Sales Blitz: Intense selling effort in a particular locality; cold calling to qualify leads. Usually performed by a group of people from one organization who may or many not all be in a sales capacity.
Sales Coordinator/ Manager/Representative: Hotel staff person responsible for assisting salesperson in selling sleeping rooms and function space. Usually reports to Director of Sales (DOS).
Sales Force/Sales Team: A group of employees responsible for personally developing prospects and sales.
Sales Incentive: A reward in excess of salary or commission provided to a salesperson in return for achieving a stated sales goal.
Sales Leads: Names and contact information of potential customers. Attendee lists are often provided as sales leads to exhibitors as an incentive to participate in an exhibition.
Sales Meeting: Event to introduce new products and their applications or to motivate sales staff.
Sales Mission: Where suppliers from one DMO travel together to another state of country for the purpose of collectively promoting travel to their area. Sales missions may include educational seminars for travel agents and tour operators.
Sales Portfolio: A manual of information carried by a salesperson for reference or display.
Sales Promotions: Special events whose objectives are to increase sales and customers.
Sales Seminar: An educational session in which travel agents, tour operators, tour wholesales or other members of the travel trade congregate to receive briefings about tourism destinations.
Sales: All activities involved with convincing someone to purchase a product or service.
Salute: A fireworks shell with an aluminum mixture that produces a loud bang or noise.
Sample Room: Room with or without sleeping facilities, for displaying merchandise.
Sample: Any portion of the population selected for a study.
Sampling: 1) A research method based upon selecting a portion of a population for study. 2) Paperwork and fees paid to a building by exhibitors for the right to serve food product.
Sanctioned Area: A closed section of a street or area that is only accessible to authorized individuals and not to the open public.
Sand Blasting: Technique of etching smooth surface of glass, plastic or metal to achieve matte or textured quality.
Sandwich Board: Two boards held together with hinges that form a tent-like structure for signs. See TENT BOARD.
Sandwiching: Mounting of transparent subject matter between one translucent and one clear plastic panel.
Sans Arête: Boneless.
Sans Peau: Skinless.
Sans Serif: Typefaces without cross-strokes at top and bottom of letters.
SashimiHigh quality raw fish served in Japanese restaurants, presented artistically.
Sateen: Fabric used in special draping or bunting.
Satellite Meeting: See IN CONJUNCTION WITH.
Satin Finish: Smooth semi-gloss finish, usually a metal or lacquered surface.
Satire: A form of comedy in which sharp derision is aimed at an idea or individual.
Sauerbrauten: Beef cooked with vinegar and onions, served with a brown gravy.
Sauerkraut: Cooked cabbage, shredded and pickled.
Sauté: Fry lightly in a little fat.
SC&S: Strapped, Corded, and Sealed.
Scab: Employee who continues to work in a company during a strike or who accepts employment at a company in which a strike is going on. Also, an employee who takes a job in a non-union shop or under non-union conditions when the union is trying to organize the industry.
Scale Model: Any model articulating all components of original object, but in smaller size.
Scallions: Young, small green onions
Scattered Arrivals: A pattern of group arrivals that are separate from the main arrivals.
Scenario: Outline of an event or a speech highlighting relevant items, sometimes showing different types of outcome.
Scene in Action: Term for mechanical animation technique that achieves simulated flow motion by rotating striped cylindrical acetate drum between light source and face art work.
Scene: 1) Setting of an action. 2) Division of an act or play.
Schedule of Services: Pre-program information distributed to tour guides, field representatives, venues or vendors, regarding the details of their program assignment for a given event or program.
Schedule: Table of time and location for all functions related to an event. This information should be included in the specifications guide for an event.
Schematic Model: A diagram of an object in model form.
Schoolroom Perpendicular Set-Up: Variation of schoolroom set-up in which tables are perpendicular to the head table, and chairs are placed on both sides of the tables. See UNION SET-UP.
Schoolroom Set-Up: See CLASSROOM SET-UP.
Schoolroom V Set-Up: Seating arrangement where rows of tables and/or chairs are slanted in a V-shape facing a head table, stage or speaker. See CHEVRON SET-UP.
Scientific Committee: A group of people meeting specifically to discuss, supervise and coordinate the content of the program dealing with the study of a body of systematic knowledge of the material world and who, where appropriate, would select papers from submitted abstracts.
Scientific Meeting: An event with attendees who are involved in research or applied sciences or are suppliers to them.
Scientific Program: The content of a SCIENTIFIC MEETING described in chronological order and generally including the full list of speakers and the titles of their papers.
Scioptican: Device used to create moving effects such as clouds, flames, waves, etc.
Scissor Lift: When designed as a personnel lift, a mobile machine that extends vertically on a scissor-like mechanism to several times its height with no increase in the size of its footprint. It is often outfitted with a platform large enough for multiple workers and is best used on a stable, flat surface. It is used for placing lights, decorations, etc. See CHERRY PICKER. See Also MAN LIFT, JLG, HIGH JACKER, GENIE LIFT, HI LOW, FORKLIFT.
SCMP: Society of Corporate Meeting Professionals. A member of the Convention Industry Council.
Sconce: Ornamental wall bracket for candles or other lights.
Scoop: Large theatrical floodlight usually used for work lights or occasionally in place of strip lights to light a cyclorama or sky drop.
Scooter: Electrical cart used for driving around show floor.
Score: Sheet music provided to musicians.
Screen Enamel: For silkscreen printing on nonporous surfaces.
Screen Left and Right: Directions given from audience perspective. See AUDIENCE LEFT AND RIGHT. See Also CAMERA LEFT AND RIGHT.
Screen/Audience Distance: Distance between the projection screen and the front row of the audience. Rear most audience member should be no more than 6 or 7 times the width of the screen in use.
Screen: 1) Projection Screen. 2) Divider, movable wall, partition. 3) Cull out items or applicants, reducing the pool to the top few. 4) Qualify attendees.
Screening: 1) Legal reference checks using professional or police security checks to provide background information. 2) To review a film before it is released for the public to experience.
Scrim: 1) Translucent material used to diffuse or soften light. 2) Gauze-like theatrical curtains.
Script: The written text of a program, speech, stage play, movie screenplay, or radio or television broadcast, including the words to be spoken and often technical directions.
Scroll: 1) Copy or graphics which move slowly up the screen. 2) Rolled parchment document. 3) Moving down on a computer screen.
