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Honors Program

This page provides information on the Honors Program at Johnson & Wales University.

Honors Seminars



ENG 2135
Voice to Power: Public Speaking and Civic Responsibility

This course focuses on developing oral and written communication skills in the context of civic communication, communication in the public sphere. This course not only teaches oral communication skills involving diction, body language, audience awareness and delivery, but also emphasizes rhetorical theory and analysis

HUM 3200 American Music Cultures

This course introduces students to the foundational texts of cultural studies, popular culture studies, musicology and ethnography, and builds toward an understanding of how we use music to create and maintain social identities.

ILS 2015 Postcolonial Lit

Colonization of Africa and Asia and ensuing post-colonial reconstruction, two world wars, the spread and fall of communism, human rights movements and immigration profoundly changed the face of the world. This course focuses on literary responses to and representations of select movements and events of the 20th century.

ILS 2215 The Earth in Peril

This course examines environmental issues created by conflicting views about the earth’s capabilities. Relationships among people, environments and natural resources are analyzed through literature and scientific writings.

ILS 2305 Behavioral Economics

Behavioral Economics is a new field of research in the social sciences that brings together the disciplines of economics and psychology. This course utilizes this approach to better understand human behavior.

ILS 4125: Shakespeare and the Politics of Performance

This course explores the direct and indirect ways that performances of Shakespeare’s plays engage political debates, challenge social norms, provide historical insights, and encourage audiences to participate in the often subversive experience of playing. Students examine productions of the plays within historical contexts, considering both how they might have signified for their original audiences and how they still speak to us today.

LIT 3018 The Languages of Food: Media and Culture

This course traces the use of food as both subject and metaphor in literature and film throughout the ages. The first half of the course examines the relationships between food and philosophy, food and politics, and food and history as portrayed through a wide variety of literary and film genres. The second half of the course focuses on analytical comparisons of food-centered texts and their film adaptations.

MAT 2015 Experimental Design and Statistics

This course provides students with statistical concepts and techniques that assist them in both their academic and professional lives. Basic concepts such as measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability distribution of both discrete and continuous random variables, sampling distributions and estimation theory are covered, and techniques such as hypothesis testing and correlation are introduced. The course culminates in the application of experimental design to a real world situation.

PHIL 3045 Ethics

This course examines central figures in the history of moral philosophy, such as Aristotle, Hobbes, Hume, Mill and Kant. While the primary focus is on understanding these influential thinkers in their historical contexts and their distinctive approaches to ethics, we also seek to show the relevance of their views to timeless questions. What is the best way to live? How do we distinguish good from evil? Should we be moral?

SCI 2350 Scientific Implications of Mass Food Production

This course focuses on the health and environmental impacts of the industrialization of food production. Specifically, students investigate the molecular techniques used to engineer genetically modified foods, the use of antibiotics and hormones in animal production, the biological modes of action of both pesticides and herbicides and the industry’s contribution to environmental pollutants and greenhouse gases.

SOC 2005 Social Inequalities

This course serves as an introduction to sociology with a focus on the inequalities of race, gender, and especially class. The operations of these inequalities are studied at both the micro, person-to-person level and the macro, institutional level.