Exhibit Hall: Area within facility where exhibition is located.
Exhibit House: Company that fabricates displays. See SHOP. See Also DISPLAY BUILDER.
Exhibit Manager: 1) Person in charge of individual exhibit booth/stand. 2) Event management staff member in charge of entire exhibit area.
Exhibit Producer: An individual or company that designs and/or builds exhibits. May also provide other services. See DISPLAY BUILDER.
Exhibit: Individual display area constructed to showcase products, services or convey a message.
Exhibition Area: Amount of floor space occupied by exhibitor. Also Called BOOTH/STAND AREA.
Exhibition Center: Venue at which exhibitions are held.
Exhibition Contractor: The organizer or promoter of an exhibition; responsible for the letting of space, financial control and management of the exhibition; sometimes an agent acting in this capacity.
Exhibition Manager: Preferred term for the specific person responsible for all aspects of planning, promoting, and producing an exhibition. Also Called SHOW MANAGER, SHOW ORGANIZER. See SHOW MANAGEMENT.
Exhibition Occupancy: Total square feet of space used for exhibits times the number of use days divided by the total exhibit space in the building multiplied by 365. Expressed as a percentage.
Exhibition Plan: Plan showing space to be occupied by the exhibition; the areas intended for booths/stands and those for passageways and services etc. See FLOOR PLAN.
Exhibition Service Contractor: Supplier of booth/stand equipment, rental furnishings, floor coverings, labor, drayage and signs for exhibitions and trade shows. See GENERAL SERVICE CONTRACTOR.
Exhibition: 1) An event at which products and services are displayed. The primary activity of attendees is visiting exhibits on the show floor. These events focus primarily on business-to-business (B2B) relationships. 2) Display of products or promotional material for the purposes of public relations, sales and/or marketing. See TRADE SHOW. See Also CONSUMER SHOW, GATE SHOW, PUBLIC SHOW.
Exhibitor Advisory Committee: Representatives of an event's exhibiting companies who act as advisers to show management on rules and procedures, and also update show management on industry trends and issues.
Exhibitor Appointed Contractor: EAC. Any company other than the designated "official" contractor providing a service to an exhibitor. Can refer to an Install & Dismantle Company (I&D House), photographer, florist or any other type of contractor.
Exhibitor Kit: See EXHIBITOR MANUAL.
Exhibitor Lounge: An area either on or adjacent to the exhibit floor where exhibitors may relax or meet with customers.
Exhibitor Manual: Manual or kit, usually developed by the service contractor for an event, containing general event information, labor/service order forms, rules and regulations and other information pertinent to an exhibitor's participation in an exhibition.
Exhibitor Move-In: The time period allowed for exhibitors to prepare their exhibit space for show opening. It generally begins after the exposition contractor to receive/unload show-site deliveries.
Exhibitor Newsletter: A newsletter sent by event management to exhibitors prior to an event. It includes updates on deadlines, event rules and regulations, events, and marketing opportunities offered by event management, plus educational articles to improve exhibitors' effectiveness.
Exhibitor Prospectus: Direct mail promotional materials sent to current and prospective exhibitors to encourage participation and promote the benefits of exhibiting in a specific show. Contains information about technical points, cost of exhibition space, floor plan of the exhibition and application for participation.
Exhibitor Retention: Persuading current exhibitors to participate in subsequent events. Exhibitor retention rate is the percentage of exhibitors that renew.
Exhibitor: 1) Person or firm that displays its products or services at an event. 2) Event attendee whose primary purpose for attending the event is to staff a booth/stand.
Exhibitor-Appointed Carrier: EAC. For freight shipped to (inbound) or from (out-bound) a show, exhibitors are free to choose the carrier of their choice. This choice is predicated upon the exhibitor making necessary pick-up/delivery arrangements. When doing so, the exhibitor is said to have designated an EAC. Selecting a particular carrier is commonly associated with receiving preferred service and/or rates.
Exhibitorship: Skills to effectively present an exhibiting company's message. Includes body language, opening line and message presentation. Also Called BOOTHMANSHIP.
Exhibits-Only: The right to attend the exhibit-based portion of an event, not the paid conference or other fee events.
Exit Visa: An endorsement made on a passport denoting that a person may leave the country.
Expanded Metal: Sheets of metal cut and expanded to form an open mesh, usually used as decorative grill.
Expected Attendance : Total number of people anticipated to attend an event prior to the event taking place.
Expedited Service: Service offered by a transportation company to assure prompt delivery.
Expenses: All contracted out-of-pocket business costs. These normally include airfare, taxi-fare, car rental costs, lodging, gratuities, and special phone calls having to do with the event, meals, and last-minute presentational materials. Expenses charged to the client should not include anything of personal nature (i.e. movies, alcohol).
Explainer: Personnel hired at an exhibition who has technical knowledge of a product; they may or may not be bilingual.
Export Broker: An individual or firm that brings together buyers and sellers for a fee, but does not take part in actual sales transactions.
Export Declaration: Required for shipments valued at more than $2500; used by the U.S. government to monitor the dollar volume of export shipments.
Export License: A government document which permits the “licensee” to engage in the export of designated goods to certain destinations.
Export Management Company: A private firm that serves as the export department for several manufacturers, soliciting and transacting export business on behalf of its clients in return for compensation. i.e. a commission, salary, or retainer plus commission.
Export: To send or transport goods out of one country for sale or display in another country. The exporter is usually the seller or the seller's agent. See IMPORT.
Exposition Manager: See EXHIBITION MANAGER.
Exposition: See EXHIBITION.
Expository Learning: The instructor presents to the learners and the learners remain passive and watch or listen.
Extended Type: Type that is wider than standard, allowing fewer characters per line.
Extra Overnight Stays: All extra nights spent by the participant other than overnight event stays.
Extra Section: Added aircraft or bus to accommodate a group too large for one aircraft or bus.
Extraordinary Session: A special session for activities needs, or situations that are different from those normally and originally scheduled.
Extruded: To form metal or plastic, push out.
Eye Bolts: Eye bolts or eye screws have a looped head or an opening in the head.
F&B Guarantee: See GUARANTEE.
F&B Service Time: Specific time at which a food and beverage function, or segment of a function (e.g., appetizer, entrée, dessert), should be served.
F&B: Food and Beverage.
FAA: Federal Aviation Administration.
Fabrication: Construction of an exhibit or display.
Facilitator: An individual who guides discussion and/or decision making.
