How to Format Your Works Cited Page
- Include your last name and the page number in the upper right corner - use "header/footer" feature in MS Word.
- Below your name, centered at the top, type: Works Cited. Do not make bold. Make sure to capitalize exactly as shown.
- Page must be double-spaced throughout!
- First line of each citation is flush with the left margin. Any lines within the same citation after the first line, must be indented 5 spaces (one tab). This is called a hanging indent.
- Alphabetize citations by first word in citation. Titles beginning with The, A, or An are alphabetized as though the The, A, or An had been omitted. See Works Cited example.
- Use International Dating System for all dates within citations: Day Month Year. Example: 5 Aug. 2009 instead of August 5, 2009.
Additional Style Notes:
- Italicize titles of published works (books, magazines, journals, database names, films, etc).
- Website Addresses (URLs) are no longer requires website addresses (URLs). However, students are encouraged to provide a web address if the citation information does not lead readers to easily find the source -- or if your professor requires a web address in your citation.
- Publication Format: Every citation must note what kind of format the original information came from. Print or Web are the most common, but other possibilities include Performance, DVD, or TV. Format type will appear at the end of each citation entry -- EXCEPT for Web sources which are noted after the date of publication -- before the date of access. (See examples in Works Cited tab.)
- New Abbreviations: Many web source entries now require a publisher name, a date of publication, and/or page numbers.
- When no publisher name appears on the website, use: n.p. for no publisher given.
- When websites omit a date of publication, use: n.d. for no date.
- For online journals that appear only online (no print version) or for databases that do not provide page numbers, use: n. pag. for no pagination
Text adapted from Linda Jones, Librarian, Dixie State College Library, Texas.