Read these to gain a better understanding of the topic. There are reference sources and are typically not part of academic research but intended to provide background information about your topic. In other words, this is where you can look for ideas about the direction of further research. Search in Credo Reference for more.
The case of the disappointed office-seeker Marbury V. Madison (1803). (2012). In M. I. Urofsky, Supreme decisions: great constitutional cases and their impact. New York, NY: Westview Press.
Marbury V. Madison. (1999). In M. F. Mikula, L. M. Mabunda, & A. M. Marion (Eds.), Great American court cases, Gale. Farmington, MI: Gale
The judicial power. (2013). In R. A. Rossum, & G. Tarr, American constitutional law.. New York, NY: Westview Press.
Judicial review. (2010). In D. Watts, Dictionary of American government and politics. Edinburg, UK: Edinburgh University Press.
American Bar Association Database
Search or browse through law reviews and journals
Multidisciplinary database. Use keywords to search - such as, "Marybury v Madison" or "judicial review"
Think you won't use books in your research? Books are useful for understanding the foundations of a concept. They are also thoroughly researched and often present theories and ideas not present elsewhere. Try searching in these collections for ebooks.
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