied sauce used to decorate buffet show pieces, such as hams or turkeys.
Chaud: (show) Hot.
Cheat: Varying the positions of actors to achieve a better TV picture.
Check-In Time: Time at which hotel guests may check in and occupy sleeping rooms.
Check-In: Procedure for hotel guest arrival and registration.
Check-Out Time: Time set by facility when hotel guests are required to vacate sleeping rooms.
Check-Out: Procedure for hotel guest departure of their sleeping room including account settlement.
Chef’s Choice: Selection of food items to best complement the entrée. The selection is being left up to the chef.
Chef’s Table: The opportunity to sample a menu in advance of the event, usually in the company of the chef. Also refers to a food event held in the kitchen where the attendees interact with the chef and kitchen staff.
Chemise: With skins, as in boiled potatoes in their skins.
Cherries Jubilee: Flaming dessert served over vanilla ice cream.
Cherry Picker: Equipment capable of lifting a person or persons to a given height. See HIGH JACKER. See Also MAN LIFT, JLG, SCISSOR LIFT, GENIE LIFT, HI LOW, FORKLIFT.
Chevron Set-Up: Seating arrangement in which chairs are arranged in rows slanted in a V shape and separated by a center aisle. They face the head table or speaker. See HERRINGBONE SET-UP. See Also V-SHAPE SET-UP.
Chevron: Type of cloth used for backdrops.
Chief Executive Officer: CEO. The principal officer responsible for overall administration of an organization.
Chief Financial Officer: CFO. Executive responsible for financial affairs of an organization.
Chief Operating Officer: COO. Executive responsible for day-to-day operations of an organization.
Chiffonade: Foods served with shredded vegetables, such as lettuce salads with shredded carrots and/or red cabbage.
Chinoise: French word for Chinese.
Chipping: Distortion of audio signals caused by input signal peaks or voltage amplitudes which cause a circuit to attempt to exceed its own maximum voltage capabilities.
CHME: Certified Hospitality Marketing Executive. A certification program offered by the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International.
Chop Suey: Chinese stew, with meat or fish, plus bamboo sprouts, onions, rice and water chestnuts.
Chow Meinu: Chinese dish of bean sprouts, celery, mushrooms, and a meat or fish served over crispy or pan-fried soft noodles.
CIC: Convention Industry Council (formerly the Convention Liaison Council). A federation of national and international organizations representing individuals, firms or properties involved in the meetings, conventions, exhibitions and travel and tourism industries.
CIF&C: Cost, Insurance, Freight, and Commission. A pricing term indicating that these costs are included in the quoted price.
CIF&E: Cost, Insurance, Freight, and Exchange. A pricing term indicating that these costs are included in the quoted price.
CIF: Cost, Insurance, Freight. A pricing term indicating that these costs are included in the quoted price.
Cioppino: An Italian fish stew made from tomatoes, white wine, and clams, shrimp, crab, calamari, swordfish, fresh basil and garnished with a garlic crouton.
Circle Trip: A journey with stopovers that returns to the point of departure without retracting its route.
Circline: Circular fluorescent fixture.
CITE: Certified Incentive Travel Executive. A designation offered by the Society of Incentive & Travel Executives (SITE).
City Central: Association of American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) local unions in a city or metropolitan area.
City Guide: A freelance guide who comes aboard a motorcoach to give an informed overview of the city or attraction to be toured.
City Tour: A sightseeing trip through a city, usually lasting a half-day or full day, during which a guide points out that city’s highlights. See TOUR.
Citywide Event: An event that requires the use of a convention center or event complex, as well as multiple hotels in the host city.
Clamp-On Fixture: Electrical fixture with C-clamp device for attaching to display.
Clamp-On Lights: A light fixture that has a clamping device that allows it to attach to a wall or pole. They are 150 watts to 250 watts.
Classification: Commodity tariff used to classify shipments. Shipments are evaluated by their density, sensitivity, packaging and other criteria. Rates are assessed on a shipment after a commodity classification is established.
Classroom Set-Up: Seating arrangement in which rows of tables with chairs face the front of a room and each person has a space for writing. Also Called SCHOOLROOM SET-UP.
Classroom Table: Rectangular table, often narrower than regular tables and 30-inches high. Can be 6' or 8' long and 18- or 24-inches wide.
Clause: A detailed section of a contract pertaining to a specific issue.
Clean Bill of Lading: A receipt for goods issued by a carrier with an indication that the goods were received in apparent good order and condition, without damages or other irregularities. See FOUL BILL OF LADING.
