Greetings! I'm honored to be your personal librarian for CSLG 5170
I can help you pick a topic, find articles, or answer any other question. Seriously. I got you!
I share office hours with an awesome team of librarians, so if you'd like some one-on-one help click here to book an appointment or let me know a time that works for you. We're here for you!
Sarah Naomi Campbell| | 401-598-5019
On campus? Visit the JWU Writing Lab at either Downcity or Harborside Libraries for fast and easy help with assignments. Whether you're just getting started or need final editing advice, the student writing coaches are super kind and trained to help you at any stage of the writing process.
Top Four Tips for Working with the Writing Lab:
Curious about how it all works? Check out this sweet video created by an awesome team of JWU students!
Did you know you can also submit your paper online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to Smarthinking for seriously awesome feedback within 24 -48 hours? It's FREE! Look for the link in JWULink, under the Academics tab, under Tutoring.
For in-person tutoring, help with accommodations for students living with disabilities, and study-skills workshops, contact the Center for Academic Support.
Cultural Competency: Working with African American/Black Clients
Microaggressions, Multiculturalism, and Gifted Individuals Who Are Black, Hispanic, or Low Income.
Mental Health Care Services for African Americans: Parity or Disparity?
Cultural Competency: Working with Latino/a clients
Latino immigration: Preparing school psychologists to meet students’ needs.
Cultural humility and racial microaggressions in counseling.
Acculturation, discrimination, and depression among unauthorized Latinos/as in the United States.
The efficacy of behavioral activation treatment among depressed Spanish-speaking Latinos.
Cultural Competency: Working with Native American clients
Multicultural Considerations for Counselling First Nations Clients.
Counseling Native Americans: An Introduction for Non-Native American Counselors.
Honoring Their Way: Counseling American Indian Women.
Two Spirit: Counseling Native American gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual People.
Native American Healing Practices and Counseling.
Cultural Competency: Working with East/Southeast clients
Work Experiences of Foreign-Born Asian Women Counseling and Psychology Faculty.
Internationalizing counselling: A Southeast Asian perspective.
Visiting the Site of Death: Experiences of the Bereaved after the 2004 Southeast Asian Tsunami
Counselling Expectations of a Sample of East Asian and Caucasian Canadian Undergraduates in Canada.
Cultural Competency: Working with European-American clients
What's in a face? Counseling trainees' ability to read emotions.
Insights Gained From a Cultural Contexts Counseling Course in a Rural Setting.
Cultural Competency: Working with South Asian clients
South Asians in College Counseling
Cultural Competency: Working with Middle Eastern clients
Competent Counseling for Middle Eastern American Clients: Implications for Trainees.
Resilience in sexual and gender minority forced migrants: A qualitative exploration.
Substance use among Palestinian youth in the West Bank, Palestine: a qualitative investigation
Cultural humility: Measuring openness to culturally diverse clients.
Did you know you can copy and paste citations if you use the library's databases?
1. Save time - look for the "Cite" Button or " " icon.
2. Scroll to the style you need (APA)
3. Copy and paste the full citation into your paper
Ta Da! You're done! Well, almost. Sometimes weird formatting issues happen, so always double check your work.
Need help with in-text citations or more complicated citations? Use the OWL! It's super easy, and totally simple. This is also a really good time to make an appointment with a writing tutor to make sure your paper is totally perfect and all your citations are good to go or reach out to me for help!
Downcity Library:
111 Dorrance Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Harborside Library:
321 Harborside Boulevard Providence, RI 02905