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Article search for sports sponsorship 2014-present, full text


Garzone, G., & Evangelisti Allori, P. (2010). Discourse, Identities and Genres in Corporate Communication : Sponsorship, Advertising and Organizational Communication. Bern: Peter Lang AG.

Chapter on Sponsorship, pg. 51-144

Meenaghan, T. (2013). Measuring Sponsorship Performance: Challenge and DirectionPsychology & Marketing30(5), 385-393. doi:10.1002/mar.20613 

Corporate investment in sponsorship represents one of marketing’s more dramatic investment stories of recent decades with global sponsorship expenditure forecast to reach US $53.3 billion in 2013. The scale of this investment, as well as the scrutiny to which sponsorship activity has been subjected during the “Financial Crisis” has added significant momentum to the demand for improved methodologies for evaluating the returns resulting from sponsorship investment. Indeed a range of recent sponsorship studies clearly indicate the pressure, not just for greater accountability, but a demand for new and improved methodologies for measuring sponsorship performance. Against this backdrop this special issue of Psychology and Marketing is timely. It seeks to bring together a selected series of papers from leading edge practitioners and academics which critically review certain current approaches to evaluation, explores important research methodology issues, and outlines recently developed models which quantify the value generated by sponsorship investment. Link to the full issue


Sponsorship and Sport Profile: A marriage of convenience. (2012). Sponsorship & Sport: A Marriage of Convenience, 1-19.

This publication presents a case study on sponsorship in sports and how it benefits both the sponsor and the sponsored party. It states that corporations often sponsor sporting events such as the Olympic Games as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies. The intent by successful brands to be associated with successful sports teams and athletes is discussed. Improved brand image is said to be a benefit of sponsorship for companies, but internal benefits can also be gained.



Articles from the popular press

Belzer, Jason. (2013). The (R)evolution of Sports SponsorshipsForbes.

Madslien, Jorn. (2011). Why do carmakers sponsor sports? BBC News.

Snyder, Brett. (2011). Why Airlines Bother to Sponsor Sports TeamsCBS News.


Brandwatch. (2013). Sponsorship and Social Media: A Brandwatch Analysis of Barclays Premier League Sponsorship

And, a related article.

McKinsey & Company. (2014). Is sports sponsorship worth it? | Quantifying ROI of sponsorship