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ENG (Fall 2020): Home

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ENG (Fall 2020)

   Welcome to your online library portal! 

   The JWU Library is a great resource for your academic research.

   Use this link to make an online research appointmentWe're here for you!

   OR Chat or text a librarian - it's anonymous and fast! 

   Simply click the Ask a Librarian button from the library home page or begin chatting below:




IL Lesson 4: Keywords & Synonyms

  1. Break into groups by group number (1, 2, or 3)
  2. Go to the slide with your group number

  3. Determine the keywords for the research question: 

    What are the impacts of social media on the mental health of college students?"
  4. Determine at least two sets of synonyms for each keyword

  5. Write them on your slide

  6. Conduct a search using your keywords in your assigned database 

  1. Post the two top articles on the results list

  2. Come back as a group, share out to compare...

The JWU Writing Lab is open for online appointments.

Both student and professional writing coaches are available to help you at any stage of the writing process, from coming up with an outline to proofreading a polished draft.

Top Tips for Working with the Writing Lab:

  1.    Book an appointment by phone: 401-598-1785  
  2.    Book an appointment online via USucceed: In jwulink, click Academics tab,  Academic Support Services.

For 24/7 free online revision feedback, submit your paper to Smarthinking. Look for the link in jwuLink, under the Academics tab, under Academic Support Services.

The JWU library has two style guides: 

MLA Style Guide

APA Style Guide

Need to talk to someone and seek guidance in real-time? Chat with a librarian!

  • If you are an online student, you can go to the online writing center for information about how to contact a writing coach. 
  • If you are a PVD campus student you can schedule an appointment with the writing coach through uSucceed.