Sealing: Technique of applying sealer coat to porous woods prior to painting procedure. Prevents absorption of final paint finish.
Season: Period of time when the demand for a certain supplier’s product or service is high, low, or neither. For example, winter in Florida is high season, while summer is low season. See HIGH SEASON, LOW SEASON, SHOULDER SEASON.
Seating Plan: Plan or other document showing where individuals should be seated for an event. Particularly applies to a banquet or on a platform at an event. Usually accompanied by an alphabetical listing showing at which tables individuals should be seated.
Second Option: Second place on a waiting list. The organization holding the second option for specific dates at a facility, for example, may book those dates only if the organization holding the first option decides not to book within a certain period of time. See OPTION.
Second Tier City: A city where the space limitations of the convention center, the hotels, or the air lift, make the city more appropriate for smaller meetings and events.
Secondary Airport: An airport that is used as an alternative to a city’s primary airport. For instance, Washington, D.C.’s Dulles (IAD) rather than Reagan National (DCA), or Chicago’s Midway (MDW) rather than O’Hare (ORD). Reduced fares are sometimes applicable from these alternate airports.
Secretariat: Clerical staff of an organization.
Secretary General: Permanent head of the general organization.
Section 508: In the United States, the intent of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act is to eliminate barriers in information technology, to make available new opportunities for people with disabilities, and to encourage development of technologies that will help achieve these goals. The law applies to all Federal agencies when they develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology. Under Section 508, agencies must give disabled employees and members of the public access to information that is comparable to the access available to others.
Secure Digital Certificate: An encrypted file that authenticates the source of financial data, usually for an online credit card transaction.
Secure: 1) Act to make safe against adverse contingencies. 2) Lock in space at a facility/venue.
Security – Facility: Facility personnel responsible for maintaining safety on the premises.
Security – Private: Security personnel hired from a privately operated company.
Security Cage: Portable wire enclosure used to lock up materials for safe storage. See SECURITY.
Security Contractor: Company hired by exhibit or event management to keep individual exhibits and the entire event floor safe using guards, closed circuit T.V., etc. See SECURITY.
Security Deposit: A deposit made to assure credit usually returned after event if no damages are done.
Security Guard: A member of a security service who is employed to protect building, people, and event, etc. See SECURITY.
Security Lock: Protective or security device which connects by a chain a closed and ajar door to doorjamb. Also Called CHAIN LOCK.
Security Service: Service providing security arrangements, such as checking delegates credentials, searching hand luggage, protecting equipment and patrolling congress and exhibition areas. See SECURITY.
Security: A system of protecting people or property against crime, attack, or danger. Security is often in place for events to protect exhibits and can include guards, surveillance cameras, etc. See SECURITY CAGE. See Also SECURITY CONTRACTOR, SECURITY GUARD, SECURITY SERVICE.
Segue: (Pronounced seg-guay.) Transition between two audio passages or video segments.
Self-Contained Exhibit: A display which uses the shipping crate as an integral part of the exhibit.
Self-Contained: Entertainment act, group, or production that usually can supply its own sound, music, lights, etc.
Self-Direction: The acceptance and assumption of responsibility for one’s own life; a characteristic of adult learners.
Semantic Differential: A type of question format in which the respondent selects a response between two opposite terms.
Semicircular Theater Set-Up: Seating arrangement where chairs are arranged in a semicircle.
Seminar Leader: The teacher or expert who instructs a seminar’s attendees.
Seminar: 1) Lecture and dialogue allowing participants to share experiences in a particular field under the guidance of an expert discussion leader. 2) A meeting or series of meetings of from 10 to 50 specialists who have different specific skills but have a specific common interest and come together for training or learning purposes. The work schedule of a seminar has the specific object of enriching the skills of the participants.
Semi-Skilled Labor: Persons whose work is limited to a well-defined work routine; or work in which lapses of performance would not cause excessive damage to product or equipment.
Sensitivity: 1) For mixers and amplifiers - the amount of input required to drive the circuit to its rates output. 2) For loudspeakers - the amount of electrical output produced by incident sound at a given sound pressure. 3) For microphones - the amount of electrical output produced by incident sound at a given sound pressure.
Sepia: Printed reproduction of black and white art tinted brown tones, which imparts an antique look.
Sequence of Events: An outline program of events and time of commencement that is tailored to the needs of an event. See AGENDA. See Also SCHEDULE.
Serifs: Cross-strokes at top and bottom of letters.
Serpent: In pyrotechnics, a short tube packed with a chemical mixture that propels the device with a strong jet flame in a zigzag or circular pattern.
Serpentine Queue: Line formation of people going to the same area; line feeds off into several different service stations.
Serpentine: Curved, S-shaped tables that when placed together make a snake form.
Service Bar: A counter from which alcoholic beverages are served that is located outside of a function room, usually in an area not visible to guests.
Service Charge: 1) A mandatory and automatic amount added to standard food and beverage charges, usually used to defray the cost of labor, such as housemen, servers, technicians, etc. and which the facility receives a portion of the charge. In return, the guest is relieved the responsibility for tipping. 2) A fee charged to a client by a travel agent in addition to the commissions paid to him or her by his or her principals. See GRATUITY.
Service Contractor: Outside company used by clients to provide specific products or services (e.g. pipe and drape, exhibitor manuals, floorplans, dance floors or flags).
Service Desk: Centralized on-site location for ordering or reconfirming services provided by general service contractor and specialty contractors.
Service/Product Mix: A business, while involving both service and product, where the quality of the service is often more important than the product received. Examples of this type of service would be: service contractors, catering, etc.
Service: Nonphysical, intangible attributes that management controls (or should), including friendliness, efficiency, attitude, professionalism, responsiveness, etc.
Services and Facilities Amenities: Items provided by or available from the organizer to enable the customer, delegate or committee to get maximum benefits from an event, such as the provision of secretarial services, cleaning, power, transportation, catering, etc.
SESAC: An organization similar to ASCAP and BMI that licenses the use of copyrighted music for various artists.
Session: Single uninterrupted part of the meeting program.
Set Dressing: Props arranged to decorate the set. Also Called TRIM PROPS
Set For: The actual number of seats put in place (or to be put in place) for a function.
Set Light: Light which illuminates background behind the performers.
