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ENG 1030: Persuasive Speech

Wondering how to get started on your Persuasive Speech?

No worries!  Your first challenge is to choose an interesting topic, and then focus in on the most fascinating angle.

Use Opposing Viewpoints to search for controversial articles on specific angles for your research paper. For example, if your topic is "Texting while Driving", use the search box to find different points of view on this issue.  Looking at both sides of a topic makes whatever side you take even stronger, because you can argue a more balanced point of view.

Pro-Tip: Choose Browse Issues to choose from legit hundreds of topics.

For this speech, you need (2) Viewpoints (one supporting, one opposing) and (1) Academic Article.  You also need Statistics.

Notice the variety of sources available:  Viewpoints (editorials, strongly biased on one side), Academic Journals, Statistics, Images, Video, News, Magazines. Notice the Cite feature on the right hand side, so you can add in your citation for your speech.



Use Statista for fast, compelling statistics to cite in your paper.  Statistics on 60,000 topics in just a click of a button!

Required: For your last Persuasive Speech, submit your draft to Smarthinking by Sun 4/29 11:59 pm (25%)

Submit your speech online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for seriously awesome feedback within 24 hours.  It's FREE!  

Look for the link in JWULink, under the Academics tab, under Tutoring  

Click Submit My Writing and then Essay Center.  Each time you submit, and it's unlimited how many times you can upload your speech for feedback, you can choose two areas for the Writing Tutor to focus on.

Extra Credit: For in-person help, visit the JWU Writing Lab at either Downcity or Harborside for fast and easy help with your persuasive speech. Whether you're just getting started or need final editing advice, the student writing coaches are super kind and trained to help you at any stage of the writing process.

Top Three Tips for Working with the Writing Lab:

  1.    Open Mon - Thurs 4-10 pm, Sun 12-10 pm.
  2.    Walk-ins welcome; appointments strongly recommended.
  3.    Book an appointment:

Curious about how it all works? Check out this sweet video created by an awesome team of JWU students!  

For in-person tutoring, help with accommodations for students living with disabilities, and study-skills workshops, contact the Center for Academic Support.

Did you know you can copy and paste citations if you use the library's databases?

1. Save time -  look for the "Cite" Button or " " icon.

2. Scroll to the style you need (MLA, APA)

3. Copy and paste the full citation into your speech

Ta Da!  You're done!  Well, almost.  Sometimes weird formatting issues happen, so always double check your work.