Facility Manager: The manager of a convention center, exhibition hall or other venue.
Facility: A structure that is built, installed or established to serve a particular purpose. See CONVENTION CENTER, HALL.
Fade: Progressive lessening or dimming of an image from the screen. See DISSOLVE.
Fade-In: Gradual fade from a dark screen to a visual image. See CROSS FADE. See Also DISSOLVE.
Fade-Out: Room lights are turned off or video screen becomes black. See GO TO BLACK.
Fader: Device used to control all dimming circuits.
Fahrenheit: A temperature scale in which 32° is freezing and 212° is the steam point. To convert Fahrenheit temperatures to Celsius, subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit reading, multiply by 5 and divide by 9. (A simple way to calculate is to subtract 10% of Fahrenheit, then double the result, which may be off a degree, but is generally close enough.)
Fair trade: Small farmers are paid a fair market price that enables them to improve their standard of living.
Fair: 1) Enterprise principally devoted to the exhibition of products of agriculture or industry. Typically, fairs also provide entertainment activities such as rides, games and food concessions. 2) Exhibition of products or services in a specific area of activity held with the objective of promoting business.
False Bow: Staged bow and exit by the artist, with a planned return pending audience response.
Fam Tours: Organized trips for travel agents, tour operators, tour wholesalers or other members of the travel trade for the purpose of educating and “familiarizing” them with tourism destinations. By seeing the destinations where they are sending travelers, the travel trade is better prepared to answer customer questions and promote travel to the location. Also called “fams” or “familiarization tours.”
Fam Trip: Familiarization Trip. Offered to potential buyers of a venue, a program designed to acquaint participants with specific destinations or services and to stimulate the booking of an event. Often offered in groups, but sometimes on an individual basis. See SITE INSPECTION.
Familiarization Trip: Fam Trip. Offered to potential buyers of a venue, a program designed to acquaint participants with specific destinations or services and to stimulate the booking of an event. Often offered in groups, but sometimes on an individual basis. See SITE INSPECTION.
Family Name: Preferred term for use on event housing and registration forms to indicate the name by which all immediate family members are known. Same as LAST NAME, SURNAME. Compare with GIVEN NAME.
Family Plan: A discount price offered by companies to second and successive members of families.
Family-Style Service: Platters and bowls of foods are set on the dining tables, from which guests serve themselves. Usually involves guests passing the containers to each other. See ENGLISH SERVICE.
FAP: Full American Plan. See AMERICAN PLAN (AP).
Farci: Stuffed, e.g. stuffed meat.
Fascia: Placard or sign at top of exhibit usually with company name.
Fashion Goods: Goods where style is important and price is secondary. These products could include clothing, jewelry, furniture, draperies, and dishes, but can sometimes be stretched into other areas such as umbrellas, walking canes, cigarette holders, etc.
Fashion Show: Choreographed display of garments and/or accessories by models.
Fast Fold Screen: Brand name for a large screen with a frame which folds down into a small case for storage. The legs of this screen are attached at the sides of the screen, or the screen may be flown from above.
Featherbedding: 1) Unfair labor practice of causing an employer to pay for services which are not performed, or requiring more people than necessary to do a job, or requiring the performance of superfluous work. 2) Making oneself comfortable through the receipt of excessive or unjustified compensation for little or no work. See MAKE WORK PRACTICES.
Featherrock: Material cut from volcanic lava in rough and varying sizes, or synthetic materials that looks exactly like heavy rock but is lightweight; useful for decorative stone, venues and dioramas.
Fee for Service: The amount charged for providing a service.
Fee: 1) A fixed amount or percentage charged. 2) The cost of participating in a meeting or event, paid to the organization conducting the meeting.
Feedback: 1) Regeneration of sound from audio speakers back through a microphone causing a squealing sound. 2) Response about an activity, policy, or idea.
Feeder Airport/City: An outlying city which feeds travelers to hubs or gateway cities.
Feeder Space: Reservations for passenger from home city to gateway city for international or Hawaii flights.
Fête: A party or celebration.
Fettuccine Alfredo: Fettuccine noodles in a white cheese sauce.
FHC: Notation on floor plans indicating the location of fire hose cabinets.
Fiber Optic Cable: A cable that is made up of tiny glass strands that are wrapped and bundled together to make up a cable. Fiber can transmit voice, data and video at gigabyte speed, or 1 billion bytes per second, with less signal loss than copper wire because the signal is carried by light rather than electricity. See BACKBONE.
Fiber Optics: 1) In displays, the use of cut glass fibers to display colored light. 2) In telephony, material used for carrying voice and data signals.
Fiberglass: A material fabricated from plastic resins and glass fiber. Available in rigid forms, translucent and opaque. Can also be custom fabricated in intricate shapes.
Field Services: Handling installation and dismantling, including freight, drayage, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, iron workers, riggers and maintenance.
File Server: A computer that shares its resources, such as printers and files, with other computers on a network.
Filet Mignon: Cut of the beef tenderloin.
Fill Light: Light used to fill in shadows created by key light.
Fillet: 'Almost' boneless cut of fish.
Film Chain: Projectors and video equipment transmitting projected materials through a television system.
Film Clip: Brief filmed piece.
Film: A flexible strip of chemically treated material used in taking still or moving pictures.
Filmstrip: Series of slides reproduced on one continuous strip of film.
Filter: 1) A transparent material that is over a light that can affect the intensity, color, and focus of the light. 2) Circuit that selectively attenuates portions of the audio frequency spectrum. A filter is the opposite of the traditional equalizer, which selectively boosts, but for the purpose of modern convenient control of sound on mixes and equalizer units, the circuits of tone-altering controls usually incorporate the dual abilities to equalize and filter by simply rotating a knob one way or another.
Final Program: Document containing the definitive conference and social program, circulated immediately prior to a conference or distributed at the commencement of the event.
Final Report: Conclusive summary of conference events.
Financial Procedures: An outline of accounting and banking techniques.
Financial Report: Document incorporating the statement of income and expenses and the budget at a given date.
Financial Responsibility Law: A law that requires a person or organization to furnish evidence of ability to respond to claims for harm from a specified type of activity. The most common financial responsibility requirement applies to motor vehicle operators, who must have evidence of ability to pay for automobile-related injuries or damage. An auto liability policy is the main form of financial responsibility.
Finger Bowl: Hot water, sometimes scented, and fresh linen served to a guest after the meal so that the hands and face can be cleansed.
Finger Food: Food at a reception that does not require a knife, fork or spoon.
