Archive of basic college textbooks provided under a Creative Commons license by a textbook publisher
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Procurement Insider: IBISWorld
Case studies, articles, best practices, infographics, and more.
Search by subject for various subject areas, including health science, math, engineering, business, management, psychology, and life sciences.
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Embedded resources and textbooks with many different search options
Free educational and cultural media
Canadian open textbook project covering both academic and trade topics
Open peer-reviewed texts
A growing catalog of free, peer-reviewed, and openly-licensed textbooks
Multidisciplinary database useful for researching a variety of topics.
Provides coverage of all business disciplines
Executive interviews, corporate training videos, case studies, how to features, and documentary films that focus on all aspects of the global business environment.
Case studies, company profiles & industry research reports, country economic reports, market research reports, SWOT analyses, and video interviews with business executives
Business Source Complete
The library provides access to several ebook collections. To search most comprehensively, visit the library's homepage and perform a search under the tab labeled Books & Videos. Use the refine features on the left hand side of the results page to limit your search to ebooks at JWU.
Management articles in various fields
Global industry research
Sports Business Research network provides marketing research statistics
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