Clean Draft: A draft to which no documents have been attached.
Clear Date/Time: Generally the last point in time at which an exhibitor-appointed carrier must be in line or at the dock in order to be loaded after the close of the show.
Clearance: Clear space between the passing object and sides or roof of a passageway.
Cleats: Wood strips on sides of shipping container for sliding and handling purposes. Also wood strips on a structure for attaching another fixture or structure.
Climate Neutral: Climate Neutral products or services reduce and offset the greenhouse gases generated at each stage of their life-cycle on a cradle-to-cradle basis: the sourcing of their materials, their manufacturing or production, their distribution, use, and ultimate end-of-life disposition.
Clinic: Workshop-type educational experience where participants learn by doing.
Clogged Head: Buildup of oxide on the video recorder head causing noise, breakup, or loss of picture.
Closed: See FULL HOUSE.
Closed-End: (Incentive travel) Number of winners are limited by a predetermined amount.
Closing Ceremony: Final activities at an event which occur during the closing/last session.
Closing Session: The final session of an event in which the subjects which have been discussed are summarized and possible conclusions reached and announced.
Cluster: 1) Enclosed lights used to illuminate the top of film and stage sets. 2) Group of speakers mounted in auditoriums, arenas, and theaters.
CMAA: Club Managers Association of America.
CMP: 1) Certified Meeting Professional. 2) Complete Meeting Package at conference centers; includes lodging, all food and beverage, support services, including audio visual equipment, room rental, etc.
Coach Fare: Economy airline fare.
Coach: 1) Individual who helps develop presentation skills. 2) Class of airline service.
Coat Rack: Frame to hold wearing apparel, usually on hangers. See GARMENT RACK. See Also Costumer.
Coated Stock: Paper manufactured with coatings of clay or other materials to give the base paper a smooth, often glossy, surface.
Coaxial Cable: Cable used to transmit audio and television signals.
Cobra Head Extension Cord: A two-wire extension cord that has the capability of having two of more items plugged into the end. These cords are not allowed in some convention facilities (e.g. Las Vegas) due to the possible overload and tripping of breakers. They are also considered a fire hazard.
Cocktail Attire: Men should wear nothing less formal than a blazer and slacks; for women, dressy pantsuits or short, dressier dresses.
Cocktail Table: Small round table, 15- 30 inches in diameter (38-76 centimeters) used for cocktail type parties. Also Called CABARET TABLE. See Also TUXEDO TABLE.
COD: Cash on Delivery, Collection on Delivery.
CODEC: Compression/Decompression or Coder/Decoder. Videoconferencing standard, included in hardware and/or software, used to compress or code video, audio, and data signals for transmission and decompress or decode the signal at the other end of the transmission.
Coeur: (coor) Heart (e.g. 'hearts of lettuce' ).
Cold Call: Sales call made without an appointment.
Collaborative Tools: Email, bulletin boards, live chat, instant messaging and other technologies that allow participants to communicate electronically with other participants.
Collateral: Assets that can be pledged to guarantee a loan. The promotional material used by the salespeople to support or corroborate the features and benefits of the item being sold.
Collection and Consolidation Service: Service performed for a shipper in which a number of LTL shipments are picked up or received and forwarded as one truckload shipment.
Collective Agreement: Written agreement between an employer and a union specifying the terms and conditions of employment for workers, the status of the union, and the procedure for settling disputes arising during the contract term. See UNION CONTRACT.
Collective Bargaining: The process of negotiation between an employer or employers and an employee organization, union or unions to reach agreement on the terms and conditions of employment for a specified period.
Colloquium: An informal meeting for the purpose of discussion; usually of an academic or research nature and in order to ascertain areas of mutual interest through exchange of ideas. Conducted as and when convenient, but with little regularity.
Co-Location: To hold two related events at the same time and in the same place.
Color Key Proof: Proof copy for approval of color positioning.
Color Separation: See FOUR-COLOR SEPARATION.
Column: A pillar in a facility which supports the roof or other structures. Usually refers to pillars in function space and exhibition halls and is typically denoted on floor plan as a solid square.
Combo: Small group of musicians such as a small jazz or dance band.
Commando Cloth: A woven fabric with a nap, similar to Duvetyne, but heavier, completely light blocking and with a coarser nap. A substitute for velour, most often used for masking drapes. See DUVETYNE.
Commercial Invoice: An itemized statement furnished to a purchaser by a seller and usually specifying the price of goods or services and the terms of sale.