Finger Pull: Hinged finger grip usually mounted in recess on hinged doors.
Finished: Wooden articles that have passed the state of manufacture "in the white" (refers to wood that has been primed).
Fire Aisle: Interior aisle in an exhibition floor plan used for emergency egress that must be kept clear of obstructions.
Fire Exit: Door or passageway, clear of obstructions, designed by local authorities for egress from a building or structure.
Fire Extinguisher: Any agent used to extinguish fires such as water, sand, CO2, Halon, etc.
Fire Insurance: This insurance usually covers loss or damage attributable to fire, smoke, explosion, or forces of nature. It can also cover water damage.
Fire Lane: An external vehicle lane that must be kept clear of obstruction to allow emergency egress.
Fire Marshal: In the United States, Fire Marshals' responsibilities vary from state to state, but they tend to be responsible for fire safety code adoption and enforcement, fire and arson investigation, fire incident data reporting and analysis, public education and advising Governors and State Legislatures on fire protection.
Fire Retardant: Term used to describe a finish (usually liquid) which coats materials with a fire resistant cover. This does not render the material fire-proof.
Firm Offer: A speaking engagement that is definitely confirmed as in, "I've got a firm offer for Baltimore on that date." A firm offer is one that becomes contractually binding upon acceptance of the offer by the third party.
First Aid: Emergency care or treatment given to an ill or injured person before regular medical care is available. Also the place where such emergency care is provided.
First Announcement: Initial notification of an event, generally outlining the basic framework of a meeting; a widely circulated document. Also Called PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT.
First Name: Name given to identify individual family members. See GIVEN NAME (preferred).
First Option: See OPTION.
Fishpole: Holder with microphone often used in Q. & A. sessions. See GOOSENECK LIGHT.
FIT (Free Independent Travel): Individual travel in which a tour operator has previously arranged blocks of rooms at various destinations in advance for use by individual travelers. These travelers travel independently, not in a group, usually by rental car or public transportation.
FIT: Foreign Independent Travel. A custom-designed, prepaid travel package with many individualized arrangements. FIT are unescorted and usually have no formal itinerary.
Fixed Assets: Usually non-liquid assets that are integral to the enterprise's day-to-day business operations (e.g. plants, equipment, furniture and real estate).
Fixed Costs: The day-to-day cost of doing business that is pre-committed, such as salaries, insurance, lease expenses, utilities, etc.
Fixed Expense: Expense incurred regardless of the number of event attendees.
Fixed Jig: Permanent felt support mounted within a shipping container.
Fixed Seating Assignments: Chairs of event rooms permanently affixed to the floor.
Fixed Theater: Permanent, non-movable seats in an event room or amphitheater.
Flag Carrier: Carrier designated by a country to serve international routes.
Flambé: (flom bay) Meat dish or dessert item flamed with spirits.
Flame Resistant/ Retardant: Material that is fire resistant.
Flange: That part of an extruded, formed or fabricated component that protrudes from the basic shape. Often used as mounting plate.
Flare: Dark flashes caused by light reflections from polished objects.
Flash Box: Smoke-producing device for special effects.
Flash: Technique of blinking on and off to add emphasis.
Flasher: Device to activate one or more lamps by intermittently interrupting current.
Flat Cable: Cable and extension cords that are used to lie on the floor under the carpet. It is flat to help reduce tripping hazards and provide a safer walk area within a booth/stand space.
Flat Framed: 1' x 2', 1' x 3' or 1' x 4' mounted on flat surface, usually associated with banners or signs.
Flat Rate: Flat rate for which a hotel or motel agrees to offer any of its available sleeping rooms (with the exception of suites) to a group. Final assignment of rooms is at the discretion of the hotel. See RUN-OF-THE-HOUSE RATE.
Flatware: Utensils used in a place setting (e.g. knife, fork, spoon).
Flipchart: Large pad of paper placed on, or attached to, an easel. Flipcharts are often used by speakers and facilitators for illustrative purposes. They are commonly used with permanent or non-permanent dry ink markers.
Float: A large 4-wheel dolly with upright handle, can be manual or motorized.
Floater: Worker(s) with no fixed assignment who are used to help out where needed.
Flocking: An electrostatic spraying process producing a velvety finish on any surface.
Flood Light: A light designed to provide general illumination.
Floor Load: Maximum amount of weight per square foot/meter a floor can support. (May also refer to the maximum amount of power available from floor outlets and ports.)
Floor Manager: Person retained by event management to supervise the installation, dismantling and operation of the exhibit area.
Floor Marking: Method of marking booth/stand spaces in an empty exhibit hall to indicate where booth/stands will be set.
Floor Order: Order for exhibitor services placed on-site after exhibit set up begins. Usually more expensive than an ADVANCE ORDER.
Floor Plan: 1) Schematic drawing of an exhibit hall including dimensions, design, shape, entrances, aisles, numbered exhibit booth/stands, lounges, concession areas, restrooms, electrical/plumbing accessibility, etc. 2) Scale plan of the floor area of a hotel’s event space. 3) Schematic drawing of a function room with specific requirements (dais, tables, chairs, etc.) drawn to scale.
Floor Port: Utility box, recessed in the floor, containing electrical, telephone, and/or plumbing connections.
Floor Speaker: Member of a meeting audience who participates in discussion during a meeting session.
Floor-Length Linen: Covers table across top and down to floor. Used for more formal events.
Flop: To reverse a photo or illustration so that it conforms to the basic design.
Florentine: Served with spinach.
Flush Mounted: Mounting of one material to another with no space between them.
Flush: Type is set so that it is even with right margin, left margin and/or both margins.
Fly: Objects and scenery hanging from above.
Flyer: One-piece printed announcement or advertisement.
Fly-In Instructions: Directions informing a venue or facility of the number of event participants expected to travel by plane to an event, in order to ensure adequate parking and bell staffing. This information should be included in the specifications guide for an event.
Flying: Raising and supporting sound, lighting or other equipment or décor from the ceiling.
Foam Core: Corrugated lightweight material with a Styrofoam® center sandwiched in the center; used for signs, decorating, and exhibit construction.
FOB: Freight On Board. When something is purchased and paid for with terms 'FOB origin' it means the responsibility of the seller stops when the 'goods' are delivered to the transporting company at the point of origin. It is the responsibility of the buyer to pay for transportation.
Focal Length: 1) Distance from the center of the lens to the film plane. 2) Size of lens required to obtain a specific size picture.