Set Piece: In pyrotechnics, a wooden frame onto which a desired pattern or image is outlined with lances. A traditional Fourth of July set piece is the American Flag. Sets can be very big and beautiful.
Set Plate: See BASE PLATE.
Set Top Box Solutions: STBS. Portable videoconferencing system, usually mounted on a rolling cart or hard-sided case for ease of transport from room to room or across the globe.
Set: 1) Performance area including props, equipment, backdrops, etc. 2) Length of time band or orchestra plays between breaks. 3) Make preparations for a predetermined number of attendees. 4) To arrange type for printed materials.
Set-Up Drawings: The plans from which the exhibit components are assembled.
Set-Up Personnel: Exhibit or function room equipment installers.
Set-Up Plan: See FLOOR PLAN.
Set-Up Time: The period necessary for the preparation of the conference and exhibition venue before the arrival of delegates and exhibitors.
Set-Up: 1) Way in which a function room is arranged. 2) Erecting displays, installation, or, articles in their assembled condition. 3) Mixers, fruit, and glassware accompanying a liquor order.
Sex Box: An electrical outlet that will accommodate 6 plugs. Sometimes called Six Box. See DOG HOUSE.
SGMP: Society of Government Meeting Professionals. A member of the Convention Industry Council.
Shade Grown: Coffee that is grown in the traditional manner, with coffee plants interspersed under a canopy of trees. End result: more habitat for birds, less need for chemical inputs.
Shadow Box: Five-sided enclosure with face open for display of art or object; a niche.
Shag: Type of carpet with a looped pile.
Shallots: Plant that looks like garlic and tastes like a mild onion.
Share: A guest who rooms with another guest. A roommate.
Sheetrock: Material used in drywall construction composed of gypsum core and paper veneer. Standard measurements are 4' x 8', 4' x 10' with thicknesses of 3/8-, 1/2-, and 5/8-inch.
Shell Folder: Brochure with preprinted illustrations to which varying text can be added.
Shell Scheme: European booth/stand system—usually includes raised floor, back and side walls, plus fascia.
Shell: In pyrotechnics, a paper container filled with stars or other fireworks ingredients such as comets, hummingbirds, lances, serpents, or whistles, designed to form a pattern or effect when displayed. They are either round or cylindrical, depending on the manufacturer.
Shells: A marketing and sales promotional piece that depicts a destination, accommodation or attraction on the cover and provides space for copy to be added at a later date. Usually shells fit a #10 envelope.
Shelves: Thin wooden, or metal, boards fixed horizontally on a wall for displaying objects and sales materials.
Sherbet Glasses: Short glass container with foot and stem.
Shimmer Curtain: Draping made of strips of colored cellophane that catch and reflect the light.
Shiplap: Construction technique of joining two materials by notching both and inserting slots into each other.
Shipment: Freight tendered to a carrier by one consignor at one place at one time for delivery to one consignee at one place on one bill of lading.
Shipper: Third-party hired to that handle the shipping goods to and from an event. Also Called SHIPPING AGENT.
Shipper’s Export Declaration: A form required for all shipments by the U.S. Treasury Department and prepared by a shipper, indicating the value, weight, destination, and other basic information about an export shipment.
Shipping Agent: Third-party hired to that handle the shipping goods to and from an event. Also Called SHIPPER.
Shipping Case: A container for exhibit components suitable for extended reuse, usually with hinged lid and felted interior.
Shipping Crate: A container for exhibit components for one use. Usually with screwed or nailed lid.
Shipping Manifest: An instrument in writing, signed by the captain of a ship that lists the individual shipments constituting the ship's cargo.
Shirring the Drape: Gathering drape along the roads to even out the folds and give each panel of drape equal spacing.
Shish Kebob: Lamb pieces and vegetables cooked on a skewer. See À LA BROCHE.
S-Hook: Type of hanging hardware in shape of letter "S" used as hanger for plaques, etc. See SIGN HOOK.
Shop Steward: Person designated by the union within a shop or unit to represent employees.
Shop: Primarily refers to display builder, also refers to contractor's main office and warehouse.
Shopping Cart: Used to sell products through a Web site. An online shopping cart application allows customers to select and then purchase books, tapes and other items.
Shore Excursion: Land tours, usually available at ports of call, sold by cruiselines or tour operators to cruise passengers.
Shot: Single measurement of liquor, usually an ounce.
Shoulder Season: Period when the demand for a supplier’s product or service is neither high nor low. See HIGH SEASON. See Also LOW SEASON.
Shoulder: The beginning and ending days of a room block when fewer rooms are contracted.
Show Breaking: Time specified for the close of the exhibition and the start of dismantling.
Show Card: Material used for signs.
Show Curtain: A drop or curtain behind the front curtain which is painted to give atmosphere to the particular play being presented.
Show Daily: A newspaper published each day during the run of an event or conference. It includes articles about the exhibits and events and, often, advertising.
Show Directory: A listing, with booth/stand numbers, of all the exhibitors in an event and a map showing booth/stand locations.
Show Management: The company, group or organization that manages an exhibition. See Also EXHIBITION MANAGER.
Show Office: On-site event management office.
Show Photographer: Official photographer for exhibition appointed by event organizer.
Show Plate: Decorative plate preset at each place setting during formal meals, which is removed before service begins. Compare With SET PLATE, UNDERLINER.
Show Producer: Company or individual who is responsible for all aspects of planning, promoting and producing an event. See EXHIBITION MANAGER. See Also SHOW MANAGEMENT.
Show Rates: Rates established by event management, official service contractors and/or other official service providers, and published in the EXHIBITOR MANUAL.
Show Within a Show An event with its own name and focus that takes place within a larger, related event. See IN CONJUNCTION WITH.
Show: 1) Organized performance for entertainment. 2) An exhibition. See EXHIBITION.
Showcase1) Glass-enclosed case for articles on display. Also Called DISPLAY CASE. 2) An event to preview/highlight someone or something.
Shrink Wrap: 1) Process of wrapping and consolidating exhibit crates, boxes and loose items on a pallet with heat-sealed, transparent plastic wrapping. 2) A plastic film used to wrap pallets of freight for shipping. It is usually clear and must be heated to cause shrinkage and tight fit to the item being wrapped. See STRETCH WRAP. See Also PALLET WRAP.
Shucker: General term for glazed or framed enclosure for display of objects. Also Called DISPLAY CASE.
