Greetings! I'm honored to be your personal librarian for CSLG 3005!
I can help you pick a topic, find articles, or answer any other question. Seriously. I got you!
I share office hours with an awesome team of librarians, so if you'd like some one-on-one help click here to book an appointment or let me know a time that works for you. We're here for you!
Sarah Naomi Campbell| | 401-598-5019
Did you know you can also chat or text with a librarian? It's anonymous, free, and super fast!
Group oral/presentation assignment: Your assigned group will choose 1 of the following topics (confirm topic approval with instructor) below based on a specific area of interest and/or a topic: Note: Presentations cannot be rescheduled and a no-show on your group’s scheduled presentation day will result in a zero for the project
(minimum/maximum-3 pages-points will be deducted for being over or under limit): You will be asked to critically analyze the crisis intervention response to a high-profile crisis (a manmade or natural disaster) such as 911, Columbine, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook school shootings, Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Australian fires, the Mass shooting at Harvest Musical in Las Vegas etc. You can also pick another high profile incident not listed, but please see the instructor for approval.
On campus? Visit the JWU Writing Lab at either the Academic Success Center at Downcity or Harborside for fast and easy help with assignments.
Whether you're just getting started or need final editing advice, peer-to-peer and professional writing coaches are super kind and trained to help you at any stage of the writing process.
For in-person tutoring, help with accommodations for students living with disabilities, and study-skills workshops, contact the Academic Success Center, via USucceed in jwulink, Academics tab.
Top Tips for Working with the Writing Lab:
Did you know you can also submit your paper online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to Smarthinking for feedback by professional tutors within 24 hours? It's FREE! Look for the link in jwulink, under the Academics tab, under Tutoring.
Looking for MS Office Suite or Microsoft Word? Click here to download it for free
Downcity Library:
111 Dorrance Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Harborside Library:
321 Harborside Boulevard Providence, RI 02905