Focus Group: Method of doing research using a small group led by a facilitator.
Focus: Proper sharpness of the outline of an image.
Foie Gras: Seasoned goose liver pâté.
Foie: (foy) Liver.
Foldback: See CUE CHANNEL.
Folio: Form on which all charge transactions incurred by a registered guest are recorded.
Follow Spotlight: Manually movable spotlight (a brilliant light projected onto a particular area).
Font: Alphabet of type in a specific style. See TYPEFACE.
Food & Beverage: Any catered or concession service provided by a facility.
Food Cost: Percentage calculated by dividing the cost of food sold by total food sales.
Force Majeure Clause: A clause in an agreement that excuses performance in the event that a FORCE MAJEURE makes the performance impracticable or impossible.
Force Majeure: An event (e.g. war, labor strike, extreme weather, or other disruptive circumstances) or effect that cannot be reasonably anticipated or controlled: a "fortuitous event." See ACT OF GOD.
Forced Freight/Forcing the Floor: Removal of freight from the event floor after the event close that was not picked up by an exhibitor's carrier, or shipments left behind at the booth/stand at the close of the event without a bill of lading. Forced freight is generally removed from the hall at a specified time and held by the general contractor or official common carrier or until payment is made for forwarding.
Forecast: 1) To estimate a hotel’s revenues and occupancy situation on any given date or dates. Used for planning of staffing, purchasing and budgeting. Does not reflect contract commitments. 2) To estimate revenues and expenses for a future event.
Foreign Exchange Currency Risk: Risk that an organization takes when dealing with foreign currency due to exchange rates fluctuating over time.
Foreign Independent Tour: FIT. Custom-designed prepaid tour for an individual traveler.
Foreign Sales Agent: An individual or firm that serves as the foreign representative of a domestic supplier and seeks sales abroad for the supplier.
Foreign Trade Zone: An area within a country where imported goods can be stored or processed without being subject to import duty. See FREE PORT. See Also BONDED WAREHOUSE.
Foreign/National: Membership or meeting participation available to organizations or individuals from one nation, but able to meet in another nation.
Foreman: Supervisor of a group of workers whose duties will vary based upon the region of the country and the union affiliation. See JOB FOREMAN. See Also WORKING FORMAN.
Fork Food: Food at a reception that requires only a fork and not a knife.
Forklift/Forktruck: Vehicle with a power-operated pronged platform for lifting and carrying loads, used to transport heavy exhibit materials short distances, and for loading and unloading materials.
Formal Dress: See BLACK TIE. See Also WHITE TIE.
Formica: A brand name for a plastic laminate.
For-Profit Event Management Company: A management company whose owners or stockholders share in its net proceeds.
For-Profit: An organization that organizes events with the intention of making a profit.
Forum: 1) Open discussion with audience, panel, and moderator. 2) A meeting or part of a meeting set aside for an open discussion by recognized participants on subjects of public interest. Also for legal purposes, as part of the proceedings of a tribunal, court or similar body.
Forward Contract: An agreement guaranteeing a specific price for a product or service at a given future date. May also guarantee a specific rate of exchange when foreign currency is used.
Foul Bill of Lading: A receipt for goods issued by a carrier with an indication that the goods were damaged when received. See CLEAN BILL OF LADING.
Four Hour Call: Minimum work period for which union labor must be paid in special circumstances (generally, a minimum call is one hour.). Not to be confused with minimum charges to exhibitors applied by contractors that service events.
Four-Color Separation: Process of printing a full color image utilizing four colored screened patterns from which printing plates can be engraved.
Foyer: Pre-function space; public area in a venue for assembly or registration.
Fraises: (frays) Strawberries.
Framboises: (fram bwah) Raspberries.
Frame: Individual picture in a filmstrip or motion picture.
Framed Hardboard: Masonite or similar material on a 1 x 2 or 1 x 3 frame.
Fraternal: Groups where membership is based on common personal interests rather than common job or career responsibilities.
Free Form: Self-supporting and independent exhibit material. See ISLAND EXHIBIT.
Free Paper: Written transcript given as a result of acceptance of the submitted abstract on a subject chosen by the author.
Free Papers Session: Reports on particular topics which, while closely related to the subject of an event, do not strictly refer to the matters under discussion.
Free Pour: Alcoholic beverages poured by hand without the use of shot glasses or other measuring devices.
Free Rider: Union term for a non-union worker who received the benefits of the union's collective bargaining activity without sharing in the costs.
Free Standing: Self-supporting and independent display material.
Free Trade Zone: An area designated by the government of a country for duty-free entry of any non-prohibited goods. Merchandise may be stored, displayed, used for manufacturing, etc., within the zone and re-exported without duties being paid. Duties are imposed on the merchandise (or items manufactured from the merchandise) only when the goods pass from the zone into an area of the country subject to the customs authority.
Freeze Frame: Motion picture or video frame that is stopped so a single frame is displayed. See STOP MOTION.
Freight Contractor: The event-designated company responsible for handling exhibit properties from the dock to the exhibit space.
Freight Desk: A shipping company that typically handles international freight shipments. At an event, handles inbound and outbound exhibit materials.
Freight Elevator Usage: Instructions on the allotment of a facility’s freight elevator’s space and time required for an event. This information should be included in the specifications guide for an event.
Freight Forwarder: An independent business which handles export shipments for compensation. At the request of the shipper, the forwarder makes the actual arrangements and provides the necessary services for expediting the shipment to its overseas destination. The forwarder takes care of all documentation needed to move the shipment from origin to destination, making up and assembling the necessary documentation for submission to the bank in the exporter's name. The forwarder arranges for cargo insurance, makes the necessary overseas communications, and advises the shipper on overseas requirements of marking and labeling. The forwarder operates on a fee basis paid by the exporter and often receives an additional percentage of the freight charge from the common carrier. In the United States, an export freight forwarder must be licensed by the Federal Maritime Commission to handle ocean freight and by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to handle air freight. An ocean freight forwarder dispatches shipments from the United States via common carriers, books or arranges space for the shipments, and handles the shipping documentation. See INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDER.
Freight Handling Form: Form for exhibitor requesting handling of materials. Not to be confused with long haul shipping forms or bills of lading.
Freight: Properties, products, and other materials that are shipped.
French Hours: Not taking meal breaks. Taking breaks and eating as you work, as conditions permit.
