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business practices
US trade relationships
and other important information
Global Road Warrior
Note: You will have limited access to financial data from companies that are not publicly traded.
Business Insights Global (Gale)
Note: You can also find limited company data in Statista and IBISWorld (see "Industry Information" tab)
Try the databases listed below for
industry forecasts and outlooks
up to date and recent developments and performance
supply chain information
operating conditions, revenues, and ratios
International Business Times (US Edition)
"A PESTEL analysis is an acronym for a tool used to identify the macro (external) forces facing an organization. The letters stand for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal."*
*from the Oxford College of Marketing blog
Small Business Administration (
"A PESTEL analysis is an acronym for a tool used to identify the macro (external) forces facing an organization. The letters stand for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal."*
*from the Oxford College of Marketing blog
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