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Embedded LibGuides by Jenny

Library Research, Resources, and Help

Welcome. We are so happy to serve as your library liaisons! 

Think of us as your research partners...We can assist you with finding articles on company or industry research. Visit our homepage to learn more.

If you ever want to meet with us for specialized research assistance, you can schedule a research appointment.

JWU librarians are available for research appointments in-person, over the phone, and online. We would be more than happy to help you! 

Looking for immediate research assistance? Chat or Text us! 



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Brand Catalyst

  • "Predictive consumer segmentation and brand strategy tool": find out info about how likely a consumer is to purchase a brand, or engage in a behavior
  • Who is the consumer for a brand: what other brands do they like, what do they believe in/what's important to them
  • Helps to define brand identity
  • If you are familiar with MRI+, Brand Catalyst is the "new" MRI+.

Please view the following tutorial to learn how to navigate Brand Catalyst (accessed through Simmons Insights)



Global Road Warrior

  • Information on 175 countries & their cultures! 
  • Country geo stats & facts, money & banking, business culture with advice for businesswomen, travel documents, points of interest, plus photos and maps.
  • TIP: Global Road Warrior does not work with Internet Explorer.


Census Data

  • find demographic data for neighborhoods, cities, and towns in the US! 




  • industry research for over 700 US industries

  • research on hundreds of international industries

  • Watch the video below for a quick tutorial on how to navigate and access global industry data and reports

First Research 

  • 80+ in-depth industry profiles and 900 smaller industry segments. 
  • Overview of business challenges, trends, industry opportunities.
  • NOTE: You must click through 3 pages (2 "Continue" and 1 "Submit" page) before reaching the "Search for Industry and Geographic Profiles" main page.

 Find company information such as financials, SWOT analyses, profiles, and more...


JWU library has two style guides: 

MLA Style Guide

APA Style Guide

However, if you need more in depth guidance on formatting go to the Purdue OWL

Need to talk to someone and seek guidance in real time?

  • If you are an online student, you can go to the online writing center for information about how to contact a writing coach. 
  • If you are a PVD campus student you can schedule an appointment with the writing coach through jwulink.