Greetings from the library!
I'm honored to be your librarian for this course.
If you'd like some one-on-one help finding company or industry information
or any other information/data
click here to book an appointment.
Feel free to email me directly with any questions about library resources and research:
Sarah Campbell|
You can also chat or text with one of our on-duty librarians. We're here for you!
If you are looking for information about specific companies, try searching in the databases listed below.
Note: You will have limited access to financial data from companies that are not publicly traded.
Business Insights Global (Gale)
Case studies, company profiles & industry research reports
Country economic reports, market research reports
SWOT analyses, and video interviews with business executives, and selective full-text articles
To search: [Company must be publicly traded for expanded information]
Choose "Company Profile" from menu on the right of the landing page
Type the name of the company in the search box at the top of the page.
Annual and up to date company profiles and narratives
SWOT analyses for specific companies where available
Financial data, revenue, etc.
Company organization and hierarchy
Company history, acquisitions, etc.
JWU Library has limited access to Harvard Business Cases- click here to learn more.
Note: You can also find limited company data in Statista and IBISWorld (see "Industry Information" tab)
Need data about specific state, national, or global industries?
Try the databases listed below for
industry forecasts and outlooks
up to date and recent developments and performance
supply chain information
operating conditions, revenues, and ratios
Over 3600 national and global industry profiles
Can search by industry name, NAICS, and country
Statistics, market studies & reports for over 600 international industries, 37 countries, and 60,000 wide-ranging topics
Company and industry reports
Industry research for over 700 US industries
Research on hundreds of international industries
International Business Times (US Edition)
Where to go to find information for your environmental analysis:
Small Business Administration (
Downcity Library:
111 Dorrance Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Harborside Library:
321 Harborside Boulevard Providence, RI 02905