French Service - Banquet Style: Platters of food are composed in the kitchen. Each food item is then served from the guest's left by the server from platters to individual plates. Any course can be 'Frenched' by having the dressing put on the salad or having sauce added to an entrée or dessert after it has been placed in front of the guest. See FRENCH SERVICE - CART STYLE.
French Service - Cart Style: This pattern of service involves the use of serving pieces (usually silver); heating and garnishing of food table-side by a captain; and the serving of food on a heated plate, which is then served to the guest by a server. Plated entrees are usually served from the right, bread and butter and salad from the left and beverages from the right. All are removed from the right. See FRENCH SERVICE - BANQUET STYLE.
Frequency Rates: The amount of time between motorcoaches on a given route or at a specific location.
Frequency Response: Measurement of how a device being measured responds to test signals of constant amplitude without regard to frequency, over a particular measurement range of frequencies. An electrical device whose specifications say it is “flat from 20Hz to 20kHz,” will not cause any amplitude deviation in signals fed through it over that frequency range, as a result of changing the frequency of the test signal.
Frequency: Spacing in time of events. In audio signals, frequency refers to the cyclic repeat of vibrations. In wire, the vibrations are electrical variations. In air, the vibrations are changes in air pressure. The ear hears air pressure variations with frequencies between about 12 times per second and 20,000 times per second of 12 Hz (hertz) and 20 kHz (kilohertz).
Frequency: The number of times an advertisement appears during a given campaign.
Fresnel Lens: Lens which produces a soft edged beam of light. Theatrical fixture with adjustable lens 150 W through 1500 W.
Friday Casual: See DRESS CASUAL.
Frisket: Technique of applying lettering or art to surface of rigid material by tracing outline on translucent paper; affixing the paper to surface or materials, cutting away paper within lettering spaces and then spraying color over surface. When balance of paper is removed, the lettering remains.
Frites: (freets) French slang for French fried potatoes.
Froid: Cold, chilled.
Fromage: Cheese.
Front Desk: 1) Hotel registration area. 2) The center of event facility activities, including registration and cashier services.
Front Office: The office situated in the hotel lobby, the main functions of which are: 1) control and sale of sleeping rooms; 2) providing key, mail and information service for guests; 3) keeping guest accounts, rendering bills and receiving payments; and 4) providing information to other departments.
Front Projection: FP. Projection of an image onto the front surface of a light reflecting screen from a projector placed within or behind the audience.
Frontages/Front Space: Refers to dimension across the front of an exhibit (for example, a 30' x 10' exhibit has 30' of front space and 10' depth).
FSA: Fire Safety Act. In the United States, the aim of the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990 is to save lives and protect property by promoting fire and life safety in hotels, motels and other places of public accommodation. The law mandates that federal employees on travel must stay in public accommodations that adhere to the life safety requirements in the legislation guidelines. It also states that federally funded meetings and conferences cannot be held in properties that do not comply with the law. This is applicable to all places of public accommodation, and requires that such properties are equipped with: hard-wired, single-station smoke detectors in each guestroom in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard 72; and, an automatic sprinkler system, with a sprinkler head in each guest room in compliance with NFPA standards 13 or 13R. Properties three stories or lower in height are exempt from the sprinkler requirement.
FTP: File Transfer Protocol. The process of uploading websites or other data.
Fulfillment: Servicing consumers and trade who request information as a result of advertising or promotional programs. Service often includes an 800 number, sales staff and distribution of materials.
Full American Plan: FAP. See AMERICAN PLAN (AP).
Full Disclosure: Informing the party purchasing a product or service of any rebates, surcharges or commissions included in the price of the product or service before they are purchased.
Full House: Closed; filled to capacity.
Full-Booth Coverage: Carpet covering entire area of booth/stand.
Full-Service Restaurant: A food service establishment that includes coffee shops, dinner houses, fine dining establishments, and theme restaurants with several menu selections and table service.
Fume: (foo may) Smoked.
Fumigation: To apply smoke, vapor, or gas to something for the purpose of disinfecting or of destroying pests. Fumigation is required in some countries for live plants and wooden packing.
Function Board: Announcements on facility board or video screen listing the day’s events, times and locations. See DIRECTORY. See Also READER BOARD.
Function Book: Diary or log used to control and document the assignment of function space within a facility. May be computerized.
Function Sheet: See BANQUET EVENT ORDER (BEO).
Function Space: Area in a facility which can be reserved by an individual or entity to hold events.
Function: 1) Any of a group of related organized occasions that contribute to a larger event. 2) An activity or role assigned to an event planner (or other industry professional).
Fundamental: Any pure tone. The pitch remaining when all harmonics (overtones) are removed from a basic frequency or musical tone, producing a pure tone. An amplifier or audio circuit that can pass a pure tone without adding any harmonics of its own is said to have low harmonic distortion. Musical instruments usually produce tones rich in harmonics, giving each its particular sound or ”timbre.” Small loudspeakers will be heard to reproduce bass instruments even while producing little or no fundamental pitch because the ear and brain reconstruct the sound of the instrument based on prior knowledge of its timbre.
Funnel Flight: Flight, with one flight number, requiring a change of planes at an intermediate stop.
Furniture Dolly: See FLOAT.
Fuse Head: An electrical igniter used to initiate a pyrotechnic effect. Sometimes called a Squib Head.
Future Bookings: Events or meetings which are contractually committed to occur at a future date in a specific venue.
G&A: General & Administrative. Expenses incurred by an organization that cannot be charged directly to a specific project account, i.e., overhead costs such as rent, etc.
Gaffer: Electrician on a film or video shoot.
Gaffer’s Tape: Fabric tape used in anchoring cables to the floor. See DUCT TAPE. See Also CARPET TAPE.
Gain: Level of audio volume. See LEVEL.
Gala Dinner: Primary social function of an event, usually in the evening, including entertainment or speeches after a formal meal.
Galantine: Boned meat, pressed into symmetrical shape that usually includes truffles. When the loaf is sliced, a decorative pattern is revealed. Served cold, generally as an appetizer.
Galley Proof: Sheet of copy that has been typeset for the author to correct before printing.
Gang Box: See TROUBLE BOX.
Ganging Menus: When two or more groups in facility have the same menu.
Gangway: Space between sets of tables, chairs or booths/stands to allow passage of attendees. See AISLE.
Garcy Strip: Trade name of manufacturer that produces brackets and standards for the mounting or materials, usually shelves.
Garlic: Pungent bulbs made of sections called cloves encased in a parchment like membrane. Garlic is a cousin to leeks, chives, onions and shallots.