Shutter: In laser technology, an attachment that blocks the laser beam, usually from exiting the projector.
Shuttle Service: Transportation for participants; usually by coach or van, provided on a continuous basis for a certain time period.
Shuttle: A vehicle, usually a bus, contracted to transport event attendees between facilities during a certain time period.
SIC: Standard Industrial Classification. A standard numerical code system used by the U.S. Government to classify products and services. Compare With NOMENCLATURE OF THE CUSTOMS COOPERATION COUNCIL, STANDARD INTERNATIONAL TRADE CLASSIFICATION.
Side Chair: Armless chair.
Side Fills: Speakers on stage right and stage left to project amplified sound to full stage area.
Side Poles: The support poles placed around the perimeter of a tent; also known as pin poles.
Side Rail: A low divider panel (usually 3') used to separate an exhibit space from an adjacent area.
Side Walls: Detachable canvas or plastic walls used to create the sides of a tent.
Side-Stitch Binding: Binding process by which folded sections of book or magazine are placed on top of one another and stitched together from top to bottom.
Sight Acts: Performers who must be watched to be appreciated, such as mimes, jugglers, dancers, and acrobats. See INCIDENTAL ENTERTAINMENT.
Sight Draft: A draft which is payable upon presentation to the drawee.
Sightlines: The actual or virtual lines in the venue or on paper layout that describe what parts of a set or decorative object are visible from a given audience or guest point of view; used to determine what must be decoratively treated or masked (hidden).
Sightseeing Guide: A guide who narrates a tour, while driving a vehicle (usually a bus or van).
Sightseeing Tour: An outing to points of interest, often by bus or van.
Sign Cloth: Lightweight material, as opposed to canvas, used for banners, signs, and streamers.
Sign Holder: Stand for displaying names, directions, warnings, or advertising mounted on metal, paper, or other material.
Sign Hook: Piece of S-shaped metal used to hang signs. See S-HOOK.
Sign Service: Service which provides signs for exhibition.
Sign Standard: Frame on stand to display sign.
Sign: Informational display used at events. See BANNER.
Signage: All informational and directional signs and placards at an event.
Signaling System: A system for communications between the speaker and the projectionist or between the chairman and the speaker.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: Ratio between the video or audio signal and the noise interference accompanying the signal.
Signature Dish: Food item a facility is known for specializing in; also known as house specialty.
Signature Item: Exclusive product or service for which a company or organization is well known.
Signed Exception: Delivery receipt, signed by the carrier, noting a damage or shortage.
Significant Other: An individual who serves an important personal role in another’s life; often used to denote the companion of an invited guest at an event when the companion is not a spouse.
Silk Screen: A printing stencil used for reproducing one or more times on a variety of materials.
Silver Lenticular Screen : Screen finish with a characteristic silver-colored finish which has brighter reflective characteristics than a matte screen but with a wider viewing angle than a beaded screen. See LENTICULAR SCREEN.
Silver Service: See RUSSIAN SERVICE.
Simple Random Sample: Method of sampling in which each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample.
Simulation Encounter: Interactive instructional technique, in which an individual simulates certain behavior which can then be examined, studied and discussed by the attendees.
Simulation: Interactive instructional technique in which the learner has an opportunity to practice a new skill in a real life situation.
Simultaneous Translation: Process of translating one language into another while the speaker is speaking. Same As SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATION.
Single Bed: Bed measuring 38-by-75 inches (95-by-188 centimeters.). See TWIN BED.
Single Phase: Producing, carrying, or powered by a single alternating current.
Single Room: Sleeping room occupied by one person. The room may have one or more beds in it.
Single Supplement: An extra charge assessed to a tour purchased for single accommodations.
Single Weight/ Matte: Term describing character and finish of photo blowups necessary for mounting to or wrapping around panel.
Single: Sleeping room occupied by one person. The room may have one or more beds in it. The symbol used by APEX to denote it is:
Sintra: PVC Panel, same as Chydex, Chomatex, used in signs and displays.
SISO: Society of Independent Show Organizers
SIT: Stopping in Transit.
SIT: Storage In Transit.
SITC: Standard Industrial Trade Classification. A standard numerical code system developed by the United Nations to classify commodities used in international trade. See NOMENCLATURE OF THE CUSTOMS COOPERATION COUNCIL, STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION.
Site Facilities: Those facilities within the perimeter of the organization where the event takes place; in includes the installations and services both in the auditorium and out side.
Site Inspection: An assessment tour of a destination or facility by a meeting planner, convention or trade show manager, site selection committee, tour operator, wholesaler or incentive travel manager to see if it meets their needs and requirements prior to selecting a specific site for an event. After site selection, a site inspection may be utilized to make arrangements.
Site Inspection: In-person on-site review and evaluation of a venue or location for an event. See FAM TRIP.
Site Selection: Choosing a venue for an event.
Site: 1) Venue, area, location, property or specific facility to be used for an event. See VENUE. 2) A particular platform or location for loading or unloading at a place.
SITE: Society of Incentive Travel Executives. A member of the Convention Industry Council.
Six Box: An electrical outlet that will accommodate 6 plugs. Sometimes called Sex Box. See DOG HOUSE.
Six-by-Six Rule: Audiovisual guidelines by which no transparency of slide should contain more than six words per line of text and no more than six lines of text.
Sked: Airline with published scheduled flights.
Sketch Model: A three-dimensional sketch.
Skewing: Zigzag pattern on a TV screen due to improper head alignment.
Skid: 1) Pallet. 2) Wooden platform used to support machinery or a collection of objects for easier handling. 3) Thick wood blocks attached to crates which allow forklift access for easier handling. 4) Wood runners protecting the exterior of a shipping case.
Skin Drawing: Preliminary elevation and plan indicating overall dimensions.
Skins: Pieces of burlap, sometimes with a soft underside, used to protect small items.
Skip: Departing guest who fails to pay for accommodations or meals.
Skirting: Pleated or ruffled draping used around buffet, reception, head tables, and risers or stages to conceal the area underneath.
Sky Cap: Airport porter who handles baggage.
SL&C: Shipper's Load and Count.
SLA: Service Level Agreement. Usually an adjunct document to a vendor contract.
Sleeper: Leveling strip on which flooring or horizontal panels are fixed.
