Also includes information about culinary education/schools with citations to articles dating back to 1981 about people and programs affiliated with Johnson & Wales.
Company profiles, SWOT analyses (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) where available, industry profiles, stocks & investment info., management-related articles, Harvard Business Review case studies and streaming videos from the Harvard Business School Faculty Seminar Series.
Members can access online resources and network with other students and professionals. The Food & Culinary Professionals Group has a "Food Safety" subgroup.
This trade association's site features a long list of food safety links to other associations, universities, and other resources. It also offers safety and allergen icons available to copy.
This professional organization focuses on "culinary and technical informational for the food industry". Find news, trends, profiles, and other info in its Culinology Magazine. Also, find job, internship, and scholarship info through its Foundation.