Garment Rack: Frame which holds apparel. See COSTUMER.
Garni Hotel: Hotel without dining facilities.
Garni: See GARNISH.
Garnish: Food decoration, usually edible, which adds color and form to food presentation. Also Called GARNI.
Gate Show: Exhibition open to the public usually requiring an entrance fee. See CONSUMER SHOW. See Also PUBLIC SHOW. Compare With TRADE SHOW.
Gateau: (gah toe) Cake.
Gateway City: City with an international airport.
Gateway or Gateway City: A major airport, seaport, rail or bus center through which tourists and travelers enter from outside the region.
Gateway: A dedicated computer that attaches to two or more disparate networks and converts data packets from one form to another.
Gator Foam: Laminated foam board used for signage, available in a variety of thicknesses. More rigid and durable than FOAM CORE.
GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. A multilateral treaty whose purpose is to help reduce trade barriers between the signatory countries and to promote trade through tariff concessions.
Gel: 1) Theatrical color filter used in conjunction with theatrical projection fixtures and spotlights. 2) Gelatin.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: GATT. A multilateral treaty whose purpose is to help reduce trade barriers between the signatory countries and to promote trade through tariff concessions.
General Assembly: General and formal meeting of an association, club, organization or company attended by a specified proportion at least of its members for the purpose of deciding legislative direction, policy matters, the election of internal committees and approval of balance sheets, budgets and the like. An assembly generally observes certain fixed rules of procedure.
General Export License: Any of various licenses covering export commodities for which validated export licenses are not required. No formal application or written authorization is needed to ship exports under a general export license.
General Liability Insurance: An insurance policy that provides protection against claims involving bodily injury and property damage to third parties.
General Service Contractor: GSC. An organization that provides event management and exhibitors with a wide range of services, sometimes including, but not limited to, Installation & Dismantle, creating and hanging signage and banners, laying carpet, drayage, and providing booth/stand furniture. See DECORATOR.
General Session: A meeting open to all those in attendance at an event. See PLENARY SESSION.
General Strike: A simultaneous strike by the unionized workers in all trades and industries in a geographic area. Also, a strike by all the unionized workers in one industry.
Genie Lift: The manufacturer of a variety of lifts used in the erection of event displays. The first model manufactured was a hand-cranked material handling lift. Also Called HURTY GURTY. Genie now also manufactures motorized lifts that can be used as material lifts or man lifts.
Geographic Segmentation: The arbitrary division of a market by country, region, state, zone, district, standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA), city, etc.
Gerber: Machine for cutting vinyl lettering used in making signs.
Get-Together: A planned informal gathering that occurs during an event which offers an opportunity for social interchange.
Ghee: Clarified butter.
GIF: A common format for bitmapped image files, suitable for images containing large areas of the same color.
Gig: A slang term meaning an engagement or booking.
GIT (Groups Independent Travel): Group travel in which individual’s purchase a group package in which they will travel with others along a pre-set itinerary.
Given Name: Preferred form for international registration documents in place of first name. Same as FIRST NAME. Compare to FAMILY NAME.
Glaçe: 1) Ice. 2) Ice cream. 3) Iced.
Glass Beaded Screen: Screen whose surface is covered with tiny glass beads which reflect a bright image back toward the audience, but have a narrow viewing angle.
Global Partner: A worldwide associate who joins in an activity or business with another or others.
Glossy: 1) A black-and-white or color photograph printed on glossy paper, used to promote a speaker or celebrity. 2) Common term for photographs reproduced on high gloss paper.
GMT: Greenwich Mean Time. Time on the line of longitude that passes through Greenwich, England, used as a basis for calculating time throughout the world. See ZULU TIME.
Gnocchi: Pasta made from potatoes; potato dumplings served in a red tomato based sauce.
Go to Black: Room lights are turned off or video screen becomes black. See FADE-OUT.
Goblet: Glass with stem and foot.
Gobo: A pre-cut, etched pattern fabricated from metal or glass that fits in the focal plane of a lighting instrument to form projected light into a shape (logo, graphic or even scenery). Templates can form light images on ceilings and walls. The pattern or template can be used in a projection type spotlight, to project decorative patterns on the walls. The "Bat" image from "Batman" is an example.
Good Faith Effort: A true and honest effort to uphold the law.
Good One Side: Plywood whose face side is free of blemishes.
Gooseneck Light: Small (75 to 150 watt) spot light with flexible stem.
Goulash: Hungarian meat dish seasoned with paprika
Government Meeting: An event at which attendees are civil servants, elected officials or service providers to governmental entities.
Governmental Conference: Technical or political events between governments with the aim of discussing national or international topics.
Grandstands: Tiered or stepped seating facilities wherein an area of more than 3 square feet is provided per person.
Granitee: A coarse-textured sorbet.
Grant: Money obtained from organizations or authorities to underwrite or support a specific program or project.
Graphics: Communicative elements such as color, copy, art, photographs, translites, etc. used to illustrate a booth/stand theme or enhance decor.
Gras: (grah) Fat.
Gratuity: A voluntary payment added to a bill (e.g. a restaurant check), to signify good service. See SERVICE CHARGE.
Gray Water: Non-drinkable water, not potable.
Grazing: Nibbling on food.
Green Room: Room, stocked with refreshments, for artists, featured speakers and entourage to meet guests and media representatives. See HOLDING ROOM. See Also READY ROOM.
Greenwich Mean Time: GMT. Time on the line of longitude that passes through Greenwich, England used as a basis for calculating time throughout the world. See ZULU TIME.
Greeter: A person who meets or receives another person/persons in a specified way.
Grid System: Technique of providing system of structural supports, electrical conduit, etc., on a pattern of centers. Also used for ceilings.
Grievance: 1) An employee's or employer's dissatisfaction or cause of distress (as an unsatisfactory working condition or unfair labor practice) felt to afford a reason for complaint or dispute. 2) A violation of a collective bargaining agreement usually by the employer.
Grille: Grilled or broiled.
Grip: Stagehand who assists master carpenter.
Grits: Ground hominy (corn).
Grommet: Rubber, metal or plastic element for reinforcing holes in weaker materials.
Gross Square Feet/Meters: gsf or gsm. 1) Total amount of available function space in exhibit hall or other facility. 2) Total amount of space used for a specific show or event. See NET SQUARE FEET/METERS.
