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Alternative Course Materials

Organizational Behavior

Mahoney, K.T. & Svyantek, D.J. (2014). Organizational Processes and Received Wisdom. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. 

Reinvented Leadership Theory or New Constructs?; The Leader is Leadership; Can Only Western Leaders Lead?; Transformational Leadership and Spiritual Intelligence; Pygmalion Expectations, Leader Gender, and Subordinate Gender Influence on Performance; Motivation and Organizational Transformation; Predictors and outcome of Readiness for Change; The "Benefits" of Diversity in the Workplace; A Longitudinal Study of the Predictors of Contextual Performance; Situational and Personality Influences on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors; How Knowledge is Received Across Disciplines; Exchange of Tacit Knowledge within Advanced Production with Small Batch Sizes; The Role of Intuition and Insight in Organizational Decision Making

Mustafa, A. (2013). Organizational behaviour. Cranbrook, Kent: Global Professional Publishing.

Introduction and definition of Organizational Behavior; Group Dynamics; Group Cohesiveness and Group Development; Group Decision Making; Work Motivation; Employee's Morale; Favourable Physical Working Environment and Productivity; Stress Management; Organizational Change; Organizational Development; Hawthorne Studies; Personality; Perception; Learning and Behavior Modification; Ability, Power, and Organizational Politics; Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism; Leadership; Communication; Total Quality Management; Organizational Culture; Work Team; Negotiation; Organizational Ethics; Group Development and Cognitive Dissonance

Peltonen, T. (2016). Organization Theory: Critical and Philosophical Engagements. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 

Classical Organization Theory; Cultural Modern Organization Theory; Rational Modern Organization Theory; Interpretative Organization Theory; Critical Organization Theory; Postmodern Organization Theory

Remember that you can pick and choose from these materials and remix them as you see fit - they are not bound by traditional copyrights.


Business Organizations and their Environments: Culture

National and organizational culture; culture's influence on organizational environments, diversity, and complexity

Human Resource Management

Recruitment; Training and Development; Employee Assessment; Compensation and Benefits

An Introduction to Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior; Managing Demographic and Cultural Diversity; Understanding People at Work: Individual Differences and Perception; Individual Attitudes and Behaviors; Theories of Motivation; Designing a Motivating Work Environment; Managing Stress and Emotions; Communication; Managing Groups and Teams; Conflict and Negotiations; Making Decisions; Leading People within Organizations; Power and Politics; Organizational Structure and Change; Organizational Culture

Organizational Behavior  - same book with adaptations from the University of Minnesota

Organizational Theory

Organizational theory in perspective; Focus on task performance and structure; Focus on motivation; Focus on adjustments to the external environment; Management