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Embedded Resources: SNC

The Adjunct Librarian

Option 1.  Citation Analysis Embedded vs. Adjunct Instruction & Embedded


Option 2.  Retention Statistics for courses taught by us - what is the retention rate for students who enroll in courses taught by adjunct instructors who are also full time librarians?


Option 3.  Focus Groups


Theory:  Retention is higher for dual librarians:


Why? Availability of faculty in a public space, availability of office hours beyond, the skill level in virtual reference, comfort with new technology and resources, knowledge of resources, etc.


Willen-Brown, Stephanie. "The Adjunct Life: The Best of Both Worlds--Working and Teaching Future Librarians." Library Journal, vol. 132, no. 11, 15 June 2007, pp. 42-44. EBSCOhost,


Johns, Sara Kelly, et al. "Pass It Forward: Teaching as an Adjunct." Knowledge Quest, vol. 38, no. 5, May/Jun2010, pp. 40-45. EBSCOhost,


Polger, M. & Okamoto, K. (2010, March). "Can't anyone be a teacher anyway?": Student perceptions of academic librarians as teachers. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-16.


Evgenia Vassilakaki, Valentini Moniarou-Papaconstantinou, (2015) "A systematic literature review informing library and information professionals’ emerging roles", New Library World, Vol. 116 Issue: 1/2, pp.37-66,


Segal, Judith A. “Collaboration between Theory and Evidence-Based Practice — Two Cultures: Librarians and Professors.” IFLA Journal, vol. 27, no. 1, 2001, pp. 24–27., doi:10.1177/034003520102700105.