Sleep-Out: When a guest does not sleep in a hotel (or other accommodation) sleeping room the bed, but still pays for the use of that sleeping room.
Slide Projector: Apparatus used for projecting photographic slides onto a screen. It will often have a remote (either wired or wireless) that can be used to advance the slides.
Slide: Photographic transparency on a small plate or film arranged for projection.
Slider: Telescopic pipe.
Sling: 1) A pre-made length of cable used for hanging exhibit materials or signs. 2) A pre-made length of cable or a heavy-duty nylon strap used for rigging machinery to cranes or forklifts.
Slippage: Reduction in the number of rooms used from the original reserved block.
Slots: Designated takeoff and landing times allocated to airlines at airports; the physical space at airports assigned to the airlines.
Small Group Learning Patterns: A learning activity that is dependent on the participation of a small group of people.
Smart Board®: An interactive presentation white board that interacts with a computer image. Your finger becomes the mouse.
Smart Card: A plastic credit card with an embedded integrated circuit chip that can store up to 16,000 bits of data for lead retrieval and other functions.
Smart Form: A Web-based form that can be designed to guide the user through the process of completing the form and can alert the user to errors.
SMERF: Meetings acronym for a category of meeting market segments including Social, Military, Educational, Religious and Fraternal groups.
Smoke Generation: The creation of fog using chemicals and heat.
Smoker: An ashtray on a stand.
Smoking Room: A designated area where smoking is allowed.
Smorgasbord: Swedish buffet of hors d' oeuvres, open-faced sandwiches, salads, hot or cold cooked vegetables, pickled or marinated fish, sliced meats, cheeses and desserts. It may be all appetizers or an entire meal.
Snifter: A large, short-stemmed goblet used for brandy or cordials.
Social Dinner: Non-working evening function at which a meal is served.
Social Event: 1) An event with the purpose of facilitating pleasant companionship among attendees, 2) Lifecycle celebration (e.g. a wedding, bar/bat mitzvah, anniversary, birthday, etc.). See SOCIAL PROGRAM.
Social Learner: A learner who seeks education in order to adapt to an environment.
Social Program: Program of organized functions, not directly related to the main subject of an event. See SOCIAL EVENT.
Social/Cultural Factors: Factors related to interaction with other learners that affect the way a person learns.
Society Music: Dance music of the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.
Sofa Bed: A sofa that opens to make a bed. Also called a HIDE-A-BED.
Soffit: A lowered portion of a ceiling.
Soft Currency: A currency that cannot be traded outside its native country.
Soft Drink: Beverage that does not contain alcohol. Soft drinks are most often thought of as carbonated, though it is not a requisite. See NEUTRAL BEVERAGE.
Soft Opening: Time when a property is open for business, prior to the grand opening. All services/facilities may not be complete or available.
Solarized: An overexposed photographic print, purposely done for artistic effect.
Sole Relay Interpreter: Pivot Interpreter; only interpreter in the team assigned to an event who is able to translate out of a lesser used language and functions as a “relay” for the rest of the team in relation to that language.
Solice: The twisting together of two or more electrical wires to provide continuous power.
Solid Surface: Material used in display fabrication that is the same all the way through eg. Corion, fountainhead, so it can be sanded and repaired.
Sommelier: A wine steward, expected to have an extensive knowledge of wines and their suitability with various dishes.
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure (or Practice).
Sorbet: A frozen product, similar to sherbet. Designed to be a palate cleanser. Served just prior to the entree. It has a tart flavor, never sweet. It usually has a wine or champagne base.
SOS: Schedule of Services. Pre-program information distributed to tour guides, field representatives, venues or vendors, regarding the details of their program assignment for a given event or program.
Soss Hinge: Trade name for concealed barrel-shaped hinge installed in recess of cabinet doors and jambs to eliminate revealed hinge.
Souffle: Baked, fluffy dessert or main dish of milk, egg yolks, stiffly beaten egg whites, and flavorings.
Sound Board: Console with separate channels to control volume and sound quality produced by each microphone.
Sound Check: Verification, often by the performer, that the sound system to be used for the performance is functioning satisfactorily. Usually this one of the final steps of the move-in.
Sound Control Booth: Area from which technician operates sound system in a room.
Sound Effects: Artificially produced sounds for a theatrical effect.
Sound Mix: Procedure of combining independently recorded narration, music and/or sound effect to single master tape or film, while at the same time establishing tone, volume and balance between elements.
Sound Pressure Level: Measurement of the actual pressure exerted by a sound, as opposed to a relative comparison like decibel.
Sound Reinforcement: Use of electronic and electric equipment to amplify the natural sound produced by a performer or speaker.
Sound System: Audio speaker system used to amplify sound.
Sound Wings: Risers on stage right and stage left for stacked sound equipment which allows storage space hidden from the audience’s view.
Sound: Audible effects.
Sound-Proof Wall: Barrier that prevents sound from carrying to and from adjacent rooms. Usually a permanent wall.
Soundscape: Atmosphere created with the use of music and sound effects.
Source Language: Language from which a speech or document is translated.
Sous Vide: French for under vacuum. Food is vacuum-packed in pouches, cooked under a vacuum, then chilled and stored for up to 3 months. The pouches are later reheated in hot water for service. Sous vide food is used most often by hotels, restaurants and caterers.
Spa: A facility that provides baths, hot springs, health facilities and other services.
Space Assignment: Booth/stand space assigned to exhibiting companies or meeting rooms assigned to event groups.
Space Draw/Selection: The process of assigning exhibit space for the next event based on the exhibitors’ active involvement in the process.
Space Rate: Cost per square foot/meter for exhibit space.
Space Requirements: Amount of stand/booth space required by individual exhibitors.
Space Reservation Form: Form or special request to utilize a particular space.
Space Verification: Certification of measurements of meeting space through the Function Space Verification Program offered by the Professional Convention Management Association or through graphics layout software companies, e.g. Meeting Matrix.
Space: 1) Area in a facility where a group’s private functions may be held. 2) Exhibitor location in the hall.
Spade Connectors: Fork shaped metal connectors soldered, or crimped, to wire ends for connection to terminals having machine screw or knurled nut contacts.
Spanakopeta: Phyllo pie triangle stuffed with spinach.
Spark Pot: A pyrotechnic device that emits a burst of sparks, usually silver, when ignited.