Gross Weight: The full weight of a shipment, including goods and packaging. See TARE WEIGHT, ACTUAL WEIGHT
Gross: For speakers, the total fee a buyer is charged for a booking, including agents’ fees, but excluding speaker expenses (air and ground transportation, tips, hotels, and meals). Bureau commissions are not paid on expenses.
Ground Loop: Electrical circuit where two or more paths to ground (true 0 volts) have different voltages as a result of current flow through wiring or chassis elements. The minute voltages on some ground legs may find their way into equipment input circuits and be amplified, causing hum, buzzing or in the worst case, inaudible high frequency oscillations, sometime at high power levels, that can ultimately cause destruction of tweeter voice coils or even burn out amplifiers.
Ground Operator: Company or person in a city handling local transportation and other local travel needs. See DESTINATION MANAGEMENT COMPANY (DMC).
Ground Support: Lifts, trusses, pipe or other freestanding devices used to raise sound, lighting or other equipment above the heads of attendees and to support it from the floor.
Ground Transfer: The movement of passengers, in a vehicle, on a tract of land, from one point to another.
Groundrow: Freestanding low scenery or painted cutout giving illusion of depth used to mask mechanical or electrical devices.
Group Arrivals/Departures: Information included in the specifications guide for an event that outlines approximate dates and times at which groups of event attendees can be expected to arrive at a facility (hotel) for check-in or check-out. This is intended to give the facility notice in order to prepare for front desk staffing.
Group Booking: Reservation for a block of sleeping rooms specifically for a group.
Group Inclusive Tour: GIT. Travel program with a special fare and specific requirements (e.g. a minimum number of persons traveling as a group throughout the TOUR).
Group Rate: Confirmed rate extended to attendees booking their sleeping room accommodations as part of a group room block.
Group Rate: Negotiated hotel rate for convention, trade show, meeting, tour or incentive group.
Group Tour: A prearranged, prepaid travel program for a group usually including transportation and attraction admissions. May or may not include meals. See Tour.
Group Travel Agency: Company specializing in planning and handling group travel.
Group Travel: Participants depart on the same conveyance and follow the same schedule of activities.
Gruyère Cheese: (grew yayre) A Swiss cheese used to make fondue.
GST: Goods and services taxes.
Guarantee: A promise of commitment to provide a minimum amount of sleeping rooms, F&B, or other revenues. Usually there is financial liability if the commitment is not met. The final number of persons to be served is usually required at least 48 hours in advance of a food & beverage event.
Guaranteed Late Arrival: Sleeping room that is guaranteed by credit card or advance payment in the event a guest's arrival is later than a hotel's pre-determined arrival time
Guaranteed Payment: A hotel reservation secured by the guests' agreement to pay for his room whether he uses it or not.
Guaranteed Reservation: Pre-paid reservation held until agreed arrival time, or check-out time the next day, whichever occurs first. Guest is responsible for payment if reservation is not cancelled.
Guaranteed Tour: A TOUR guaranteed to operate unless cancelled before an established cut-off date.
Guest Program: Educational and/or social events planned for spouses and guests of event participants.
Guest Speech: Paper or speech on a specific subject submitted at the request of an event’s organizers. See INVITED PAPER.
Guest: 1) A person who pays for the services of an establishment such as a hotel. 2) A person who accompanies an attendee to an event. This person can be a spouse, significant other, child, etc.
Guide: Person accompanying a tour and giving detailed knowledge of places of interest.
Guided Tour: A sightseeing trip conducted by a guide.
Gumbo: A Creole specialty, it's a thick, stewlike dish that can have any of many ingredients, including vegetables such as okra, tomatoes and onions, and one or several meats or shellfish such as chicken, sausage, ham, shrimp, crab or oysters.
Gusset: In construction, a triangular reinforcement or brace in corners of panels or framing.
Halal: Food prepared according to Islamic Law. Halal food is defined as food that: does not consist of or contain anything which is considered to be unlawful; has not been prepared, processed, transported or stored using any appliance or facility that was not free from anything unlawful; and, has not in the course of preparation, processing, transportation or storage been in direct contact with any food that fails to satisfy the first two conditions. In addition, Halal food can be prepared, processed or stored in different sections or lines within the same premises where non-Halal foods are produced, provided that necessary measures are taken to prevent any contact between Halal and non Halal foods. Halal foods can also be prepared, processed, transported or stored using facilities that have been previously used for non Halal foods provided that proper cleaning procedures have been observed.
Half Moon Set-Up: A seating arrangement in which 60-, 66- or 72-inch (152-, 168- and 183-centimeter) diameter rounds have seats on two-thirds to three-quarters of the table and no seats with their backs to the speaker. Used for banquet-to-meeting or meeting-to-banquet quick set. See CRESCENT-ROUND SET-UP.
Half Moon Table: Half of a round table, or two quarter-round tables attached to make a half circle. See HALF-ROUND.
Half-Round: A semi-circular table.
Halftone: Photograph that has been prepared for single color reproduction.
Hall: A place of public assembly or used for exhibits; usually refers to a large function space.
Halon Fire Extinguisher: A fire extinguisher generally used on computers and electronic fires. It should not hurt the computer or destroy silicon chips. It is classed as a hypo-thermal chemical fire extinguisher.
Hand Carry: Items that an exhibitor is allowed to carry unaided into an event facility without being charged.
Hand Service: One server is assigned for each two guests. Servers wear white gloves. When serving, they stand behind their guests holding two composed plates. When the signal is given, all guests are served at the same time.
Hand Truck: Small hand-propelled implement with two wheels and two handles used for transporting small loads. See WHEELER/WHEELIE.
Handling: Moving of materials, usually to and from a loading dock.
Handout: Informative or educational material given to the audience at the speaker’s presentation. Handouts often are in flyer form. The term, however, refers to any material that is handed out to the audience.
Hands-On Participation: Demonstration of a product of service in which people actively participate with the product or service.
Hard Card: 1) Work order for labor or services. 2) Material handling contractor’s record of materials received or shipped.
Hard Wire: Electrical connections that are other than receptacle to receptacle. These are charged on a time plus materials basis.
Hardwall Booth/Stand: Booth/stand constructed with plastic, plywood or similar material as opposed to booth/stand formed by drapery only.
Hardwall: A type of exhibit construction in which the walls are of solid material, rather than fabric.
Haricots Verts: (harry co vare) Very small green (string) beans.