Commission: A payment to a sales representative for meeting or exceeding a sales revenue goal. Or a payment made to an individual or organization for bringing business to another individual or organization.
Commissionable Rate Commitment: A contract in which the room rate to be charged to attendees includes a commission to be paid to either the sponsoring group or a third party such as a travel agent or independent event planning or site selection organization.
Commissions: A percent of the total product cost paid to travel agents and other travel product distributors for selling the product to the consumer.
Commitment: Agreement between buyer and seller to purchase/sell the particular product. See CONTRACT. See Also LETTER OF AGREEMENT.
Committee of Honor: Committee of individuals eminent in the related field whose names are lent to an event by way of endorsement.
Committee: A group of people appointed for a specific purpose.
Common Carrier: Transportation company which handles crated materials; an agency or business that is available to the public for transportation of persons, goods, or messages; usually referring to freight transportation on regularly scheduled trucks or airplanes.
Communication Center: Area in a venue for telephone, fax, Internet, telex or teleconferencing facilities.
Commuter Airline: Airline connecting small communities with large airports.
Compensation: 1) Payment for a thing of value tendered or a service rendered, usually refers to base salary plus benefits, bonus and/or commission. 2) Something, usually in the form of a monetary payment, that makes up for a loss.
Complete Meeting Package: An all-inclusive plan offered by conference centers; includes lodging, all meals and support services.
Complimentary Ratio: The number of rooms provided at no cost based on the number of occupied rooms.
Complimentary Registration: Waiver of registration fees.
Complimentary Room: A sleeping room or function room provided to an individual or organization at no cost. See COMPLIMENTARY RATIO.
Complimentary: Comp. Service, space or item provided at no charge.
Comprehensive Layout: Artist’s precise rendering of proposed piece showing paper and color selection, size and placement of type, illustrations and photographs.
Computer Data Projection: The projection of a computer signal from a personal computer, laptop or other computer device onto a screen from a LCD or equivalent projector for viewing by audience.
Computer-Based Training: CBT. Any instructional event that can be accessed by a stand alone computer - usually CD-ROM based.
Computerized Registration: Automated registration records.
Con Carne: With meat, (e.g. 'chili con carne').
Concert Rider: See RIDER.
Concessions: 1) Merchandise or refreshments sold on site, to individuals, in conjunction with an event. 2) Contractual agreement where one party provides something of value to the other party in exchange for something else, pending certain conditions.
Concierge: 1) Facility staff which provides special services such as tickets to local events, transportation, and tour arrangements. 2) Designated area in facility providing special amenities and services to guests.
Conclave: Gathering of a group with shared or special interests.
Concurrent Sessions: Multiple sessions scheduled at the same time. Programs on different themes or subjects offered simultaneously.
Condensed Type: Narrow or slender type permitting greater number of characters per line.
Conference Call: Telephone or video connection between three or more persons.
Conference Center: A facility that provides a dedicated environment for events, especially small events. May be certified by the International Association of Conference Centers.
Conference Handbook: A manual which provides information about a conference. Contents would include descriptions of programs, information on participants, agendas, schedules of events, speaker notes, and logistical information.
Conference Officer/Organizer: Title generally conferred upon the chief administrator of the entire event.
Conference Pack/Kit: Generally a comprehensive collection of conference documentation and/or event materials within a bag, binder, envelope or folder. Also called information kit. See REGISTRATION KIT. Also CALLED REGISTRATION PACKET.
Conference Papers: Abstracts of lectures to be presented during a conference compiled in the book of abstracts. See ABSTRACT. See Also CALL FOR PAPERS.
Conference Reminder: An email, bulk fax, or bulk mail broadcast that provides attendees and prospects with the latest news and information about an upcoming event. Such reminders are usually distributed on an opt-in basis. See EMAIL ALERT.
Conference Report: An official summary of conference events.
Conference Service Coordinator: Primary contact person assigned to an event in a convention center.
Conference Set-Up: Seating arrangement in which rectangular or oval tables are set up with chairs placed around all sides. It is often confused with Hollow Square Set-up. The preferred industry term is BOARDROOM SET-UP.
Conference: 1) Participatory meeting designed for discussion, fact-finding, problem solving and consultation. 2) An event used by any organization to meet and exchange views, convey a message, open a debate or give publicity to some area of opinion on a specific issue. No tradition, continuity or periodicity is required to convene a conference. Although not generally limited in time, conferences are usually of short duration with specific objectives. Conferences are generally on a smaller scale than congresses. See CONGRESS. See Also CONVENTION.