Spatzle: Tiny dumplings.
Speaker Groups: A group of speakers with varying areas of expertise, who team up to share leads and marketing expenses.
Speaker Platforms: Platforms on the right and left of stage used to elevate sound equipment.
Speaker Questionnaire: A series of questions initiated by a speaker or bureau to better understand the organization, their needs, and the audience in order to prepare for a presentation.
Speaker Stand: See LECTERN.
Speaker: 1) The presenter of a program. Types of speakers include keynote, general session, seminar leader, trainer, workshop leader, and “change of pace” speakers such as humorists and entertainers. 2) Device for sound output.
Speaker’s Guidelines/Kit: 1) The written presentation of a speech. 2) Instructions regarding the required format to be used for the written preparation of a speech.
Speaker’s Guidelines: 1) Instructions regarding the specific expectations for a speaker at an event. Usually outlined are the required format for presentations, AV request procedures, travel and accommodations instructions, etc. 2) Instructions regarding the required format to be used for the written preparation of a speech.
Speakers’ Ready Room: See READY ROOM. See Also TRY OUT ROOM.
Speakers’ Room/Lounge: See READY ROOM. See Also TRY OUT ROOM.
Spec Guide: Specifications Guide. The industry preferred term for a comprehensive document that outlines the complete requirements and instructions for an event. This document is typically authored by the event planner and is shared with all appropriate vendors as a vehicle to communicate the expectations of services for a project. The industry accepted practice is to use the APEX Specifications Guide, which can be found at the Convention Industry Council ( Sometimes called STAGING GUIDE, RESUME, BIBLE.
Special Block: Small block within the event’s room block reserved for dignitaries or people with special needs.
Special Commodity Carrier: A carrier that transports special handling shipments or other commodities that are sensitive by their packaging, contents or transit time requirements. These carriers can handle packaged or blanket wrapped shipments.
Special Event Tour: A TOUR designed around a particular event, e.g. the Kentucky Derby, Mardi Gras, or Rose Bowl Parade.
Special Event: One time event staged for the purpose of celebration; unique activity.
Special Events Company: A company that presents special effects and theatrical acts. This type of company may contract to put on an entire event or only parts of one. They sometimes hire speakers as part of their contract.
Special Handling: Applies to display shipments requiring extra labor, equipment, or time in delivery to booth/stand area.
Special Interest Tour: A TOUR designed to appeal to clients with a curiosity or a concern about a specific subject. Most special interest tours provide an expert tour guide and usually visit places and/or events of specific interest to the participants.
Special Market: Foreign countries with high potential for U.S. travel, but without a USTTA office. U.S. promotional activities under the guidance of Visit USA Committees. Often with the cooperation of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service, an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department.
Special Needs: Any physical or mental consideration that requires special alternatives to ensure an event’s physical space, technologies, and food and beverage accommodates those individual needs. Special needs can include food allergies, wheelchair access, signing interpreters, etc. In the United States, see the Americans with Disabilities Act for specific guidelines.
Special Rate Package: A lowered, all inclusive rate, frequently including one or more meals for two or three nights, that is offered to the general public; often used to generate off-season or weekend business.
Special Rate: An amount charged for the occupancy of a room, usually at a reduced rate and negotiated as a group rate by the conference organizers.
Special-Interest Group: Group travel program designed for persons with common interests.
Specialty Contractor: A supplier of a specific event service, such as photography, rental of furniture or audiovisual equipment, or floral decoration.
Specifications Guide: Spec Guide. The industry preferred term for a comprehensive document that outlines the complete requirements and instructions for an event. This document is typically authored by the event planner and is shared with all appropriate vendors as a vehicle to communicate the expectations of services for a project. The industry accepted practice is to use the APEX Specifications Guide, which can be found at the Convention Industry Council ( Sometimes called STAGING GUIDE, RESUME, BIBLE.
Speech Amplification: Technique whereby, with the help of a microphone and an amplifier, the volume of the human voice is amplified.
Speech: Address, usually formal discourse delivered before an audience.
Speed Ball: Type of pen used in calligraphy and sign writing.
Spike Marks: Tape or chalk marks on studio or stage floors designating exact placement of props and actors.
Spinning: Technique for working sheet metal into concave or convex shapes.
Spin-Off: Speaker booking that occurs because an audience member hires a speaker for another event.
Splice: The twisting together of two or more electrical wires to provide continuous power, housed inside an approved junction box.
Split Charter: Two or more groups share the same flight.
Split Entrée: Smaller portions of two different items for the main course of a dinner. See SURF AND TURF.
Split Folio: This is when a guest has two folios, one for room and tax and the other for incidental charges. Most often used when the room and tax are going on the Master Account, and the guest (often a speaker, VIP or staff) is responsible for things like phone, in-room movies, mini-bar purchases, etc. It is also used when the guest is reimbursed for lodging and meals (e.g. government employees), but must pay his/her own incidental expenses.
Split Pick-up/Delivery: Pick-up or delivery of multiple shipments at more than one place of business.
Split Screen: Horizontally or vertically separated video pictures shown simultaneously.
Split Ticketing: The agency practice of issuing two one-way tickets instead of a round-trip ticket, usually to obtain a lower fare. Used often on international flights due to foreign exchange rate differences.
Splits: A small bottle containing about half the usual quantity of liquor.
Splitter: In laser technology, an attachment that divides the beam into two parts according to power, not color.
Spokesperson: A designated representative who has the authority, knowledge, and credibility to speak and be interviewed by the media.
Sponsor: Person(s) or company(s) underwriting all or part of the costs of an event. Sponsors may or may not participate in any of the profit from the event. 2) An individual who assumed all or part of the financial responsibility for an event. A commercial sponsor that provides financial backing for an aspect of an event and who in return receives visibility, advertising or other remuneration in lieu of cash.
Sponsored Bar: Private room bar set up where guests do not pay for drinks. See OPEN BAR. See Also HOST BAR.
Sponsored Child Care Facility: On-site childcare service provided by the event/host organization.
Sponsorship: Donated financial or material support, usually in exchange for recognition; Paid opportunity for entity or an exhibitor to increase its visibility at the event.
Sporting Event: An event where athletes compete and spectators view the athletic activities and ceremonies.
Spot Exchange: The exchange rate for foreign currency for immediate purchase/delivery. See EXCHANGE RATE.
