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Embedded Resources: SNC

Library Resources


Greetings! I'm honored to be your personal librarian for CSLG 2030!

I can help you pick a topic, find articles, or answer any other question.  Seriously.  I got you!

I share office hours with an awesome team of librarians, so if you'd like some one-on-one help click here to book an appointment or let me know a time that works for you We're here for you!

Sarah Naomi Campbell| | 401-598-5019


Did you know you can also chat or text with a librarian?  It's anonymous, free, and super fast!

On campus? Visit the JWU Writing Lab at either Downcity or Harborside Libraries for fast and easy help with assignments. Whether you're just getting started or need final editing advice, the student writing coaches are super kind and trained to help you at any stage of the writing process.

Top Four Tips for Working with the Writing Lab:

  1.    Open Mon - Thurs 4-10 pm, Sun 12-10 pm.
  2.    Walk-ins welcome; appointments strongly recommended.
  3.    Book an appointment:
  4.    Email:

Curious about how it all works? Check out this sweet video created by an awesome team of JWU students!  

Did you know you can also submit your paper online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to Smarthinking for seriously awesome feedback within 24 -48 hours?  It's FREE!  Look for the link in JWULink, under the Academics tab, under Tutoring.

For in-person tutoring, help with accommodations for students living with disabilities, and study-skills workshops, contact the Center for Academic Support.

Click the links to the articles for each topic below, and then look at the Subject Terms - these are hyperlinked to MORE articles on your topic and are a great way to further refine your research question.  Notice that even a state, a country, or a person could be a Subject Term!


TEENAGE pregnancy -- United States -- Prevention
PREVENTION of sexually transmitted diseases -- Study & teaching (Middle school)
MIDDLE school students -- United States -- Sexual behavior
CULTURALLY relevant education
STUDENT surveys
BEHAVIOR modification -- United States
CLUSTER randomized controlled trials
PREVENTION of sexually transmitted diseases
TEENAGE pregnancy -- Prevention
TREATMENT effectiveness
HUMAN services programs -- Evaluation
Geographic Terms:

Impact of Family Member's Death:

ICU versus Non-ICU Hospital Death: Family Member Complicated Grief, Posttraumatic Stress, and Depressive Symptoms.

Association between Quality of End-of-Life Care and Possible Complicated Grief among Bereaved Family Members.

Implications of Parental Suicide and Violent Death for Promotion of Resilience of Parentally-Bereaved Children

Single Parenting

Single Mothers in Low-Wage Jobs: Financial Strain, Parenting, and Preschoolers' Outcomes.

Types of work-related behavior and experiences and stress coping strategies among single mothers and mothers in relationships differentiating role of work satisfaction.

Comparison of Poverty and Income Disparity of Single Mothers and Fathers Across Three Decades: 1990-2010.

Violent Children

Adverse Childhood Experiences, the Medical Home, and Child Well-Being.

Managing behaviour in child residential group care: unique tensions.

Sibling Rivalry/Middle Children

Children's Perceptions of Sibling Conflict During Middle Childhood: Issues and Sibling (Dis)similarity.

The Influence of Rearing Order on Personality Development Within Two Adoption Cohorts.

"Because if You Don't Put the Top On, It Will Spill": A Longitudinal Study of Sibling Teaching in Early Childhood

Only Child

Birth order and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Sexual Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Female Undergraduate Students in Wuhan, China: The Only-Child versus Students with Siblings.

The role of sibling support in high-conflict families.

Education and Development 

Changes in Beliefs Regarding Good Teachers and the Characteristics of Child Development of Primary Education Students

A Nature-Based Social-Emotional Approach to Supporting Young Children's Holistic Development in Classrooms with and without Walls: The Social-Emotional and Environmental Education Development (SEED) Framework

Elder/Child Abuse

Developing a Peer Educator Program to Raise Awareness about Elder Abuse

Elder Abuse and Neglect: Assessment Tools, Interventions, and Recommendations for Effective Service Provision

Heads You Win, Tails I Lose: The Dilemma Mandatory Reporting Poses for Teachers

A Multivariate Examination of the Child-Abuse Potential of Parents with Children Aged 0-6

Teenage Pregnancy

Text Messaging, Teen Outreach Program, and Sexual Health Behavior: A Cluster Randomized Trial.

Culturally Responsive Adolescent Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention Program for Middle School Students in Hawai'i.

Did you know you can copy and paste citations if you use the library's databases?

1. Save time -  look for the "Cite" Button or " " icon.

2. Scroll to the style you need (APA)

3. Copy and paste the full citation into your paper

Ta Da!  You're done!  Well, almost.  Sometimes weird formatting issues happen, so always double check your work.


Need help with in-text citations or more complicated citations?  Use the OWL It's super easy, and totally simple. This is also a really good time to make an appointment with a writing tutor to make sure your paper is totally perfect and all your citations are good to go or reach out to me for help!