Configuration: 1) Arrangement of seats within an aircraft. See PITCH. 2) The layout of tables, chairs and other equipment in a function room. See FLOOR PLAN. 3) Sleeping berth in a day/night compartment on a European train.
Confirmation Letter: Letter to speakers, acknowledging that a commitment has been made between the speaker and the organization, outlining information about the event.
Confirmation Number: Proof of Registration, i.e., a reservation number that will be accepted by the hotel holding the room.
Confirmation: Oral or written agreement by a facility to accept a request for accommodation; to be binding the agreement must state the intent of the parties, the particular date, the rate, type of accommodations, and the number to be accommodated; oral agreement may require a credit card number. See CONFIRMED RESERVATION.
Confirmed Letter of Credit: A letter of credit, issued by a foreign bank, whose validity has been confirmed by an American bank. An exporter whose payment terms are a confirmed letter of credit is assured of payment even if the foreign buyer or the foreign bank defaults. See LETTER OF CREDIT.
Confirmed Reservation: Oral or written agreement by a facility to accept a request for an accommodation; to be binding the agreement must state the intent of the parties, the particular date, the rate, type of accommodations, and the number to be accommodated; oral agreement may require guest credit card number. See CONFIRMATION.
Conflict of Interest Statement: Written document requiring individuals to disclose any conflicts of interest that may be created by their involvement with an organization.
Confrontation: Efforts of a dissident group to obstruct the conduct of an event.
Congress Auxiliaries: Those persons who work in the congress’ auxiliary services and have been identified by the organizer and the contracted firm (if any) whose names are clearly stated in a previously prepared register.
Congress Card: Admission card confirming a booking and registration to an event. See ADMISSION CARD.
Congress Travel Agent: Travel agent specializing in handling incoming or outgoing event participants and additional travel arrangements including pre- and post-tours.
Congress: 1) The regular coming together of large groups of individuals, generally to discuss a particular subject. A congress will often last several days and has several simultaneous sessions. The length of time between congresses is usually established in advance of the implementation stage, and can be either pluri-annual or annual. Most international or world congresses are of the former type while national congresses are more frequently held annually. 2) Meeting of an association of delegates or representatives from constituent organizations. 3) European term for convention. See CONFERENCE. See Also CONVENTION.
Connecting Rooms: Two or more guestrooms with private connecting doors permitting access between rooms without having to go into the corridor.
Consecutive Interpretation: Oral translation of several phrases or entire speeches from one language to another. Speaker pauses between phrases to allow for interpretation.
Consideration: The inducement to a contract. The cause, motive, price, or impelling influence which induces a contracting party to enter a contract.
Consignee: Recipient. The person, people, or organization to whom something is delivered or addressed.
Consignment: Delivery of merchandise from a seller (the consignor) to an agent (the consignee) under agreement that the agent sell the merchandise for the account of the seller. The consignor retains title to the goods until the consignee has sold them. The consignee sells the goods for commission and remits the net proceeds to the consignor.
Consignor: A person who sends freight. Compare with CONSIGNEE.
Consolidate: 1) Shipping freight to a central depot where several loads bound for the same destination are put together before being shipped to that destination. 2) Merging events, jobs, tasks, etc.
Consortium: A loosely knit group of independently owned and managed companies, e.g. destination management companies (DMCs), tour operators, hotels, etc., with a joint marketing and distribution process.
Construction Drawing: A drawing that gives detailed diagrams and instructions for building an exhibit.
Consular Declaration: A formal statement, made to the consul of a country, describing goods to be shipped.
Consular Invoice: A document, required by some countries, describing a shipment of goods and showing information such as the consignor, consignee, and value of the shipment. Certified by a consular official of the foreign country, it is used by that country’s customs officials to verify the value, quantity, and nature of the shipment.
Consultant: Individual who provides counsel and assistance to a client on specific assignments. For very large projects, a consulting firm may be retained rather than a individual.
Consumer Show: Exhibition that is open to the public, usually requiring an entrance fee.
Consummé: (con sue may) Clear soup, served hot or chilled.
Contact Cement: Bonding agent usually used for cementing plastic laminates to wood.
Contact Management System: A software program that matches contacts with prospects.
Container Detention: A charge that is assessed when the container is removed from the carrier’s control but is not returned within the allowable free time.
Content: The educational component of an event.
Continental Breakfast: Light morning meal consisting of pastries, juices, and hot beverages. Usually served buffet style.
Continental Buffet: Buffet consisting of pastries, juices, and hot beverages.
Continental Plan: A room rate that includes a continental breakfast.