Spot Rehearsal: Rehearsal of any portion of a production.
Spot Time: Designated time for vehicle or staff to report to assignment.
Spot: One who reports and marks the location site for ground transportation loading of participants.
Spotlight: Strong focused light thrown upon a particular person or object, such as on a stage.
Spotting: Placement of equipment in exact location in booth by using a forklift.
Spouse Program: Special activities planned for those who accompany an attendee to a convention, trade show or meeting. Note that programs today are not simply for women, but rather for men and women, spouses and friends. Programs must be creatively designed to interest intelligent and curious audiences.
Spouse Programs: Educational and/or social events planned for spouses and guests of event participants.
Spouse: Husband or wife of an event attendee. See ACCOMPANYING PERSON. See Also SIGNIFICANT OTHER.
Sprinkler: A device which scatters liquid (usually water) in drops or particles. Can be used as a part of a fire protection system or landscaping aid.
Spumoni: Ice cream with fruits and nuts molded into sections.
SQL: Structured Query Language. A specialized programming language for sending queries to databases. It is used by many database systems to retrieve and modify information.
Square Set-Up: Seating arrangement in which double- or triple-wide tables are set up with chairs placed around all sides.
Squib Head: An electrical igniter used to initiate a pyrotechnic effect. Sometimes called a Fuse Head.
Squirrel Cage: Revolving drum used for raffle tickets.
SSR: Self-Service Reservations. Also referred to as online self-service.
ST Labor: Straight Time Labor. Labor performed and paid at standard rate for work during normal business hours as established by unions.
ST Labor: Straight Time. Labor performed and paid at standard rate for work during normal business hours as established by unions.
Stable: 1) Group of speakers or entertainers usually under agreement with a particular bureau or agency. 2) An area where horses are kept and fed.
Stack: Buses assembled in one location convenient for passenger loading.
Stacking Chairs: Chairs that nest on top of each other when in storage.
Stadium: Facility usually designed for baseball or football as a primary function. May be domed or open-air. Sometimes difficult to distinguish from a large arena.
Stage Call: 1) Designated time and/or number of crew members required at stage for task assignments. 2) Asking a celebrity or speaker to return to the stage after completing the presentation.
Stage Directions: Instructions in the script concerning movements and arrangements on the stage.
Stage Left and Right: Directions from the perspective of a person on stage, as opposed to CAMERA LEFT AND RIGHT. See AUDIENCE LEFT AND RIGHT. See Also SCREEN LEFT AND RIGHT.
Stage Lighting: Illumination for the platform for performers, musicians, actors, or speakers
Stage Manager: Person responsible for running the event.
Stage Master: Person at a venue in charge of stage facilities.
Stage Plot: Diagram, drawn to scale, indicating placement on stage of artists’ equipment, props, microphones, etc.
Stage Right and Left: Directions as one faces audience from the stage.
Stage: The portion of an auditorium or room that has been structured into a formal area for productions or presentations.
Stagehand: Union labor that handles spotlights, rigging, and scenery for theatrical productions. In some cities, they may also handle decorating tasks, such as hanging draperies at convention facilities.
Staging Area: 1) A place for demonstration. 2) In catering, an area for preparing service equipment and supplies. 3) A preparation area, usually on premises, where suppliers review orders and organize items before delivering them to exhibit booths/stands. 4) An area adjacent to a loading dock where freight trucks wait until they may unload. 5) Area adjacent to main event area for setup, dismantling, and temporary storage.
Staging: 1) Design and placement of elements for events. 2) Implementation of an event.
Stakeholders: All individuals who are invested in a project or event such as the sponsors, attendees, vendors, media and others.
Stakes: Pointed pegs used to secure the guy ropes of a tent in the ground. Wooded stakes are used for grass-covered earth; steel stakes are required when the ground is extremely hard, rocky or paved. See ANCHOR.
Stanchions: Upright posts used to support signage, markers, or flags. Ropes may be attached to prevent entry, define traffic areas, and control crowds. See BANK MAZE.
Stand: European term for booth or exhibit. See BOOTH.
Standard Agreement: Contract suggested as a guide by a national or international union as a guide for adoption or use by its locals.
Standard Industrial Classification: SIC. A standard numerical code system used by the U.S. Government to classify products and services. Compare With NOMENCLATURE OF THE CUSTOMS COOPERATION COUNCIL, STANDARD INTERNATIONAL TRADE CLASSIFICATION.
Standard Industrial Trade Classification: SITC. A standard numerical code system developed by the United Nations to classify commodities used in international trade. See NOMENCLATURE OF THE CUSTOMS COOPERATION COUNCIL, STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION.
Standard Operating Procedure: SOP. Official written procedure or policy for dealing with a specific situation.
Standby: Attempt to travel on a flight without a confirmed reservation, if space is available.
Stand-In: 1) Person substituting for a performer or speaker. 2) The role of a vice-president in the absence of the president.
Standing Committee: Committee, defined by organizational bylaws, which meets for a specific purpose.
Star Billing: See 100% STAR BILLING.
Star Rating: It is common for hotels, restaurants and other facilities to advertise their status as determined by one or more systems of rating such as Mobil, AAA, Zagats and others. As these systems can be national or regional, they are anything but uniform. Equally, ratings are sometimes represented by diamonds, rosettes, crowns and other insignia. In France, for example, there is no grade above four-star, although many properties offer five-star standards. See Also 1 DIAMOND, 1 STAR, 2 DIAMOND, 2 STAR, etc.
Stat: A direct paper reproduction of two-dimensional graphics without the use of photographic film.
State Travel Office: An official government agency or privately run, nonprofit organization responsible for travel development and promotion of a state (or territory). Often, an office responsible for travel development is part of another department or agency of a state government such as commerce and economic development. State travel offices vary in sizes of staffs and budgets.
State/Province Event: An event that draws more than 80% of attendees from the state/province in which the event is held. Less than 20% of attendees reside outside a 50-mile (80 km) radius of event site. State/provincial audiences are less inclined to use air travel and local auto rental than regional audiences. See Also NATIONAL EVENT, REGIONAL EVENT, & LOCAL EVENT.
State-Controlled Trading Company: In a country with a state trading monopoly, a trading entity empowered by the country's government to conduct export business.
Statement of Account: Statement of income and expenses following the end of an event.
State-of-the-Art: Newest technology available.
