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Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition)
You can also find popular sources in Academic Search Complete (Pro Tip: library database, don't forget to refine by "magazine" or "newspaper")
Pro Tip: Look for "search within this publication"
For this assignment, each team will present to the class a Case Study of the character and mental health disorder you selected. But first put this “disorder” into a broader context, looking at the “macro” (the number of people in the U.S. who suffer from this disorder; the reported demographics and statistics, symptoms, or “range” of this disorder; etc.). Then focus on the “micro” by doing an actual Case Study of the film character with that disorder (following Prof. Mosko’s requirements – see “Guidelines for Case Study Presentation” document on ulearn).
This presentation should be 30 minutes in length, with 10 to 15 viable research sources, including sources from the JWU databases and the DMS-5.
How to Read a Scholarly/Academic Article
Often, the contents of an academic article cannot be grasped by a single reading.
You have to engage with it several times, but in different ways.
To cite the DSM-5: https://guides.library.ualberta.ca/apa-citation-style/dsm-v
The JWU Library has an APA style guide: https://pvd.library.jwu.edu/apa_manual
Ask a librarian if you need help!
Each group has been provided with a sample research question and keywords and a sample scholarly article or original research article.
Skim headings of the article (ex. Introduction, Literature review)
Identify a claim or research question (Hint: look in Abstract!)
Identify the findings (Hint: Look in discussion/conclusion)
Find one quote from an older article mentioned in the introduction or literature review
(If there is one) Methodology: Identify a group studied
Share out to the rest of the class
Downcity Library:
111 Dorrance Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Harborside Library:
321 Harborside Boulevard Providence, RI 02905