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Library Instruction: Active Learning : ENG 1021: In-Class Activity

Finding and Understanding Scholarly Sources 


Scenario: You have to write a short research paper for English 1021. Your professor requires that at least two of the articles you include in your works cited are scholarly.


Consider: What does scholarly mean? What makes a source scholarly? Why is your professor even requiring scholarly sources? How do you find a scholarly source and then read it?





Find Your Group Number on the Google Doc  below for your class time and write the name of each person in your group!

  1. Each group has been provided with a sample research question and keywords and a sample scholarly article or original research article.

  2. Skim headings of the article (ex. Introduction, Literature review)

  3. Identify a claim or research question (Hint: look in Abstract!)

  4. Identify the findings (Hint: Look in discussion/conclusion) 

  5. Find one quote from an older article mentioned in the introduction or literature review

  6. (If there is one) Methodology: Identify a group studied

  7. Share out to the rest of the class