Greetings! I'm honored to be your personal librarian for ADVC1011! I can help you find information for your your assignments such as market research and business and financial information , or answer any other question.
I share office hours with an awesome team of librarians, so if you'd like some one-on-one help click here to book an appointment or let me know a time that works for you. We're here for you!
Jenny Castel | | 401-598-1887
Did you know you can also chat or text with one of our on-duty librarians? It's anonymous, free, and super fast!
Need help searching the databases? Check out our Library Help Docs for step-by-step information.
Or, check out this quick information about MRI+ and SRDS.
For segment narratives collected and analyzed from US Census Bureau and the Neilson Media Study data , check out PRIZM Segment Narratives
SRDS (and Claritas 360, accessible and available within SRDS) is excellent for direct marketing, media planning, and for helping you understand the needs and behaviors of your target segment.
SRDS cannot tell you who your target audience is (go to MRI+ for that).
You have to know who you are looking for.
Claritas 360 can help you find the consumer behaviors of your market, the demographics of your market, and where they are located or if there is an opportunity in a specific location based on consumer and segment behavior data.
**Tech Tip: SRDS and the Claritas 360 platform do not work well in Safari. If possible, use Firefox or Chrome**
If you use the library's databases for your research, you can copy and paste pre-generated citations - look out for the option as it may appear differently in each interface but is generally represented by an icon of quotation marks.
If you need to cite a resource not located in a database, I recommend using the OWL as a reference. Alternatively, reach out to me for help with citations!
Downcity Library:
111 Dorrance Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Harborside Library:
321 Harborside Boulevard Providence, RI 02905