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Embedded Resources: SNC

ESL1033 40461


Greetings! I'm honored to be your personal librarian for your ESL 1033 course.  

I can help you pick a topic, find articles, or answer any other question.  Seriously.  I got you!

I share office hours with an awesome team of librarians, so if you'd like some one-on-one help click here to book an appointment or let me know a time that works for you We're here for you!

Sarah Naomi Campbell| | 401-598-5019

Did you know you can also chat or text with a librarian?  It's anonymous, free, and super fast!  Simply click the Ask a Librarian button below, or look for it on our home page!


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To explore the Culinary Arts Museum collection for your Gorham Silver Project, click here.

Brown University has also created a research guide JUST focusing on Gorham Manufacturing!  Check out the guide by clicking here ----> Brown's Gorham Guide.

For more information about visiting Brown's Library, click here.

Did you know you can copy and paste citations if you use the library's databases?

1. Save time -  look for the "Cite" Button or " " icon.

2. Scroll to the style you need (APA, MLA)

3. Copy and paste the full citation into your paper

Ta Da!  You're done!  Well, almost.  Sometimes weird formatting issues happen, so always double check your work.


Need help with in-text citations or more complicated citations?  Use the OWL It's super easy, and totally simple. This is also a really good time to make an appointment with a writing tutor to make sure your paper is totally perfect and all your citations are good to go or reach out to me for help!

Using Google can be really helpful when you're doing research, especially if you use these quick tips!

1. Change the "Domain"​

  • Looking for Government information?  Use .gov in your search
    • If you search "Statistics on the economy" site:gov, you'll find government sites focusing on the economy, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  • Looking for Education resources?  Use .edu in your search
    • If you search "statistics on the economy" site:edu, you'll find academic sites focusing on the economy, such as articles from colleges and universities.
  • Looking for Non-Profit research?  Use .org in your search
    • If you search "statistics on the economy" site:org, you'll find non-profit sites focusing on the economy, such as the United Nations Statistics division.

​2. Put your search in "Quotes"

  • If you're searching for more than one word, use quotes to search as a phrase.
    • ​EX:  "Student Loans"

3. Google Scholar

  • A Google Scholar search will bring you lots of academic results, and it is a great place to start.  
    • If you can't read the articles online, let us know and we'll find the Full Text for you!