Harmonic Distortion: Distortion which is harmonically related to the fundamental signal fed through an audio circuit or system. Harmonic distortion is characterized by a harsh sound that ranges from a slight edge on some of the high-frequency components of a musical program, to the fuzz associated with electric guitar effects pedals.
Harmonized Code: Commodity number assigned to goods shipped internationally. Also referred to as a Schedule B number.
Harmonized System of Tariff Nomenclature: An international system for classifying goods in international trade and for specifying the tariffs on those goods. It was adopted at the beginning of 1989, replacing the previously used schedules in over 50 countries, including the Brussels Tariff Nomenclature.
Haute Cuisine: Food that is prepared in an elegant or elaborate manner; the very finest food, prepared perfectly. The French word haute translates as "high" or "superior."
Hazard: A condition that increases the likelihood that a loss will be more severe.
HCEA: Healthcare Convention and Exhibitors Association. A member of the Convention Industry Council.
Head Count: Actual number of people attending a catered function. See AUDIENCE COUNT. See Also COVERS.
Head in Beds: Industry slang referring to the primary marketing objective of accommodations and most destinations - increasing the number of overnight stays.
Head Table: Table used to seat VIPs, speakers, and other dignitaries, often elevated on a dais or stage. See DAIS. See Also VIP.
Head Tax: Fee charged arriving and departing passengers in some foreign countries.
Head: 1) Front or first, e.g. HEAD TABLE. 2) Pan-tilt device on which a camera is mounted.
Header: 1) FASCIA. 2) Overhead illuminated display sign. 3) A sign or other structure across top of exhibit. Usually displays company name.
Headquarters: Facility, as the center of operations, where registration, general sessions, and conference staff office are located.
Headroom: Reserve voltage or power level in an audio deice or system. The difference in levels between the normal or “nominal” operating levels and the peak clean (undistorted) available levels. See NOMINAL OPERATING LEVEL.
Heads in Beds: Term that refers to sleeping rooms in a hotel actually occupied by guests.
Headset: Headphone with a built-in microphone.
Health Warning: Decree issued by the World Health Organization warning travelers of the outbreak of a communicable disease in a given area.
Heel and Toe: To staple forming folds with sateen or other decorative material. A method of pleating.
Herringbone Set-Up: Seating arrangement in which chairs are arranged in rows slanted in a V shape and separated by a center aisle. They face the head table or speaker. See CHEVRON SET-UP. See Also V-SHAPE SET-UP.
Hertz: (Hz) Unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second.
Hidden Charge: Unbudgeted or undisclosed expense or charge.
Hide-A-Bed: A sofa that opens to make a bed. Also Called SOFA BED.
High Drape: High drape is any drape over 8’ high which requires special equipment. High drape is used to create dramatic areas such as stages or special focal points. Typically, high drape is dark blue velour and is 16’ to 19’ high, although vinyl or 11’ banjo drape in blue and other colors is often used. All high drape needs to be anchored securely on its framework to ensure it cannot fall.
High Jacker: Equipment capable of lifting a person or persons to a given height. See CHERRY PICKER. See Also MAN LIFT, JLG, SCISSORS LIFT, GENIE LIFT, HI LOW, FORKLIFT/FORTRUCK.
High Season: Period when the demand for a supplier’s product or service is highest. Prices general increase in high season. Also Called PEAK SEASON. Compare With LOW SEASON.
Highball Glass: Traditional tall glass for an alcoholic mixed drink.
High-Key Lighting: Lighting in which picture intensity produces limited dark areas.
High-Level Crossover: See PASSIVE CROSSOVER.
High-Tech Visuals: Visual presentations involving sophisticated and frequently complicated equipment such as lasers, multi-image, and mixed media equipment.
Hire: International term referring to “rent” a service or product.
Hiring Cost: The price paid by the organizer to the owner of the event facility.
Hiss: Unwanted random noise associated with audio tape, unmodulated record grooves and noisy amplifiers and other audio circuitry. In circuitry, hiss is caused by the thermal activity of the molecules in the materials of which that electronic component parts are made.
History: Record of an event over time.
Hoison Sauce: Chinese sauce used on Peking Duck.
Hold Harmless: A type of indemnity clause that requires one party to fully protect the other from a claim asserted. This would include the payment of costs or attorney fees.
Holding Room: A room backstage where speakers wait to go on. See READY ROOM.
Hollandaise Sauce: Sauce of egg yolks, clarified butter, lemon juice and spices. Served on vegetables (e.g. Asparagus with Hollandaise Sauce) or on Eggs Benedict.
Hollow Circle Set-Up: Seating arrangement of tables and/or chairs all facing each other in a single circle.
Hollow Square Set-Up: Seating arrangement of tables set in a square (or rectangle) with chairs placed around the outside of the table. Center (inside) table is hollow.
Hologram: A photographic effect using lasers to obtain a three dimensional image on a flat surface.
Homard: (oh mard) Lobster. A true lobster has two front claws. Most 'lobster tails' come from Rock Lobster or Spiny Lobster, which are actually a large variety of crawfish.
Honorarium: Voluntary payment made for services where no fee is legally required.
Honorary: Non-paid, generally referring to an appointment within a committee or group and in recognition of expertise or services rendered.
Horizontal Show: An exhibition at which the products or services being displayed represent all segments of an industry or profession. See EXHIBITION. See Also VERTICAL SHOW.
Hors d'Oeuvres: Small appetizers; Hot and/or cold finger foods served at a reception.
Horseshoe Set-Up: Tables set up in rounded U shape with chairs placed outside. Chairs inside if needed. See U-SHAPE SET-UP.
Hospitality Program: Plan for receiving and entertaining guests in a friendly and generous manner.
Hospitality Suite/Event: 1) Room or suite of rooms used to entertain guests. 2) An event in the United States usually separate from the exhibit, in which refreshments are served and exhibitor personnel and visitors socialize.
Host Bar: Private room bar set up where guests do not pay for drinks. See OPEN BAR. See Also SPONSORED BAR.
Host Country: Country that invites an event to take place within or under its jurisdiction.
Host: An association, corporate body, town, country or other such party that invites an event to take place within or under its jurisdiction or its financial responsibility.
Host: On a network, any computer that is a repository for services available to other computers on the network.
Hot Camera: Camera that is turned on.
Hot Spot: Undesirable concentration of light on one area of slide or film.
Hot Tag VIP: Luggage tagged for special handling.
Hotel Accommodation: Sleeping Room(s) at a hotel and rooming arrangements; usually specifying the hotel classification in terms of its amenities, facilities, level of service and cost.