Station Manager: Usually the senior airline representative at an airport.
Station: A banquet server's assigned area. Also refers to the individual buffet tables located throughout a reception area, with each table offering one food item or representing one theme.
Statistics: Quantitative details of an event (number of attendees, sleeping rooms, etc.).
Stats: Photostats. Photographic material used in preparing camera-ready art. Also known as Velox. 2). Abbreviation for statistics.
Stay Over: A guest who stays at a housing facility (hotel, motel, etc.) one or more days longer than his or her scheduled departure date. Also Called OVERSTAY, UNDER DEPART. Compare With UNDERSTAY.
STB: Surface Transportation Board. See Also SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD.
STBS: Set Top Box Solutions. Portable videoconferencing system, usually mounted on a rolling cart or hard-sided case for ease of transport from room to room or across the globe.
Steady Extra: The first extra banquet servers called when extra service help is required.
Steady: A full time employee of a company or organization.
Steamship Round: Roast beef often carved at receptions. From the hip (round) of the beef.
Steering Committee: Select group which sets policies and makes basic decisions relative to a group or an event.
Step-On-Guide: A freelance guide who comes aboard a motor coach to give an informed overview of the city or attraction to be toured.
Stepper Switch: Electrical relay that is timed to activate further mechanisms after it has been itself activated.
Stereo: Sound that seems to be three dimensional to the listener. This is achieved by reproducing slightly different sounds in two separated speakers. Stereo recordings are generated by a minimum of two microphones.
STET: Proofreading term noted when copy marked for deletion is to be put back in its original form.
Stock Bill: A list of specific materials and sizes.
Stock Exhibits: A predesigned unit adapted to particular use by identification, color, graphics and minor structural modifications.
Stock: resident Company of players performing one play nightly for a week and rehearsing another play for the following week.
Stop Motion: Motion picture or video frame that is stopped so a single frame is displayed. See FREEZE FRAME.
Stopover: An intentional interruption of the trip that either prevents a continuous through fare or is permitted by the carrier with a through fare.
Storage Area: Space at a show set aside for storage of crates or materials.
Story Pole: Fixed pole with predetermined layout markings.
Storyboard: Series of sketches or pictures which outline the subject to be developed.
STP: Satellite Ticket Printer. Usually dedicated to a specific account to ensure complete accountability for all transactions processed and controlled by vendor.
Straight Bill: Bill of lading that is non-negotiable.
Straight Brace: Tent component that is designed to prevent a tent from collapsing.
Straight Time: Labor performed and paid at standard rate for work during normal business hours as established by unions. See ST LABOR.
Straight Truck: Flat-floor truck, usually with a cargo area of 14 to 20 feet. Normally used for local or short-haul moves.
Strategic Plan: Long range plan of action for a company or organization.
Strategic Relationships: An agreement between two or more enterprises to conduct specified business processes in a joint manner. Usually related to technology development and/or marketing and distribution efforts.
Stratified Sample: A population is divided into similar groups and each group is then randomly sampled.
Streaming Media: A method for delivering audio, video and animated content over the Web. Streaming refers to the ability of Web site visitors to access multimedia content without having to download an entire file first.
Streaming: The software that makes Webcasting work. These “stream” audio and video from a central source, or media server, to recipients on their personal computers.
Street Beat: Drum beat accompanying band which is marching but not playing. Cadence.
Stretch Wrap: 1) Process of wrapping and consolidating exhibit crates, boxes and loose items on a pallet with heat-sealed, transparent plastic wrapping. 2) A plastic film used to wrap pallets of freight for shipping. It comes in various colors, but black is preferable for security purposes. STRETCH WRAP is often erroneously referred to as SHRINK WRAP, which must be heated to cause shrinkage and tight fit to the item being wrapped. See SHRINK WRAP. See Also PALLET WRAP.
Stretcher: General term for cross member mounted between sides or legs of cabinets, or between upright poles in a pipe and drape booth/stand, to ensure rigidity. These typically hold the drape to form the booth/stand.
Strike: 1) Dismantle exhibits. 2) To remove all scenery and props from the stage. 3) Union walkout.
Strip Light: 1) Fixture with a line of lamps, often with reflectors and color gels, used in color lighting. 2) Fluorescent lighting wired in a line.
Strip: 1) To put a negative into place as part of a larger or composite negative in preparing to make an offset printing plate. 2) To clear tables or a function room.
Strong Back: A framing member using the triangular system to support a cantilever load.
Structured Question: Prepare eight or ten questions per one hour presentation to be distributed in advance of the session to selected attendees. Following each major presentation, attendees ask questions from the list.
Stud: Vertical structural wall support of wood or metal.
Studio: Room with a couch or couches that convert to beds.
Study Day: Day devoted to the study of a particular subject or subjects.
Study Group: A meeting to review a particular situation; no recommendations or solutions are expected as a result.
Study Mission: Tour of a work place or manufacturing plant of interest to a conference. See EDUCATIONAL VISIT.
Style Sheet: A list of special spellings, terms and style points to be used consistently in publications related to an event.
Styrofoam: Trade name for lightweight rigid form of compressed polystyrene crystals.
Sub-Block: Any group of rooms that is classified or separated differently than the general attendee block within the Event-Contracted Block (ECB). See also EVENT-CONTRACTED BLOCK.
Subcommittee: A group of people, frequently including one or more members of the main committee, meeting outside of the main committee, with responsibilities for specific items.
Subcontractor: An individual or business, which contracts to perform part or all of the obligations of another's contract. Company retained by a contractor to provide services to exhibitors or event management; outsourcing.
Submersible Pumps: Pumps that operate underwater.
Subsidy: A grant of money or financial assistance, usually by a government to a private person or company, to assist an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public.
Suburban Hotel: Hotel on the outskirts of a large city, which may or may not be near local attractions.
Subwoofer: Loudspeaker system designed to produce or reproduce only low frequency sounds, typically below 150 hertz.
Suitcasing: When a company tries to sell its product or service on the show floor without the permission or consent of the event's management.
Suite Hotel: A hotel whose entire inventory of sleeping rooms have separate bedroom, bathroom, living room or parlor areas, and possibly a kitchenette or other special features. Also called ALL SUITE HOTEL.
Suite: Combination of interconnecting rooms generally containing a sitting room with a half-bathroom and one or more sleeping rooms.